Realistic Clouds

Posted By: Marky Mark

Realistic Clouds - 11/11/05 03:55


I'm working on a storm chasing game and I had to make realistic clouds. I got a lot of help from users of this forum. It is very appreciated. Now i'm giving the cloud script. It will be usefull for everyone in this community.

Download Here

You can improve the script, if you improve it, just send it back to me, I'll update the version!

Good Luck!
Posted By: Inestical

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/11/05 08:56

umm.. some screens?

Can't really test it tho :/

(you made the main char from whom?)
Posted By: ello

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/11/05 09:18

yep, a screen would be nice, since what i see are some dancing smokes. i assigned the cloudmakerfunction to a model and the functions to another
Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/11/05 23:00

Some screens:

If you want to know where the code comes from, just take a look at this post:
Posted By: Jefis

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/12/05 00:08

Sorry, but they don't look realistic to me
Posted By: Ithicus

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/12/05 01:03

They look pretty good to me. They obviously arent perfect, buts not too bad. The problem is they are too low to the ground in those screens.

Thanks for the contribute.

Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/12/05 01:46

Ok I know they aren't perfect, but this is why I said "email me if you improve the script"

Edit: Oh and... this is an example.. you can make the cloud looks much better with different sprites, and different group of sprite.. In the example, I have only 2 sprites group.. A light one, and a dark one.
Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/12/05 01:54


They look pretty good to me. They obviously arent perfect, buts not too bad. The problem is they are too low to the ground in those screens.

Thanks for the contribute.


Yeah maybe they are too low for simple adventure, racing or FPS game, but in the example, this is an EXPERIMENTAL cumulonimbus, a storm cloud. Just take a look on some storm chasing sites, and you'll see that there is a lot of storm clouds that are very low from the ground.
Posted By: Steempipe

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/12/05 02:30

All in all they are not bad, thanks.
Posted By: Tozzy

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/12/05 17:26

2nd shot is better. They are pretty good . They do the job . Better than a overstretched pixelated texture slapped onto a skycube .
Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/13/05 03:34

Thank you
Posted By: Lion_Ts

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/13/05 05:41

Thank you, Marky Mark.
I maked my clouds as sprites before, going to try your code.
Posted By: Nadester

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/14/05 21:05

Thank you! I think they could look pretty impressive with a more detailed sprite, but the script it self looks good.
Posted By: jweb

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/15/05 14:32

great pics, but we can i use the code with the 2 models ???
or must i use a other model (invisibell)


Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/15/05 19:12

in my example, I have a model for particle type of clouds, and the other for the transparent model. I will be more specific tonight, i'm at school.
Posted By: Guardian

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/15/05 19:48

The code dose not work for me, could you make a compiled level for us?

I know I would appreciate it.

Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/15/05 20:46

Sure! I'll do it tonight.. I will update the first post
Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/15/05 22:33

Okay Here's the new one...

- The cloud script was not the good one! Shame on me!
- A test level is joined in the file

Download Here (4.7 MO)
Posted By: Guardian

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/16/05 04:37

Hey Marky Mark, this is pretty nice. I ran the level and had one nice fluffy white cloud "the particle cloud". And one near black cloud the "model cloud" I don't understand why it looks that way but the other cloud is great.

I added another model of my own about twice the size of your original "particle cloud" model and was still getting about 50-60 fps of fluffy clouds. Very nice I'll work with it some more; thanks allot for the contribution.

Very cool.

Posted By: jweb

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/16/05 18:39

hi Marky Mark
thanks for your Update. I will test it.

Thanks for your work

Posted By: Guardian

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/16/05 18:52

Hi guys, I played with the cloud sprites and code a bit here's a shot of the cloud I put together. Here is a link to the altered code and sprites.

File size is about 189 kb very small includes some models, sprites, and eddited code, and one code fix.

I tried to add back some of the movement to the clouds so some of the code can be removed as it didn't work as I wanted.

I think it might be better anyway to try to move the clouds individually and script some kind of flocking ai for more real cloud movement without loss of fps.

Cool stuff thanks Marky Mark.

Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/16/05 22:05

thank you for your comments. Its hard to get a lot of fps with the "particle clouds". Try changing my.size, wich is the size of the sprite.
Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/16/05 22:13

@Guardian: nice cloud, but i'm getting like under 2 fps....
Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/16/05 22:14

Btw, the "model" cloud gets transparent, and he's not affected by the sunlights or other lights, to keep his color.
Posted By: Guardian

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/17/05 01:37

Hi Marky Mark, yes the model I made was overkill (file size/faces) but on my system is still getting 30 fps. I added a third or middle sprite to the code which if turned off should increase fps. The model itseft could have half as many cubes and look the same. I still don't know what I'm doing yet . As for sprite color I colored the sprites themselves in the screen shot.

I also added randomness to sprite size which I think looks nice.

Thanks again for the code and exaple level, this is fun stuff.


PS: I also turned off the standard background horizon.pcx not sure if this helps with fps.

Edit: Ok I found an error in what I uploaded the code my.skill1 = 0; should be commented out. That should return frame rate to correct levels. I'll update my zip file.

Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/17/05 05:26

Ok im getting some more FPS... but yeah it's my computer.. buying more RAM will certainly help
Posted By: jumpman

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/17/05 21:12

Since the game is all about storm chasing, then imo I'd rather have the clouds cause the FPS problem instead of say the player models, or even the landscape (wierd preference, I know).

Ive tried to do a much simpler code with moving clouds, and from that result you can get either

1. AWSOME looking clouds, horrible framerate. With these clouds using several sprites to comprise the clouds.


2. HORRIBLE looking clouds, awsome framerate

The only problem you have is something that is generally a problem altogether, and thats lots of transparent sprites in front and behind each other (overdraw).
Posted By: Daedelus

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/17/05 21:46

This effect is very nice but there is definitely noticeable frame loss in camera view.
It might be a big drawback on a "pos" system such as mine if multiple clouds are placed in the level or if its used in large outdoor levels.
Right now, I just use a secondary skycube layer for moving clouds with nearly 0 frame loss. (poorman's clouds)
Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/18/05 00:55

Yeah, but in a storm chasing game, I want to have 3d clouds, not only a layer on the sky.

About the jumpman's post, I agree with you, its poor clouds and good fps, or good clouds and poor fps
Posted By: HeelX

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/19/05 18:08

The real problem is that you have to do the whole particle cloud with a less amount of particles now to fit a good FPS. Plus: You need to have managed code. I mean, you need to have a function that organizes the clouds.. so to say doing LOD and removing/adding new clouds.

Perhaps you should go the way bupaje told in the other thread. I think, the Microsoft guys created an own speedy cloud-engine.. or something. I disagree with bupaje that when you are doing those "blops" that you need high poly amount, because clouds are always a bit farther away Or you do your clouds out from so called "cloud shapes/forms".
Posted By: Guardian

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/19/05 20:22

Yes this is exactly what needs to be done next. As there is no reason to draw the back half of clouds with a single player camera. And level design would also likely help. I was trying some of this myself but had other problems with the code at the time. These clouds are cube shapes that can be fairly low poly under 300 verts and still keep a nice shape. The things you mention Heelx should make this system very usable.

Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 11/22/05 04:19

I agree, but dont know how to make those code management with LOD..
Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 06/02/06 14:20


I'm just posting to say that I'd like to work again on those clouds. I'll try a new way tonight, using models.

Guardian, did you tried some other things?
Posted By: Aaron

Re: Realistic Clouds - 06/03/06 04:33

Is their any other place to download this file? I get error's clicking on the link and it's in german and I can't understand the error message.
Thanks for your time. AND P.S good work I like the pic's showen on the 1st page it look's great, I really need to master cloud's and weather type aspect of the game, I can't do any cloud's or make weather script's.
Posted By: LordRathan

Re: Realistic Clouds - 06/03/06 05:29

It looks like french to me and it means, that the file is no longer available.
Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 06/08/06 14:57

I'll upload a new soon. I hope for some news!
Posted By: Marky Mark

Re: Realistic Clouds - 06/08/06 14:59

ok, the link supposed to work ... Click here
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