test models0

Posted By: testDummy

test models0 - 12/24/05 09:44

A user has requested a test dummy model mentioned in another thread, so in the unlikely event that other users want test dummies, here is a thread for test model contributions. If you also have a test model you'd like to share with the community, feel free to use this thread to do so.

Typically, test dummies created by me, are potentially suitable for testing, but because I am unskilled at modeling, skinning and animating models, such models are inferior in quality and not appropriate for commercial use. There are many variations of test dummy, none of particular good or "commercial" quality. Most have extremely low face counts, as the first test dummy was a practice exercise in creating a rough figure with very few faces. For animation purposes, a figure should have more resolution at its joints than the common test dummy has. The skin arrangement of most of the models is quite poor, with much wasted space and a fair amount of "warping". As I have already mentioned, I am not a skilled animator, so the animation of the models is also quite poor. Note that most of the variations do not have real fingers. While the lack of real digits may keep the face count down, and in some cases, speed up the production of animations, it is not considered to be a good compromise.

testdummyM1 (melee 1), the first contribution in this thread, is an early melee test dummy.
license: free
faces: 254
sword faces: 24
frames: 274
skin size: 256x256
skins: 1
standA(1 frame), standB(idle stand), walkA, strafeA, runA, crouchA, crouchWalkA, throwA, jumpA, shimmyA, pullupA, swimI(swim idle), swimA(swim surface), swimB(swim deep), stabC, chopB, unnamed frame(crouch Stab), unnamed frame(crouch Slash), hackA, stabA(stab forward), parryA, stabB(stab behind), slashR(slash right), slashL(slash left), stabR(stab right), stabL(stab left), painA, painB, painC, painD, dieA, dieB, dieC(1 frame, floating in water), dieD(1 frame, floating in water)
The sword and the figure are combined in one model. If desired, the sword can be separated from the model.
I do not really have a designated host for my "immediate" free contributions, so this file is only hosted temporarily.

Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: test models0 - 12/24/05 11:04

Thanks for the new version of your Test dummy!

I have mirrored it on my blog.

Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: test models0 - 12/24/05 13:14

I like its animations! Thanks! And its shape would fit in an animation film of Tim Burton!

Don't ya wanna make sort of a survival game of testdummies?
Posted By: Jamie_Lynn

Re: test models0 - 12/24/05 14:37

I've always liked the look of your test dummy. He is a little haunting and mesmerizing. Yes - a Tim Burton film for sure.
Posted By: Thomas_Nitschke

Re: test models0 - 12/24/05 17:25

Hey this is just what I needed! I'm currently doing some test on bones animation but I'm a rather bad modeler so that just fits
Thank you and have a Merry Christmas!
Posted By: sempronius

Re: test models0 - 12/25/05 00:04

thanks... having some fun with the dummy... it's great having a lot of animation options to pick from
Posted By: Mondivirtuali

Re: test models0 - 12/25/05 08:22

I have not modelling skill at all: may I modified the model in a zombie fashion? I'll give ypy credit.
Posted By: testDummy

Re: test models0 - 12/30/05 21:19

It would seem that some of you are rather kind. I did not expect that. Thank you.

I submitted this in another thread in an attempt to meet a user request. The user may or may not have wanted it and it is by no means a complete version and/or without faults. I consider it to be somewhat inappropriate combination. I'd thought I'd try to be consistent by dumping and lumping some submissions together anyway. Maybe there is a slight chance someone can use this.

testDummyGM0-(gun-melee zero minus test dummy; never tested in engine)
license: free
sword in right hand, gun in left
face count: 430 (including sword and pistol)
skin size: 256x256
frame count: 338
standA(1 frame), standB(stand idle), walkA, strafeA, runA, crouchA, crouchWalkA, cowerA(please don't hit me again), jumpA, shimmyA, pullupA, hackA, stabA(stab forward), parryA, stabB(stab backward), slashR(slash right), slashL(slash left-misses), stabR(stab right), stabL(stab left), stabC(standing to crouch stab), chopA(standing to crouch chop), crouchStabA(crouch stab forward), crouchSlashL(crouch slash left), throwA(looks like gun wallop), swimI(swim idle), swimA(swim shallow), swimB(swim deep), painA, painB, painC, painD, dieA, dieB, dieC(1 frame, floating in water), dieD(1 frame, floating in water), ("G" denotes aim with gun frames) standG, walkG, strafeG, runG, crouchG, crouchWalkG, punchA(punch with sword hand), shootA

relevant comparision (template++, "G" denotes aim with gun frames):
stand = standA or standG
walk = walkA or walkG
run = runA or runG
duck = crouchA or crouchG
crawl = crouchWalkA or crouchWalkG
jump = jumpA
swim = swimB
attack = shootA
death = dieA or dieB

All the submissions made me, labeled as "license:free" can be used in any manner desired without credit or payment. You may alter/modify and/or even attempt to sell (not that anyone would pay for them) such submissions and will receive no opposition from me. Credit is not required, but if given, it will be taken as a sign of appreciation and will likewise be appreciated. (It is no small task to make a test dummy look like a zombie. If you can do this, I'd definitely like to see a screenshot, but there is no requirement that you provide one.)

Note: slashL (slash left) in testDummyM1 and testDummyGM0 (but not in testDummyM0) may be too high to consistently make contact with another test dummy at the main extended contact point of the sword swing. In other words, through the swing the sword may make contact, but at the peak of the swing, the sword may not make contact because the dummy aims too high. The slashL and slashR animations were modified from testDummyM0 to testDummyM1 to ultimately provide for more interesting combat by allowing counter moves. Supposedly, the crouch attacks were intended as counters to the high slash attacks. There is no jump attack, but ideally a jump (not a jump attack) would not expend endurance and would allow a dummy to avoid some crouch attacks, which cost endurance. Likewise with strafe as defense against chop, hack and stab attacks.
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