Cheerleader Model

Posted By: Anonymous

Cheerleader Model - 02/08/06 18:27

Hi, I was testing out Blender for modelling with 3DGS instead of MED since ventilator made the export script for it. Click here to download the cheerleader model I made with Blender, animate it at about 11 fps: it has 40 animations frames and the advantages with Blender over MED I found were: 6 different types of UV mapping (spherical, cubic, window, etc.), dynamic zoom/pan on the uv texture, size/rotate/move UVs with keyboard shortcuts much faster and more accurately, create groups of selected vertices, blend vertex animations, create faces/vertices, 64 undo levels, more accurate rotation/movement/size changes, ability to reduce or increase polygon count automatically (decimate/subsurf), and plenty of other features! I purposely made this model with very few polygons to enhance the animation smoothness.

and I did model the body structure from primitives. But I spent about 6 hours making this.
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/08/06 22:21

Is this a joke? why would you post this hideous pic.. that's among the ugliest things I've ever seen...the rainbown gradation is icing on the cake.
Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/08/06 22:26

Posted By: Nardulus

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/08/06 22:45


Did you say the Cheerleader fell into a Blender.

Posted By: light_mystic

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/08/06 23:10

Professional. Looking good. Best work I have ever seen.


Wing. On a side note maybe you should buy a modeling tutor and spend 6 hours on how improve instead of wasting 6 hours for this?

You would have known people are going to say what they are saying. I can say one thing I hate to meet this cheerleader on a blind date.

Posted By: laethyn

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/08/06 23:38

If it's the first time using Blender, it's really not THAT bad. Sure, it's ugly, but for 6 hours of messing around with a program for the first time...
Posted By: ventilator

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 00:10

why are the 6 hours wasted if he made this model to find out what advantages blender has over med? ...buying a modeling tutor!? <edit>ah! you sell tutorials. nice marketing...</edit>

@wing: don't let yourself get discouraged. did you only use vertex animation? i don't even know how this works in blender. have you tried to use bones already? with them animation is much easier once the model is rigged. you can also use a lot more polygons (for example to define the face a bit better) nowadays even if your target are quite old computers. better don't use automatic mesh reduction since it messes up the topology.
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 00:29

I agree with ventilator. She is an ugly sucker but for a first time using blender its not that bad ... The skin could use alot of work.

but i coulda told ya blender has way more advantages over med from the start

Just keep at it youll get better and I know its nice to hear encouraging words from others about your work but take it from me. They dont mean a thing.
Its all what you think of it and if you think your progressing.

Take a look back at some of my older post and my first models and how i gradually came along I dont care what anyone says I know im getting better and for the time ive acctually put in to it im very proud of myself

So keep sharing your models Sumone may find a use for it ya never know and cant no one complain about the price
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 00:41

Thanks ventilator,
I did use vertex animation and that was my goal: to see how the animation would work and that's why it has 40 animation frames, I wasn't trying to make it look extremely realistic, but now I can have a group of them without a big drop in the framerate since it is so low in the polygon count. And I didn't have to export and append every frame, just export the model animation directly.

Thanks FeiHongJr.

I will remember not to waste your guys' time light_mystic, Matt_Aufderheide and Nardulus in the future, and just put my models in my games for the 35 people/day who go to my website instead of posting them on this forum. And following your guys' examples, maybe I should start learning how to market and sell stuff too?

Well if I'm making such an atrocious thing in 6 hours, I guess I should be making at least 1 high quality model a day which means at least hundreds if I've just been making games for a couple years. Let me jump over to Matt_Aufderheide's Sphere 3DGS plugin site and get some inspiration.......looks like soft shadows and reflections, nice. Light_mystic's site.......hmmm it costs hundreds of dollars for tutorials, levels and models but very nice animated web buttons. Nardulus'.....Wow, now here's some nice screenshots it looks this big gaming company can make some models, is there hundreds of them? Only the people who buy those games would know....Those Disney Print Studio games really look like they might be good.... But I'm sure all my games are trash or in the negatives compared to those right since they probably fell in a Blender like that 40 frames of animation judging by how much work each person can do.
Posted By: CBuilder2

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 01:22


You would have known people are going to say what they are saying. I can say one thing I hate to meet this cheerleader on a blind date.



Perhaps, you would like to meet the girl in the yellow one piece below instead?

Posted By: light_mystic

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 01:34

Posted By: BlueBeast

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 02:16

WING: Your dedication to learn modeling is awesome. But in the future if it tuns out that you are not able to model well, At least you'll be very proficient in animating models, which is more than a lot of people are, and you can just get models done by other people.

You also mentioned that you made this using primatives, and that's why it's not so realistic. You'll find that using a background picture and creating a humanoid vertice by vertice is always a better way, although you'll spend a great deal longer than 6 hours to create it.

And now my usual tirade...


You would have known people are going to say what they are saying.


NOONE should expect that posting in User Contributions, Showcases or any other forums here. ESPECIALLY if they read the forum rules. It's been a while since anyone has bashed someone's work so badly, so maybe people are antsy.

But where the hell are the moderators? It's been a while since anyone got a good week's banning, and I think people are taking full advantage of the lack of moderators with any guts to uphold the rules. Especially when such a disgusting and childish display is allowed to escalate this way.

It's high time people are reminded we're not on a middle school playgound, but supposedly in a forum where professional conduct is adhered to. But you couldn't tell it reading this thread. What a great example fo future customers to read when deciding what engine to use.

Posted By: draculaFactory

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 02:21

Matt_Aufderheide: ROFLOL!

OMG! You guys are killing me here, that was mean, but I'm laughing anyhow...
Posted By: Nardulus

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 03:16

Wing, I am sorry if you took offense to my Joke.

Not sure what you meant about me or my company


Well if I'm making such an atrocious thing in 6 hours, I guess I should be making at least 1 high quality model a day which means at least hundreds if I've just been making games for a couple years. Let me jump over to Matt_Aufderheide's Sphere 3DGS plugin site and get some inspiration.......looks like soft shadows and reflections, nice. Light_mystic's site.......hmmm it costs hundreds of dollars for tutorials, levels and models but very nice animated web buttons. Nardulus'.....Wow, now here's some nice screenshots it looks this big gaming company can make some models, is there hundreds of them? Only the people who buy those games would know....Those Disney Print Studio games really look like they might be good.... But I'm sure all my games are trash or in the negatives compared to those right since they probably fell in a Blender like that 40 frames of animation judging by how much work each person can do.

Other than being a creepy whiny rant.

To all the other do gooders, light'n the heck up.

Ban Me, if you wish.

I will be having nightmares about the ghoul Cheerleader.

Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 03:32

Hey we all have to start somewhere.

WING: I think you should look into subDivision modeling, its a lot easier than building primitives. Actually a easy, free SUBD modeler exists called "Wings" (should be easy for you to remember) wings

If you like to build up primitives though than NURBS modeling is the way to go.Both methods I described are easy and fast. You will be a pro in no time.

Anyway, nobody here is exactly a Renoir or Matisse, that is a certainty.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 03:36

Why would offer your girlfriend out for a date like that???? Or is that a picture of your average Steelers fan??

Posted By: draculaFactory

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 05:11

Shameful... Also, very funny!
Posted By: Nadester

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 05:29

Yeah, this isn't showcase guys, shut your mouths if you're not going to be constructive.

(Pointed at no particular individual, but you should know who you are if you said something offensive). Take this as a warning, we don't tolerate offensive comments/bashing of other forum members. Getting out of hand like this gives the forum as a whole and Conitec a bad image.
Posted By: Matt_Aufderheide

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 06:17

That whole "constructive criticism" business is not always constructive. Sometimes something bad is bad.. simple. Anyone who posts a pic like this should simply give up trying to make artwork. Not everyone has an aesthetic sense or artistic aptitude. Maybe they shouldn't waste their time. It's not shameful to be bad at art. I dont try to be a mathematician, a jet fighter pilot, or a doctor. I would suck at it.
Posted By: draculaFactory

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 06:19

Yea Nardulus, Nade means you! You are such a mean, aweful person! You mean and nasty! Bad! ::smack:: (also... very funny.) Great job on the model.
Posted By: FeiHongJr

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 06:39


I will be having nightmares about the ghoul Cheerleader.

LMAO that was hillarious im still laughing.

Wing keep at it. I wouldnt worry as long as your having fun doing it theres no harm
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 06:43


Yeah, this isn't showcase guys, shut your mouths if you're not going to be constructive.

(Pointed at no particular individual, but you should know who you are if you said something offensive). Take this as a warning, we don't tolerate offensive comments/bashing of other forum members. Getting out of hand like this gives the forum as a whole and Conitec a bad image.

What sould we do, it is Simply bad, and theres no point of hiding it. Should we all lie and tell him that this is the best model we've ever seen? or tell the truth?
Most have decided for the truth, and the truth is simply and plain:
It's the ugliest thing i've ever seen and i have blocked the picture in prevenition to Eye Cancer.
Posted By: laethyn

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 06:45


That whole "constructive criticism" business is not always constructive. Sometimes something bad is bad.. simple. Anyone who posts a pic like this should simply give up trying to make artwork

You are certainly right. The alternative to constructive criticism is destructive criticism. Which gets people no where, except in a whole heaping pile of mess and needless nasty discussions.

As far as giving up, that's why we practice. That's what learning is all about. When you were learning to type, I'm sure you didn't jump right in at 70 wpm. Perhaps you should have given up? It's about learning, practice, and improving.

You don't get anywhere if you try something once and give up when it doesn't work out.
Posted By: Daedelus

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 07:30

Brilliant! This would make a hell of a Valentine's day card. Turns on printer..

Is the model "good"? No, but thats ok.
I do agree with Laethyn, keep practicing and just have some fun.
Maybe as you progress, you could post your pics in Morbius so the resident modellers here can offer some advice to help you improve a little.
Don't quit- You might be dangerous when your modelling skill catches up with some of your scripting.
Posted By: capanno

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 13:28

All these guys can have a nice cup of STFU. Keep moddeling WING. Practice and you'll get better.
Posted By: BlueBeast

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 15:05

For those who REALLY don't know what to do when a model is bad,

1. Post nothing and move on - I know it's hard for the immature to pass up an opportunity to pick on other's work, but try and restrain yourselves. If you think publishers and people from other game engines don't see how you're acting, you're going to wonder someday why noone will take a chance with you.

2. Indeed say you don't like the model if you don't, and then say WHY. - Anything more is unenecessary and childish.


That whole "constructive criticism" business is not always constructive. Sometimes something bad is bad.. simple. Anyone who posts a pic like this should simply give up trying to make artwork. Not everyone has an aesthetic sense or artistic aptitude. Maybe they shouldn't waste their time.

Oh yea, You'll make a great father someday when you see what kids bring home. If you can't post constuctive criticism, don't. In fact, if you can't, that means you don't have the necessary skills to judge others work if you don't even know how to do a better job at it!

How the heck can you see a persons first try at something, and judge their entire atistic future on that? You can't. And we all know human models are about the hardest of all.

It's like listening to a bunch of children saying 'What did we do wrong?' If you don't know why you replies are unacceptable and childish, then you shouldn't be replying to posts in the first place.

You look dumb enough making such comments, but look twice as stupid when you got to ask why!
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 15:32

Don't know wether it is said before:

To be at the save side to get the right proportions, place a texture background of a front view of a cheerleader of a well chosen picture, before you start modelling.

To be at the safe side of skinning, take a only frontview of the face for the skin, all others are not worth the effort.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 15:50


...and just put my models in my games for the 35 people/day who go to my website.

Don't feel discouraged. You might know more about Blender than I know. But your website statistic does not mean that there are 35 people visiting your page. Almost every private website has about 30 visitors a day. That are probably only a few web bots from search engines and spammers that try to collect infos like weblinks or email addresses.
Posted By: DCorwin

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 17:37

Look at the fervor of responses this has generated. That's his genius, like a true artist that outrages and shocks, he's famous now. Move over Andy Warhol.
Posted By: A.Russell

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 17:39

Damn, I was expecting to see something sexy.

It looks funny, like one of those puppets from Spitting Image.

I don't think it was really something you wanted to post as an example of how well you can model in Blender, though. Post someone elses model!

BTW, it takes me about 40 hours to make even a non-organic model. That you could make any sort of animated character model in six hours is pretty good. That aside, thank for telling us about Blender. Since Ventilator has made an exporter for it, it is time to take another look.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 17:52


That whole "constructive criticism" business is not always constructive. Sometimes something bad is bad.. simple. Anyone who posts a pic like this should simply give up trying to make artwork. Not everyone has an aesthetic sense or artistic aptitude. Maybe they shouldn't waste their time. It's not shameful to be bad at art. I dont try to be a mathematician, a jet fighter pilot, or a doctor. I would suck at it.

I agree, with one minor difference ... that is, with a lot of practise you could easily become way way wáy better at modeling Wing.

I think your basic approach was kinda wrong, the primitives to start with, and you should have kept a reference picture nearby to keep track of proportions, shapes and details and should have added more polygons... Try to go by the advice of some of the other posters and search for tutorials, I'm sure you could do better than this, and as it's not forbidden to be honest, I hereby have said it's bad.. If you don't agree, then it probably has got something to do with my spoiled model taste, especially when it comes to women in cheerleader outfits ...

Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 18:12


I agree, with one minor difference ... that is, with a lot of practise you could easily become way way wáy better at modeling Wing.

I think anyone can get good at drawing, but it takes a brain shift. One hemisphere of your brain is good at logic and one hemisphere is good at abstract. You just need to see like an artist, look for the spaces in between the lines...instead of looking at what something is, you need to just see it. Instead of letting your mind logically decide that the object is a "cheerleader", you need to see it instead as a series of shapes and colors. Anybody can learn, you just need to shift brain lobes

Make sense? I didnt think so...


I think your basic approach was kinda wrong, the primitives to start with, and you should have kept a reference picture nearby to keep track of proportions

Yep. In blednder you can actually import an image in there and trace around it, someone should make a tutorial.
Posted By: Rhuarc

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 19:18


Nardulus'.....Wow, now here's some nice screenshots it looks this big gaming company can make some models, is there hundreds of them? Only the people who buy those games would know....Those Disney Print Studio games really look like they might be good.... But I'm sure all my games are trash or in the negatives compared to those right since they probably fell in a Blender like that 40 frames of animation judging by how much work each person can do.

I think you're reading into that just a little too much, he said that about one model, not everything you make. And I think his comment was quite honest. The model does not look good at all, but- it is a first attempt with new software, so there will obviously be a lot of room to improve.

It's best to learn to take criticism positively, even if it is negative criticism. Either ignore it, or use it to get better. You'll benefit by not being overly attached to your work, being open to criticism of it, and being able to admit when it your work simply isn't good.

Aaaannnnd... by your response to this we'll see if you actually take my advice .


And by the way.... Nardulus is a XBOX, GBA and DS licensed developer. I would take his comments seriously .
Posted By: laethyn

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 19:41

There's a difference between giving criticism, and being plain old mean. Licensed developer or not, there is such a thing as tact.

If I say someone is an a-hole, that's one thing. If I say I'm not very fond of them, then that's something else entirely. They mean the same, essentially, but I've used a little tact.

Yes, one must learn to take criticism, however "that sucks" is not criticism. It's a put down.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: Cheerleader Model - 02/09/06 20:23

Are you the author or just a fan site?
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