
Posted By: George

Aum63 - 03/31/07 07:52

Dear friends,

The new magazine is ready. Get it from here: Aum63

Have a nice day.
Posted By: frazzle

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 07:57

Nice as always George
Thxn for your great effort !!


Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 08:38

Yay thank you George
Posted By: nfs42

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 08:38

Nice,I have to look into this minigolf game .
Added to AUM Online & Search on my website.
Posted By: Scorpion

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 09:19

YIPPEY...a new aum

but george, by the answer to
How can I get a slider to use absolute values such as 1, 2, 3, 4 instead of 1.1 1.2 ... etc?

you could make the script easier with:
function slider_startup()
while (1)
while (mouse_left) {wait (1);} // wait until the player releases the left mouse button
resolution=int(resolution+0.5);//just an easy round-function
wait (1);



Posted By: George

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 09:33

Sure, that would work fine as well.
Posted By: BlueBeast

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 09:35

Yea.... I'm not really pleased about that whole MiniGolf game and the 'Become rich and famous' thing...

I've been working on a minigolf game for a while now... now here comes all the competition sheeesh
Posted By: George

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 09:44

Sorry to hear about that. Well, my game was created in 2 days, so you should have a good start ahead.
Posted By: Thracian

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 11:35

Thanks for the new AUM. Great as always i think.
Posted By: aztec

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 16:21

allways amazing work
Posted By: PrenceOfDarkness

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 16:23

I'm at work right now but the second I get home I know I wont be disappointed
Posted By: Nowherebrain

Re: Aum63 - 03/31/07 18:45

Nifty, thanks George.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Aum63 - 04/01/07 18:15

Nice magazine and thanks again George, keep up the good work.

Posted By: Trooper119

Re: Aum63 - 04/03/07 02:55

Once again George, an excelent piece of work, thanks again for all of your hard work.
Posted By: Inestical

Re: Aum63 - 04/27/07 05:43

Thanks for the new one (omg, is there already AUM64 out?)

It's always breathtaking to see shots out of Lived ;P
Mostly because of two things: detail and used engine..

It clearly shows what you CAN do with this damn engine, when you really put yourself into it.
Posted By: Dragon6261

Re: Aum63 - 04/28/07 12:42

Hey george, nice golf game, tried to add a player model to the club.wmb, but still all i get in view is the club, the player won't show up. I figured as long as it was part of the club.wmb it would, or do i need to define the player seperatly.

Thanks but nevermind, i got it. I had what could only be described as a senior moment.
Posted By: Dragon6261

Re: Aum63 - 05/01/07 18:16

Hey george, me again. Added 3 holes to the golf game and am using them instead of yours. My first hole works fine, hit the ball it travels a little bit and stops then you put it in the hole and move to hole #2. Here's the problem. At hole #2 I barely tap the ball and it goes the length of the whole base(I don't have borders up yet) and it won't stop till it falls of the edge. Any idea why the physics work for the first hole and not the second?
Posted By: George

Re: Aum63 - 05/02/07 22:52

Do you have any problems with my demo? If you didn't change the code at all, it must be a problem with the level geometry.
Posted By: Dragon6261

Re: Aum63 - 05/03/07 11:06

Actually that is when i noticed the problem is with the demo, but i figured the problem out. For each hole i had to re-state the ball physics and now it works fine. In fact thanks to you i should have a whole 18 hole mini-golf game within 2 months. I had one planned but could never get the physics right, so thank you for the jumpstart on my project.
Posted By: George

Re: Aum63 - 05/03/07 19:25

I'm glad to hear that you have managed to solve the problem. Don't forget to show us some shots or a demo of the project when it's finished.
Posted By: Dragon6261

Re: Aum63 - 05/03/07 22:07

will do!! Actually i already have two prelim screenshots at my website

just follow the golf links(no pun intended)
Posted By: Dragon6261

Re: Aum63 - 05/05/07 15:12

Ok George (or anybody) now i need some help
function kick_ball() // moves the ball when the player presses the left mouse button
if (club.invisible) {return;} // don't hit the ball if the club is invisible
while ((joy_3) && (shot_time.x < 1000)) // wait until the player releases the mouse button or the shot power has reached its max was mouse_left
shot_time.x += 50 * time_step; // increase the power of the shot
club.tilt = -shot_time.x / 20; // and tilt the club backwards accordingly
wait (1);
while (joy_3) // wait until the player releases the left mouse button
if (shot_time.x >= 1000) // a max power shot is on its way?
club.tilt = -shot_time.x / 20; // then keep the club in its proper position!
wait (1);
number_of_shots += 1; // increase the number of shots
shot_time.y = 0;
shot_time.z = 0;
vec_rotate (shot_time, club.pan); // rotate shot_time in the direction pointer by the club
phent_addvelcentral (ball, shot_time); // and add a linear velocity to the ball
snd_play (ball_wav, 100, 0); // play the ball impact sound
shot_time = 0; // and then reset the shot power

//function hit_ball()
// while(1)
// {
// if (joy_3 == on)
// {
// kick_ball();
// }
// }

on_mouse_left = kick_ball; // press the left mouse button to strike the ball//

using the above code i can now use joystick(gamepad) button 3 to kick ball but only if mouse left is also clicked. I tried to use function hit ball so that only the joystick or gamepad was used but it won't work. What am i missing? I understand if this is moved to another area as i'm not sure it should be posted here. Thank you in advance for any help!!
Posted By: George

Re: Aum63 - 05/05/07 19:41

You are using "on_mouse_left" to trigger the function - that's the problem.
Posted By: Dragon6261

Re: Aum63 - 05/05/07 22:16

currently yes, but i tried to use the function hit_ball that you see in comments and it wouldn't work. I also tried on_joy3 but it spit back a error.
iI have been able to spin my character and club using the gamepad using joyforce code and if i push the left mouse button my #3 button on my gamepad will do the rest but i can't figure the code so that the #3 button will do everything.
i also tried
if(joy3 == on)
but that also kicked back a error
Posted By: George

Re: Aum63 - 05/06/07 14:00

Triggering function kick_ball that way will make several copies of it run at the same time. On_mouse_left runs the function only once.
Posted By: Dragon6261

Re: Aum63 - 05/06/07 16:29

Ok I got it to work, it was a typo. I should really learn to use spellcheck. Thanks for your help.
Posted By: Gandalf

Re: Aum63 - 05/10/07 15:25

About phent_settype (ball, 0, PH_SPHERE); // disable the physics for this ball for a bit

When you register the physics entity again
phent_settype (ball, PH_RIGID, PH_SPHERE;

You must add again
phent_setmass (ball, 2, PH_SPHERE); // and its mass
phent_setfriction (ball, 60); // set the friction
phent_setdamping (ball, 25, 30); // set the damping
phent_setelasticity (ball, 85, 90); // set the elasticity

Because you lost this datas when you disable the physics
Posted By: Dragon6261

Re: Aum63 - 05/10/07 20:01

Yep that's what i did, it was really noticable when or if you restarted a hole. i'm up to five complete holes now in my game based on this code.
Posted By: Gandalf

Re: Aum63 - 05/10/07 20:27

I can't work with minigolf in this moment. Y must finish my Pushbox and many littles games for my pack games.
Posted By: Kotakide

dumb question!!! - 05/28/07 07:47

Hi George, I have one dumb question about Minigolf on Aum63.
How to add shadow to the ball? and the club?

As always your magazine is very amazing!!!!
Posted By: George

Re: dumb question!!! - 05/28/07 09:34

A simple "my.shadow = on;" instruction in the action or function that is assigned to an entity should do the trick.
Posted By: Kotakide

another dumb question!!! read please..... - 05/28/07 11:05

OK! I got it, thanks a lot George!!!

but I have another silly question!!
How to make the red bar(the power) moves
back and forth, back and forth, back....... while I press the left button.
This make the player have more times to decide how strong the power to kick the ball.

and one more , how to make the ball can move to another level when it touch entity (not defined by height)

I will be pleased if you can answer my question, because I wanna make the minigolf game badly, and seriously. But I don't have much skills on scripting, so You Are The Only Hope!!!

sample script will be very helpfull

Posted By: George

Re: another dumb question!!! read please..... - 05/28/07 21:58

Use sin or cos and total_ticks to make the bar change its size at all times.
Use vec_dist to detect if the ball has come close enough to a certain entity.
Let me know if you have problems with the code and I'll answer your question in the following magazine.
Posted By: Dragon6261

camera problems - 07/12/07 17:42

Ok i need some help.
i have tried to implement a rotating camera in the golf game, i even threw the templates at it but al i get is problems, like the club not dissapearing while the ball is moving or tthe camera suddenly swinging around wild.
All i want is the camera to face the direction of the shot.
Any and all help would be greatly be apprciated.
Thank you.
Posted By: Dragon6261

Re: camera problems - 07/13/07 16:18

Ok I have it somewhat fixed.
I created a player entity, linked his x,y,z to the ball and his pan to the club angle.
i now face in the direction of the shot and travel with the ball.
My only problem now is that when i turn in the direction of the shot, i am no longer behind the ball and club i am now off to the side.
Can anyone tell me what i need to do to stay behind the club and ball?
Please and thank you.
Posted By: George

Re: camera problems - 07/13/07 18:31

Check Aum53's workshop - it describes several cameras.
Posted By: Dragon6261

Re: camera problems - 07/13/07 18:55

That's how i got to where i'm at now, I used your first person camera so that the extra entity i put in was invisible

EDIT I got it(moron that i am), i didn't have my cos the same as my sin.
Posted By: Helghast

Re: Aum63 - 08/05/07 14:30


Yea.... I'm not really pleased about that whole MiniGolf game and the 'Become rich and famous' thing...

I've been working on a minigolf game for a while now... now here comes all the competition sheeesh

not to mention that i have been programming that thing for like a year before he got the project XD


oh well, at least ours uses a REAL physical ball
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