where are the health and mov key vars and how do I acess them

Posted By: Shelley

where are the health and mov key vars and how do I acess them - 03/13/09 23:39

I have asked this on the forum but no reply
the questions I have are where is the health var for both the
player and the enmeny so I can add a difficuilty in my menu and also I want to change the movment keys are again to change them in the menu oh I am useing a6 till a7 is finished

Posted By: George

Re: where are the health and mov key vars and how do I acess them - 03/14/09 07:00

A7 was finished a long time ago; if you plan to use the shooter templates that come with A7 you can find a step by step tutorial here:


If you are using the A6 templates I'm afraid that I can't be of too much help; I didn't touch them in the last few years.
Posted By: Shelley

Re: where are the health and mov key vars and how do I acess them - 03/14/09 18:54

Thanks for the fast reply laugh The new t7 locks up on my computer mad
they said my video card is too old its a 2-3 year old computer
the prior ver of 7 ran ok though and also anything that was built runs on both the old and new a7. the views also break up and to get it to work I have to change the dx to another setting frown this is why I was going with the a6 I may put the older a7 back in that one runs

Posted By: George

Re: where are the health and mov key vars and how do I acess them - 03/16/09 09:25

Sounds like a video card issue indeed. Do you happen to know its model?
Posted By: Shelley

Re: where are the health and mov key vars and how do I acess them - 03/18/09 09:08

It is an ati radeon express 200 series I have an update driver cd coming see if tha fixes it, but I do now that the ati cards for some reason give developers problems
the computer is an HP pavlion with a pent 4 at 320ghz 1 gig ram
I found out where the vars are for the health and the keys Now finish the menu
Posted By: George

Re: where are the health and mov key vars and how do I acess them - 03/18/09 19:22

The cpu is fast and you've got enough ram. The video card is the weak link indeed; let's hope that the updated drivers fix the problem.
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