Do published versions of the games that came with A4 / A5 exist?

Posted By: Toast

Do published versions of the games that came with A4 / A5 exist? - 10/02/10 09:32

Does anyone know if there exist published versions of the old games Adeptus, Mission and Mission 2 which came with A4 and I guess even A5? In addition to that could they be played under Windows XP?

I found one adeptus version on some Asian server but just as my A4 Standard it crashes when trying to install it. I don't know if it would be able to run under Win XP after all though (and yes - I tried the compatibility settings). I managed to get and old PLOING version extracted and at least that one crashes when initialising but I don't know if that could change with an updated A4 version or if it would run when being compiled with A5 (don't know anymore if WDL was deprecated or still supported with A5)...
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