Posted By: 3run

IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/16/10 14:04

Is there any way to make C_MOVE, C_TRACE (and all other functions that uses IGNORE_FLAG2) ignore all other flags too.
For example if I want to make player ignore FLAG1 and FLAG2 while moving:

I know that in A8 there is a (working) c_ignore, so there is no need to add this...
But in A7 (as a patch or something) this will fix problem that most of A7 users have with not working c_ignore.
Or, may be there is a way to fix c_ignore too?! I still do have a bit hope... blush
Posted By: darkinferno

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/16/10 20:05

well am hoping for this feature too, you planned to implement it in A7 and users made project plans with it in mind yet it failed in the final version, i rewrote my code once to implement it and it didnt work, so i had to rewrite code again..

then you guys said it was fixed again so i again rewrote code only to have to rewrite it... soo, i really dont think you should just drop your previous users before simply because you upgrade...
Posted By: the_clown

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/16/10 20:12

Seconded, I'd like to see this feature in A7, too.
Would make some things MUCH easier.
Posted By: 3run

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/16/10 20:40

JCL you can't just leave this like this unfinished!
Posted By: bk9iq

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/16/10 21:25

I second that...
We all would like to see this feature in A7....
Posted By: Liamissimo

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/16/10 21:30

Would be nice, I agree
Posted By: WretchedSid

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/16/10 21:51

JCL already said that there won't be any further A7 updates.
I guess "sucks to be you" sums it pretty much up.
Posted By: Lukas

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/16/10 22:17

Ths was already requested once and that's how the idea for the c_ignore function was born.

You can't add 100 flags to a 32 bit variable (and btw, there are only 8 flags wink ). Also, jcl said that the flags variable is already pretty full, so 8 flags wouldn't fit either.
Posted By: FutureRaptor

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/17/10 02:32

That feature would be nice to have. I might need such in the future. Would be nice to have some new shaders and skyboxes for 3dgs in the future also. Unity 3D has so many of them. JEALOUS!
Posted By: darkinferno

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/17/10 03:38

i dont care about the stupid flags, he can just fix the c_ignore function that was PLANNED for A7, now its just dropped and am sure we all know its an easy fix, even if its just a small update for persons to download using their password and such... the feature was promised, isnt that enough reason for us having it?
Posted By: Progger

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/17/10 05:50

But to have this feature would be really useful because one flag is not so much.With all flags it would be better
Posted By: fogman

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/17/10 07:33

...that was PLANNED for A7, now its just dropped...the feature was promised, isnt that enough...

From forecast:

The list is not complete, and everything is subject to change in priority, or even to removal. So it's a bad idea to rely your game upon future features. Take only into account what's already available in the current version.

It was planned, nothing more, nothing less...
Posted By: jcl

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/17/10 10:15

This forum is about the Future, not the Past - we can obviously not put new features in past engines like A7, A6 etc. But when you need more flexibility for ignoring entities in old versions, here's a suggestion.

Use the group parameter for collision groups, just as in A8. Write your own Ignore function that runs an ent_next loop and sets the FLAG1 of all entities that match the desired groups. Then call the collision function with IGNORE_FLAG1, and afterwards run the loop again and reset FLAG1.

This should not make the collision much slower, and gives you about the same behavior as the c_ignore function that didn't work for A7.
Posted By: darkinferno

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/17/10 14:32

Originally Posted By: fogman
It was planned, nothing more, nothing less...

nothing more? nothing less? Come on now dude, it was MORE than planned, i wouldnt have changed my game plans on some mythical unreleased feature.

It was released and didnt work, it was reported, "fixed" and still didnt work, nothing more, nothing less. ><

AT JCL, i'll look into that work around, the problem with workarounds is that in a huge game such as mine where i use alot of features, i cant always swith to some backup function easily, because chances are its already used for something else [another workaround probably] and would overcomplicate stuff.

i do understand that going forward is the way and looking back to fix old software isnt very logical especially with a new software in development that requires time but if that bugfix can be done quickly [i dont know if it is] then think of this thread as more of a humble patch request, regardless though, my project wont stop because of this but it would make life alot easier.

[thats it for me on the topic]
@threadStarter: Yes this is also obviously the wrong forum, didnt notice before.
Posted By: painkiller

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/17/10 15:25

I submit you guys, but he won't fix it in A7
Posted By: Random

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/18/10 10:33

JCL, I realey know that it would make alot of peapol realey happy if you would fix the IGNORE_FLAG1 - 100.
Not everybody how had A7 has now A8.
Alot of peapol have still A7, thats wy you can`t just stop fixing futures in A7.
Posted By: Petra

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/18/10 10:58

Like this? laugh

function a7_ignore(group1,group2,group3)
  ENTITY* e;
  for(e = ent_next(NULL); e; e=ent_next(e)) {
    if(e->group == group1 || e->group == group2 || e->group == group3) 
      e->flags |= FLAG2;
      e->flags &= ~FLAG2;

Posted By: Deathmaster

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/18/10 21:51

I would find it also very kind of you, if you can mend this thing with the FLAGs. A7 deserves it!
Posted By: 3run

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/18/10 21:57

Not only A7, but all of A7 users and our community deserves this to be added as well as we deserve you to stay behind your word!!
Posted By: sebbi91

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/19/10 22:05

I think it doesn't work in A8 too.
I tried it since Monday but I can't get it working.


action player1()
action player2()


action turret_player1()
//start killing the enemy

Sorry, but I think it must be correct,isn't?
The turrent doesn't ignore player1, he aims him too.

It seems I am not the only one who can't get it working!
Please is there anyone how know how get this working?

Maybe is in "c_ignore" a bug in A7 and A8.

hope someone no something about this.

regards Sebbi

Posted By: Spirit

Re: IGNORE_FLAG1 - IGNORE_FLAG100 [A7 patch] - 12/21/10 05:06

Before this thread is cluttered with too many off topic posts, I'm moving it from the Future forum to the A7 forum. I think the solution to make c_ignore work under A7 is also very interesting for other A7 users.
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