Adept and Office A5

Posted By: JoGa

Adept and Office A5 - 03/08/12 19:20


some people meantioned that they would like to play adeptus again and asked if someone could compile it with A5, some weeks ago.
I'm at home now, over the holidays and there I have a old A5 and A6 licence.

rapidshare zip file

So, here it is: Have fun to play ;-)
(i included the office-levelt, too. Just for fun)

have fun and kill some evil scorpions!
Posted By: Toast

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/09/12 00:17

Thanks a lot! laugh
Posted By: 3run

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/09/12 08:25

I never played them before, but I have to say that I loved adeptus!!
Posted By: HeelX

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/10/12 12:46

Thank you very much! But is the game really ended when you reach the teleport? But nevertheless, I liked it!
Posted By: JoGa

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/10/12 13:12

No problem laugh

Yes, I think it's over there, where you place the items on the ground and get the magic :-(
Time to make adeptus 3 grin
Posted By: Error014

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/11/12 15:56

Thanks, that was a neat rush of nostalgia!

Adeptus, all bugs aside (scorpions tended to "cluster together" for me, and were only rarely found outside of walls) was still pretty impressive, all things considered. I remember not getting it to work all those years ago, and for some palette-related error, I only could fly through the levels in wrong colors.

And it was still impressive, dammit!

Posted By: Toast

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/11/12 23:15

Now that you're at it - could you also try compiling The Mission 1 & 2 by Ceslav Gorski? I uploaded the zipped directories from my A4 CD (you might have to throw the Mission 2 project into one directory with its predecessor)...
Posted By: HeelX

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 00:14

Yeah, please!
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 00:34

Wow... Adeptus was so cool! Great nostalgia there.
Posted By: JoGa

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 08:39

Yea, nostalgia³ - I was stunned by the scorpions, when I played it my first time years ago. Such great models smile

Great idea!
I uploaded it here (your mission2 didn't work, there I got some errors in some wdl-scripts, but I published the mission2, I found on my CD, I think it's equal).

Mission 1
Mission 2

Have fun :-)
Posted By: Toast

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 11:25

Yay - so we finally can chase after the Mc Guffin again... wink
Thanks! laugh
Posted By: fogman

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 16:12

The controls are awful. Jumping with "Home" and no strafin / WASD, wtf?
Posted By: HeelX

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 17:33

You can strafe with , and .

Well, I'm kinda stuck in both games... in Mission 1, when I get into the room with the CD, I can do anything to get the door open, nor the elevator is working?

And in Mission 2 I activated those four switches and then I can do nothing as well.
Posted By: Toast

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 18:48

Yeah the elevators were kind of broken in Mission 1 - there is a trick in that CD room though: Don't activate the elevator at all as you can hop on those space images on the right and then back onto the elevator platform (as a strange sidenote: If you have activated it once you have to close and restart the game as simply respawning at the beginning won't reset its position)...

I'm not too sure though if the other platform meant to transport you down into the "outside region" is a gamebreaker though as there's no way to get up there again...

It's funny though: Those two games are the most challenging shooters I've played in quite a while... wink
Posted By: Toast

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 22:22

Considering Mission 2:

I don't completely understand it either but after you put the switches in the right order you get access to that room B2 (nice music thingy btw). In that room you'll find lots of yellow crates to jump on and a switch-jump-n-run task to do. Unfortunately you'll just run into another disfunctional elevator. For reasons I don't really know I now had access to that door in Laboratory A (it might have something to do with those gas containers you can pick up). There you find a computer screen which makes the laser barrier switch in Lab B work. Behind those lasers is a computer which activates all elevators. So you go back to that storage B2 where you get a key for section B. There you can get some hints of the walls and get another switch riddle which is not that easy to solve though. You have a hint but that somehow doesn't work. IIRC that's the point where you go to that elevator near the first switch riddle. There you get a key for the command center. In the command center there is a computer with lots of log entries. It contains a hidden hint which let's you solve that switch riddle in section B. I think that's where I am right now...

You'd expect this game to be extremely short and simple but it actually has some clever ideas and isn't all that short. Kudos Mr. Gorski... laugh
Posted By: Error014

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 22:57

Okay. Okay. I give up. Mission 1? Failed.

Where can I use the CD I found to activate the door software? All the computers are broken! Or... don't have any action assigned (they used to cycle through their skins then, didn't they).

I even went aaaaaaaaaaaall the way through the sewers - yet, no dice. Door software not running (though really, they could have told me that before I went aaaaaall the way there).

Is that mysterious computer outside?


Did anyone actually finish MISSION 1? I feel like I have to before I can face MISSION 2 - REVENGE OF MCGUFFING: Apocalypse Super Turbo Edition HD.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 23:00

Yeah, I went the other way to Error014 - I encountered no sewers, but found myself outside, stuck between a "Door software not running" door and an elevator that wouldn't work properly.

Couldn't finish it frown
Posted By: Error014

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 23:14

... Right, so are some of you guys having that Bielefeld-thingaling meetup again?

If so, I ask you guys to make a Let's Play of those two games.

It shall be... glorious.
Posted By: Toast

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 23:22

You were meant to get the CD, then go through the sewers where you insert it into that console which then slides down and unlocks the doors. At least that's what I think it was meant to be. Even in A4 I had those elevator problems though and thus probably that door thingy too. That might have been a problem of the version on my Sybex CD though as I once had it running just fine (at least the elevators). I'm not sure though if I fixed a simple bug in the script or redownloaded a fixed version...

The Mission 2 seems to work just fine so far and is the superior game anyway... wink
Posted By: Error014

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 23:24

What! No way. I did that!

I mean.. I didn't realize the thing was sliding down (I assumed I had it picked up... It just kinda disappeared), but the doors were not unlocked frown
Posted By: Toast

Re: Adept and Office A5 - 03/12/12 23:29

There's something wrong with some slides in general - you see that for the elevator in the CD room and that computer console which slide insanely fast and for the elevator meant to take you outside which moves slowly and just for a tiny distance...

Maybe someone can locate an old download location for the mission which might include fixed scripts...
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