A controversial Christian RPG

Posted By: DavidLancaster

A controversial Christian RPG - 09/05/08 14:55

Please forgive me if I'm posting this in the incorrect forum and/or if the title to this thread is not accurate.

I came across this really interesting and well designed Christian RPG.


I started playing this game and was getting really bothered by the stereotypically corny message that seemingly came through, however after I played into the game more I became incredibly surprised at how the story turns out.


This is a bit of a spoiler, so if you want to play the game first please go ahead.

Even though it may seem at first the direction the game is heading, it seems to me and I could be wrong that the game doesn't actually preach at anyone, it doesn't even attempt to answer questions, the game even exposes an ugly side of Christianity.

What this game does so well is ask all the right questions and that's what I love so much about it. The story compels me to progress through the game, the design itself was fantastic. Even though the developer was limited with his graphics and sound, he managed to pull off a very effective story and world layout with the limits he had. On top of this he did it in 3 weeks and that level of commitment and dedication always impresses me.

If you would kindly take the time to play the game, if the story confuses you please share your confuses, if it offends you please share how it offends you. It'd be great to hear your guys thoughts, please note though I'm not expecting anyone to support this game, nor do I have a desire to defend the game if you don't, I'm genuinely curious as to your thoughts. It brings up some very controversial religious questions related to Christianity, and the great thing about the game is that it doesn't attempt to answer them, well at least that's how it seems to me but I could be wrong. Also it's how it presents such controversy wrapped around such an immersive story which drove me forward to play.

Please let me know your thoughts guys smile

Thank you!
Posted By: PrenceOfDarkness

Re: A controversial Christian RPG - 01/10/09 12:56

To be honest the game sucks and you shouldn't get upset. So jerkoff decided to bust someone's balls. I'm all for freedom of speech so althought I don't like the game I wouldn't stop this... uncreative morron from, expressing himself (althought it would be nice if he would STFU).

On a more humorious note... someone buy this kid a copy of A7.. seriously.. what's that SNES graphics?

And what story line are you talking about? After the "this was just another test" i started mashing my enter key like it was on fire...

ALL IN ALL THE GAME SUCKED... how long is it anyway?
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