The Sun still shines.

Posted By: Robotronic

The Sun still shines. - 01/01/09 14:22

1 - Introduction.

There is so much, that I want to tell you, but the message is huge. This first part is really just an introduction, which is written in order to give you a taste of the whole picture.

The other thing is like this:

I, or the universe inside me is opposed to the mood of the time.

This creates an obvious link between me and the crazy people. Just like the crazy people I believe, that I am (almost) absolutely correct and all the other people are more or less wrong.

Maybe I am simply Gods final joke.

Maybe God thinks: "The human beings are making fun of me, they reject me all the time, now I will laugh about them and send them this man! They will never believe him, which reduces their chance of survival to almost zero. Fine. I have already plans for a new experiment with the cockroaches. One day the cockroaches might say: `God created us in His own image!´ - And maybe they will not betray me and worship themselves and all kinds of foolish stuff."

But now I have imposed my human thoughts on God.

The truth about me - in a very reduced form - is like this:

I come from Munich, which is a funny city and many people come to Munich, when they want to drink a lot of beer and dance on the tables. Many people come to Munich, because they want to do business. Munich is a rich city, some people even called it the best city in the world:

And winner of the best city is...

(...) The results of our Monocle magazine global quality-of-life survey show that those frustrated by London or Manchester should move to Munich. Roll your eyes, but having surveyed 40 cities and judged them on everything from public transport to environmental initiatives to the number of long-haul flight connections to the ability to get a drink into the wee hours, Munich came tops. (...),,2109999,00.html

Isn´t this amazing! Normally the media from the UK is very critical - especially with everything that is in one way or another connected with Germany. But here they have to concede, that Munich, wich was once the "capital" of Hitlers terrible movement is now "the best city". Think about all the links! Wasn´t there a rather tough movie recently, by Steven Spielberg, with the title "Munich"?

The most important thing about Munich however is like this:

Munich is a so-called "shining city upon a hill".

And this is because of me!

I am the fulfillment of the full cycle of the four Abrahamic religions.

I am His choosen ambassador and an advocate for the human beings.

I am the long awaited Messiah, the Moshiach and the hidden Imam - united in one spiritual universe inside of me, but I want to share this with all mankind.

The grandmother of the mother of my mother was Jewish!

God has choosen me - a German-Iranian from Munich, a descendant of the great prophet Mohammed (pbuh) - and He wants me to re-create His spiritual universe on earth, to change the revealed future of mankind, to solve the great conflicts of this world, to led mankind into a bright future, a new time, a new era of great harmony!

Eleven years ago, in January 1998 God re-created His sipitual universe inside and outside of me in just seven days.

Inside of me there was (almost) nothing left of my "person", my own intentions, my instincts, the concrete time and the physical room around me became (almost) meaningless and "I" was just like (almost) pure awareness.

Inside of me there was a sense of heaven, a mood or Spirit of love and truth and the meanings of these two words were united in harmony. This Spirit was not something static, but very much alive, changing: sometimes it was like a calm ocean, sometimes it was like compassion, sometimes it was very small and gentle, sometimes it was like pure energy, like a firestorm, sometimes it was like grim determination, like a sewing machine, like baroque music from Johann Sebastian Bach ...

This Spirit was the source of inspiration and always connected with a story.

Outside of me a very concrete story was unfolding, a story, which seemed to be already there, at least in an abstract form, so that I just had to translate it into the concrete form of a screenplay. I was excited about the constant inspiration and I accepted the terrible content of the story: a story about the end of the end of mankind, represented by two human beings, a man and a woman, who try to survive, who even begin to search for paradise until the end. All of this happens in the final stage of the worldly edition of the apocalypse, when truth is (almost completely) replaced by ignorance and love is (almost completely) replaced by hatred and violence.

The Spirit inside me loved these two human beings, despite all their obvious mistakes, He loved them more then human beings can imagine, He always wanted them to survive, to choose love and truth. But he is a fool and she is very sad.

Because I felt exhausted on the 7th day, and because I started to realise the religious dimension, I am not 100 percent sure about the end.

In fact everything, which was left of my worldly self protested more and more against the story and against the end, which was not really a happy end: the man and the woman die in a terrible machine. The machine, which is described in Franz Kafkas novel "In the penalty colony" gives you an idea of the terrible nature of this machine. The machine is also like a reactor, it is the most concrete part of a technical system, which should be able to "transfer" human beings from the devastated reality into a virtual world, a virtual re-construction of a more friendly, peaceful society, which is like "paradise" for the two human beings, who try to escape from a world, where human beings are eating each other, hate each other, a world of intolerance, fanaticism and racism, a world where everyone seems to be like a simple cartoon-character, reduced to his most primitive instincts and illusions. But at least in the end they finally love and care for each other and he is trying to protect her fromthe X-rays with his own body.

The experience as a whole did not seem to make any sense for me.

My still very secular mind tried to downplay all of this and argued: "Calm down! This was just an unusual artists experience, there was nothing religious about this, you were just writing a first version of a screenplay ..."

But something inside me was absolutely convinced, that the whole experience - despite its paradox nature - was "absolutely true".

This usually most hidden part inside me - my soul - was now aware of something great and something terrible and I became very sensitive for the gap between heaven and earth,

I never had "faith", I never was a member of any "faith system" and if I try to pray on my old Iranian carpet, it is, as if God is telling me: "You fool, what are you doing on the carpet there! You know exactly, what I want you to do! I told you everything."

Nevertheless I pray sometimes.

I struggled with this for eleven years. I tried to run away from this, I protested against this, I became a stock-market investor, I learned a programming language and tried to make computer games, but I also tried to understand this experience. And so I looked into religious traditions, from the Old Testament to the latest revelations of Bahá'u'lláh, the founding father of the Bahá'í Faith, which came up in the 19th century AD. This is the last and smallest, but most universal, Abrahamic religion.

I also tried to look at my own life and I slowly realised, that everything makes sense and I looked at this world and became someone, who observed the general changes in human attitudes, the paradigm shift after the catastrophe of 9/11 for example, the growing divisions, the growing intolerance, the growing ignorance ...

Nothing is static in human history.
Nothing is accidental.
Everything has a meaning.

Everything, that I know, literally everything, confirms God, the great almighty God, who found me, a man with a passport from a nation, where a famous philosopher once said: "God is dead!"

I like this quote from the prophet Isaiah:

I made myself available to those who did not ask for me;
I appeared to those who did not look for me.
I said, ‘Here I am! Here I am!’
to a nation that did not invoke my name.

(Isaiah 65:1)

God is today far more real for me, then the keyboard, that I have to touch, in order to write this message. And all of this because of seven days, which changed my life completely.

I like this quote from Sophie Scholl, a great young woman. She said this, just before she was executed in Nazi Germany on February 22, 1943. She said this according to a movie, which was recently made about her final days:

The Sun still shines.

The human beings can create the most terrible reality, they can worship, what seems normal to them, the mood of the time, their instincts, their own opinions, their nations, warplanes and poison gas, nuclear bombs, an evil ideology, illusions ...

But they can also worship the love of God, which is always true and the truth of God, which can not be separated from His love.

Few people, very few people are able to realise, that the truth of God is not only important, but in fact more important, then their own live.

Sophie Scholl belonged to these very few people.

I am not a saint like her.

My courage is not so great. My faith is almost non-existent. I used to be very ambivalent, often undecided. Maybe I should have written this text much earlier. Why is it so difficult for me to post this?

We are all different.

My surname is almost identical with the Iranian word "wakil", which means:




I loved, to remain hidden, to be just an observer, but I feel, that there is simply nobody else, who could make this contribution.

There is a reason for everything and even little mistakes and spelling errors are a part of the message of this revelation.
Posted By: Michael_Schwarz

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/01/09 16:37

Someone call the nice Uncle Doctors with the I-like-to-cuddle-myself-jackets.
Posted By: Espér

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/01/09 16:59

but we have to wait a view minutes.. crash on highway..
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/01/09 17:01

Some of what you say is good some is not, however, you are looking too deep into what should be literal meanings and coincidence. You cannot be the Messiah simply because he has lived, died, resurrected and will only return to take his people with him, he won't live another human life. You seem very confused.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/01/09 17:04


it is, as if God is telling me: "You fool, what are you doing on the carpet there! You know exactly, what I want you to do! I told you everything."

This kind of uhm "advanced self-reflection" wink can be pretty dangerous if you start to believe in it.

I am the long awaited Messiah

Ha ha ha. What makes you think so?

Posted By: Blade280891

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/01/09 22:20

Could just be an attention seeker wink
Posted By: mpdeveloper_B

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/02/09 07:21

Originally Posted By: Blade28081991
Could just be an attention seeker wink

My thoughts exactly laugh
Posted By: Robotronic

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/02/09 10:21

Why are human beings always so predictable?

Why didn´t you try to surprise me with something that is not extremely boring for me?

Did you even try, to understand my message?

I wrote for example:

"This creates an obvious link between me and the crazy people."

Now, the 1st comment:

"Someone call the nice Uncle Doctors with the I-like-to-cuddle-myself-jackets."

The 2nd comment is even more original. It more or less repeats the 1st comment.

but we have to wait a view minutes.. crash on highway.."

Wow! I´m really impressed by these "arguments". I would be even more impressed, if I would never have taken into account the possibility, that for many people an unusual message must be a crazy message.

But I wrote:

"This creates an obvious link between me and the crazy people."

It is like telling people: "The sky might be blue"

And then getting responses like: "No no, you´re a complete idiot, the sky is blue, I really have to tell you this! You certainly don´t know this!"

It is even more foolish, because you think, you know very much about me.

Phemox wrote:

"Ha ha ha. What makes you think so?"

Everything, that I know and everything is too much for one little answer.

People from the West and people, who have a faible for science etc. often believe in simple, mono-causal explanations.

But the world, especially the world of the human beings is very complex and I am aware of the limitations of linear logic.

Maybe you should look into the Chaos Theory. You can learn there, that linear logic does not apply to very complex systems.

But many people still want to apply their linear logic to areas, where it doesn´t apply.

There is also no scientific proof for the claim, that the "Mona Lisa" is a great picture.

You can measure the proportions and estimate the number of atomes of this picture etc., but all of this will not make much sense and will not help you, to understand, why the "Mona Lisa" is regarded as a great picture.

If we would go into a forest and I would say: "Isn´t this a nice forest!" you could say: "No, this isn´t a forests, it´s just a small group of trees!"

In the real world few things can be defined exactly, like numbers, but this doesn´t mean, that things do not exist.

A tree for exampl can exist, even if I could not give you a complete, exact description of the tree. The only complete, exact description would be the tree itself.

Nevertheless you can try to increase your knowledge, try to get an idea, try to reach a better understanding.

This will often lead to disillusionment, ambivalent attitudes and uncertainty.

The ambassador of God is someone, who reached a stage of perfect disillusionment with worldly perspectives, attitudes and opinions.

Then God found me, like He has found Abraham a long, long time ago.

Then I had to look at everything with different eyes.

I tried to run away from this experience, I became a stock market investor for example.

But even the stock market helped me, to understand parts of His truth.

I think in abstract cycles, I search for abstract patterns.

But I am alo very close to concrete things.

The worldly minded human beings are often blinded by concrete differences.

A racist for example believes, that there must be a huge difference between a black man and a white man, because he can see the obvious difference with his eyes.

A prophet of God, like Mohammed (pbuh) was aware, that not the physical form or skin colour are important, but the human mind and his heart, his goodness.

I like this statement for example from his Farewell Sermon:

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor does a black have any superiority over white except by piety and good action."

The very smart and enlightened people of the West, especially the very proud German people, needed the bitter experience of the Holocaust, in order to understand something, that was revealed to them many centuries ago.

Adam and Eve is of cause an old metaphor: today you can replace it by "monkey", if you like.

mbdeveloper_B wrote:

"Some of what you say is good some is not"

@ mbdeveloper_B

Congratulations! At least you seem to be able, to concede, that something is good in my message, that you do not follow a simple all or nothing approach.

Ali ibn Abu-Talib (pbuh) once said:

An ignorant person will always overdo a thing or neglect it totally.

But your first statement tells me, that you do not belong to the ignorant people. You have some religious knowledge and I appreciate this.

Many Christians believe in a more or less literal interpretation of the book of revelation at the end of the Bible, which leads to attitudes like this:

"Jesus Christ will return and take his people with him, while all the terrible non-Christians and those, who do not belong to the "correct" Christian denomination will have to die. Only those will be saved, who follow the preacher John Hagee from Texas for example and agree with him 100 percent. All the others will be rejected and burn in hell."

My own attitude is very different from this. Nothing about life after death was revealed to me, but I do not exclude this possibility.

For me however it doesn´t make sense, that a God, who is decribed as "love" in the Bible would have such a strong interest in the destruction of mankind.

It contradicts my own 7-day experience of the Holy Spirit inside me: in this experience at least His Holy Spirit was like a perfect harmony and unity of the meanings of the words love and truth.

I believe, that in God the infinite extensions of the meanings of the words love and truth are united in perfect, indestructible harmony.

Human beings, even His prophets, can only become aware of this.

But it is narcissistic, limited and sometimes selfish human reasoning, to impose limitations on His love, to make claims such as "only my little sect is really loved by God!"

The truth is: God loves His whole creation in all its great diversity.

But God is also like the absolute truth, which can be very different, ten the truth of this or that group of human beings.

The German people for example believed, that it would be very smart, to worship their own nation: there was a time, when they were singing "Germany over everything" and this first line from their national anthem reflected their general attitude.

They placed their own nation above God!

They had to loose two world wars, until they learned from the bitter experience and changed their national anthem and their general attitude.

If human beings continue to deny His truth, they risk another bitter experience.

The truth of God is for me like the law of gravity or the Theory of Relativity.

It makes no sense, to ignore the law of gravity, jump out of the top window of a very high building and hope for a "miracle".

At different times and locations people have understood God in very different, more or less human ways.

Some prophets have placed an emphasis on His love, others were more aware of His truth.

But I want to encourage people, to search for the harmony between the meanings of these two words, love and truth.

They need each other like the yin and yang.

Many people today worship matter and scientific methods and try to impose the unique limitations of their time and location on a book, such as the Bible.

Other people worship Dr. Sigmund Freuds "pleasure principle" and think, nothing can happen to them.

I worship only God.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/02/09 12:45

For me however it doesn´t make sense, that a God, who is decribed as "love" in the Bible would have such a strong interest in the destruction of mankind.
God doesnt have a strong interest in destroying mankind, mankind has a strong interest in destroying itself.

A prophet of God, like Mohammed (pbuh) was aware, that not the physical form or skin colour are important, but the human mind and his heart, his goodness.

I like this statement for example from his Farewell Sermon:

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor does a black have any superiority over white except by piety and good action."
Superiority? That is a confusing word as it relates to comparing humans. I guess if one person kills another he is superior? Jesus said: "The first shall be last", so according to Christ the inferior is the superior, it all depends on which perspective you are looking at.

However stating that we are all from Adam and Eve and therefore equal is true I guess, but equally WHAT? Equally damned.

Many Christians believe in a more or less literal interpretation of the book of revelation at the end of the Bible, which leads to attitudes like this:

"Jesus Christ will return and take his people with him, while all the terrible non-Christians and those, who do not belong to the "correct" Christian denomination will have to die. Only those will be saved, who follow the preacher John Hagee from Texas for example and agree with him 100 percent. All the others will be rejected and burn in hell."

Jesus didn't have such a cheery outlook about humanity when He said we were evil:

If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?
So therefore when you are blaming Christians for condemning and judging people to hell you are really blaming Jesus, because fundamentalist Christians are only echoing His original statements.

Mar 9:42 And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea.
Mar 9:43 And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
Mar 9:44 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
Mar 9:45 And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter halt into life, than having two feet to be cast into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched:
Mar 9:46 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
Mar 9:47 And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire:
Mar 9:48 Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.

These statements were not made by John Hagee or any other fundamentalist, they were made by Jesus.

So much for the idea that Jesus wants to hug everybody.
Posted By: Robotronic

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/02/09 15:14

God doesnt have a strong interest in destroying mankind, mankind has a strong interest in destroying itself.

God will love the crazy sheep until the end of time.

Superiority? That is a confusing word as it relates to comparing humans.

Well, people compare all the time, search for the best engine, the best car.

Many people reject others completely, just because they do not belong to the same group (which can also be a nation, a religious group or even a culture).

Not a long time ago people in my very enlightened and very civilized and extremely reasonable Germany were deeply convinced of the superiority of the Aryan race and the superiority of their nation.

But they learned a lot from the bitter experience and things are not static in history.

People should never place anything above God!

I think it was very remarkable, that Mohammed (pbuh) did not tell the Arabs: you are Gods special darlings now.

And you can be sure, that the Arabs would have loved to hear this. Some Arabs actually behaved like this, for example after the conquest of Persia, but educated Muslims could then tell them: you betray the message of Mohammed (pbuh)!

People are often blinded by physical differences, like skin colour.

But what is really important about a human being?

For me it is the ability to love and search for love and the enormous possibilities of the human mind.

I once found two numbers in a scientific magazine. This was in 1997, so I do not know, if they are still actual:

10^82 - This number gives you an idea of the number of elementary particles in the known material universe.

10^3000 - this is the estimated number of different possible functional states in one single human brain.

Isn´t this amazing!

There is a greater universe inside of a human being, a world of unique ideas, constructions of ideas, hope, imaginations, memories ...

Of cause we should all know this, but are people really aware of this?

I like these three quotes:

Whoever destroys a soul, it is considered as if he destroyed an entire world. And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world.

Jerusalem Talmud, Sanhedrin 4:8 (37a)

On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land.

Qur´an 5.032

You (humans) think that you are insignificant, while there is a great universe contained in you.

(Ali ibn Abu-Talib)

People can easily create arguments like: "Look, he looks different, so he must be also dangerous. Let´s kill them, before they kill us!"

People can convince themsleves, that the "other" is just an ugly caricature. In a ocnflict this is almost inevitable.

People feel often threatened by "others", if they can´t understand them, if smart propaganda people tell them simple stories.

I looked into all the four Abrahamic religions, which are based on authentic revelation (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahá'í Faith) and the last messenger of God for example, who appeared in the 19th century AD was deeply opposed to racism and the message of the Bahá'í Faith is like the perfect antithesis to the man-made ideologies of the 20th century, especially Nazism.

It´s all about unity - but the man-made ideologies and ambitions are usually about separation.

God always sends a messenger, if the crazy sheep are making a serious mistake.

All the ideologies of the 20th century have their roots in the 19th century.

So the human beings had a choice.

So therefore when you are blaming Christians for condemning and judging people to hell you are really blaming Jesus, because fundamentalist Christians are only echoing His original statements.

Well, I´m a descendant of Mohammed (pbuh) and he was the champion when it comes to "heaven and hell" - type arguments. It´s all over the Qur´an.

But I believe, that human beings should worship God not because of fear.

I like this old anecdote about Rabia al Basri, a female Sufi saint, who lived just a few decades after Mohammed (pbuh):

One day, she was seen running through the streets of Basra carrying a torch in one hand and a bucket of water in the other. When asked what she was doing, she said:

I want to put out the fires of Hell, and burn down the rewards of Paradise. They block the way to God. I do not want to worship from fear of punishment or for the promise of reward, but simply for the love of God.

I also like this quote from Imam Ali (pbuh):

There are people who worship God to gain His Favors, this is the worship of traders; while there are some who worship Him to keep themselves free from His Wrath, this is the worship of slaves; a few who obey Him out' of their sense of gratitude and obligations, this is the worship of free and noble men.

(from wikiquote)

For me it is simply an inner contradiction, to believe in punishment after death.

The message of the prophets allows for both possibilities. There is also this terrible knowledge, that the human beings are not really free, that you can´t really blame them.

They are like prisoners for me, slaves of their instincts, prisoners of the mood of the time, the wrong certainties ...

If God is perfect, why should He punish the crazy sheep?

Look at this quote from Jeremiah:

10:23 Lord, we know that people do not control their own destiny.
It is not in their power to determine what will happen to them.
10:24 Correct us, Lord, but only in due measure.
Do not punish us in anger or you will reduce us to nothing.

But in the end, what is the difference?

For me hell is here on earth.

I am sorry for the long messages.
Posted By: sebcrea

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/02/09 15:29

If the earth is hell for you why don't you just kill yourself or keep you religious nonsense to yourself. Can you please do something useful like a game about "Why religion is stupid ?" or How to not use your brain when it comes to religion. It seems all those guys who are unable to create games here want to be the messiah or talk about there stupid believes. Doctor could you please take care of this guys, he's hallucinating.

You should place logoc and reason in the place of god. maybe that would help.
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/02/09 15:44

I am sorry for the long messages
Doesn't bother me, just a few extra bytes of server space wink
Posted By: Robotronic

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/02/09 17:37

@ sebcrea

You do not have to read something, that you can´t or don´t want to understand or something that is disturbing for you.

Many people feel very happy in the here and now. Many people want to focus their minds on this or that area and are frightened by the things, that they can´t understand.

Imam Ali (pbuh) once said:

People often hate those things which they do not know or cannot understand.

I have great respect for the decision, not to read this.

You are also not forced to go into a gallery and enjoy modern art. Nobody puts pressure on you, to read difficult books or look at the dark side of human possibilities.

My message will be bitter-sweet and difficult to understand. It is maybe written for older people, who are interested in the concept of "religious realism".

For me religion is real.

It will be about the dimension of time in religion, the divine paradox, the importance of love, the question of responsibility, when it comes to man-made catastrophes, a better understanding of religious traditions, greater harmony between the human desire for worldly pleasures on the one hand and the absolute truth of the almighty God on the other hand, the meaning of the word sacrifice and much more.

Some people say: Worship the monkey inside you!
Other people say: Let´s be like the robots!

But the choosen ambassador of God wants the human beings to re-discover the great universe, which is hidden inside them and be human beings again!
Posted By: sebcrea

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/02/09 19:17

The only disturbing thing seems to be your desire to open a thread to share your religious hallucinations. Yeah it is real for you and thats all, it is not real for anybody else. I mean you open a thread and present yourself as the messiah with a godly assignment and you really think that this should be taken seriously?

Whats next a youtube video, where you will explain to us that some people have to be killed because god told you so ?
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/16/09 08:09

Any news on this "prophecy"?
Posted By: Robotronic

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/17/09 21:15

Well, I have not forgotten this thread, but I do not want to confuse people more then necessary ...

One of the more important reason for this thread is not my deep desire to present myself as a prophet or the Messiah, but the simple and eventually selfish thing about the prophetic duty:

3:16 At the end of seven days the word of the Lord came to me:
3:17 “Son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you must give them a warning from me.
3:18 When I say to the wicked, “You will certainly die,” and you do not warn him – you do not speak out to warn the wicked to turn from his wicked deed and wicked lifestyle so that he may live – that wicked person will die for his iniquity, but I will hold you accountable for his death.


God has always been very friendly with me, I can not complain about Him, He allowed me, to run away from Him etc.

But I also know, that He did not reveal a message to me for fun and entertainment.

I was a very secular person for three quarters of my life. I was interested in all kinds of things, except for God and religion and I can really imagine the positions of atheists and people, who do not believe in God.

15 years ago, if someone would have confronted me with the claim "I am God´s choosen ambassador etc.", I would have probably reacted exactly like the first posters, so I am not disappointed or even angry.

At the moment, people can say: "Robotronic is crazy", and forget about this thread.

And for me this is also practical, because I can say to myself: "I told the human beings, that the end is near etc., I did my prophetic duty, I even sacrificed a lot of my very important time - but they did not want to listen, as usual, it has always been like this, there is once again nothing new under the sun."

Maybe this is the perfect compromise?

Many people here do not wait eleven years, before they make statements about God, which might hurt or confuse others.

But I will eventually post additional information for people, who are interested in a different way of being religious, which is called "religious realism".

This is probably more interesting for older people and people, who want to understand their religion and who want to act in responsible ways - in harmony with the living God.

Religious messages are not like program code for robots, and many "contradictions" are in reality part of the presentation of a multidimensional paradox, which was not always understood in perfect ways.

I take into account not only religious traditions, but also at least the major events and developments in human history, philosophy, psychology and of cause my own experiences. All of this doesn´t make it more easy for me, to communicate.

The goal is in "heaven", not below the surface of the earth, so it is important, that people become aware of the direction of heaven again.

I have respect for people, who like the mysterious qualities of religion, who do not want to know all the details and eventual limitations of prophetic experiences and religious doctrines and such stuff. But my own faith became very strong, because I removed "blind spots" and because I do not know of any inner contradictions.

In this time many people search for absolute certainties. They can also find them in an institutionalized "in the middle" position. They can find them in ignorance, in scientific theories or in the more or less dogmatic positions of religious "traditionalists".

I call them traditionalists and not fundamentalists, because the fundament of religion are not quotes from Holy Books.

Abraham did not learn from Holy Books.

The fundament of religion is the prophetic experience.
Posted By: PrenceOfDarkness

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/18/09 01:23

please commit suicide.

Posted By: badapple

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/18/09 03:51

i believe the profit should consult a shrink and fast. sick
Posted By: NITRO777

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/18/09 13:09


Religious messages are not like program code for robots, and many "contradictions" are in reality part of the presentation of a multidimensional paradox, which was not always understood in perfect ways.
Interesting, I agree.


The fundament of religion is the prophetic experience.

Not really. The prophetic element of any religion must align itself to that religion's holy book. Otherwise you can have everyone coming up with a private subjective prophecy.


Abraham did not learn from Holy Books
Yes but he had a passed down verbal tradition.
Posted By: Robotronic

Re: The Sun still shines. - 01/19/09 21:42

Not really. The prophetic element of any religion must align itself to that religion's holy book. Otherwise you can have everyone coming up with a private subjective prophecy.

The fundament of the authority of the true prophet comes from God, from the Holy Spirit, from the unique prophetic experience. This is of cause something subjective and there is always the possibility, that the prophet was misled by an unholy spirit. It is possible, that a "prophet" had a strong emotion and confuses this strong emotion with the Holy Spirit.

Complete fools might also pretend to be prophets. Every reasonable person, especially in our time, would follow the example of Jonah and try to escape from this job, but fools with little knowledge might believe, that it is a great pleasure.

There are good reasons for scepticism and it is a good idea, to compare the new revelation with the older traditions.

When it comes to traditions it depends, what you mean with "align itself".

All the true prophets were in greatest possible harmony with previous traditions and for me the four Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Bahá'í Faith) are in many ways like one religion. So I take into account all these traditions.

The greater prophets (which are called messengers in Islam) were always taking into account all the previous traditions with greatest respect.

When Jesus Christ for example decided, to help and heal other people on the Sabbath (Matthews 12:1 - 14), he made a conscious, free decision, which was certainly not easy for him, because it was at odds with the very concrete text of the law:

23:1 The Lord spoke to Moses: 23:2 “Speak to the Israelites and tell them, ‘These are the Lord’s appointed times which you must proclaim as holy assemblies – my appointed times:

23:3 “‘Six days work may be done, but on the seventh day there must be a Sabbath of complete rest, a holy assembly. You must not do any work; it is a Sabbath to the Lord in all the places where you live.

Because of his unorthodox attitude most Jews rejected Jesus Christ and many Jews are doing this until today.

But for me - when Jesus changed the law - it made sense.

Religious traditions confront you with a range of attitudes, which can be orthodox, law-based and reductionist or based on a wider, more holistic, prophetic understanding.

The four Abrahamic revelations are oscillating between these positions:

Orthodox Judaism and Islam are more law-based, Christianity and the Bahá'í Faith are more messianic and give more freedom.

There are of cause different interpretations also within the faith systems.

If something is in contradiction with a tradition or a particular quote from the Bible or the Qur´an, this does nor necessarily mean, that it is wrong. In fact all the messengers changed something.

I believe, that people should look at the concrete example or the concrete message and not at the eventual claims of the messenger and make a free decision.They should take into account the previous traditions and sometimes common sense is also not so bad.

If you have a wider understanding of the revelations (beyond the limitations of one particular religion) the direction becomes more and more obvious.

The love and the truth of God were always expanded. Religious tolerance for example became always greater, never smaller.

Apart from this there are very old prophetic revelations about the Messianic age, which speak about great harmony in diversity. In Isaiah 11 there is this great metaphor about very different animals, which can nevertheless live together in harmony, because they accept the authority of the same God.

In this time there can be the situation, that an atheist is closer to the living God in some important areas in comparison to someone, who is very religious.

The meaning of the word God is important, not the label.

In hindsight I know for example, that I was searching for God for all my life, long before I was conscious about this - simply because I had a passion for truth and love. Words, such as meaning or authenticity can be important also for artists. I wanted to make movies.

If someone would have asked me 1 day before this experience in January 1998, what I think about God, I would have answered, that I do not care for God.

For me all of this is part of the human freedom of choice and if you look back, unfortunately people often missed the true prophets (who told them also things, that they didn´t want to hear) but they were fascinated by the false prophets (who wanted to be popular and told the people, what they wanted to hear).

Many people believe, that Gods prophets must confirm exactly their expectations and traditions.

A very interesting book in this context is the Kitáb-i-Iqán by Bahá'u'lláh, the last great messenger and the founding father of the smallest, but most universal Abrahamic religion, the Bahá'í Faith, which came up in the 19th century as the messianic fulfillment of Islam.

There is an English translation somewhere on the internet, and I can really recommend this, because it gives you a very serious, prophetic perspective on this pattern.

But I will mention this probably later in the thread anyway.

The message must be in the line with previous traditions, which can also mean an extension or clarification of previous positions.

Some positions may become obsolete, other parts will be highlighted. This does not mean, that all the previous positions were bad.

For me the passage from the Old Testament for example, when Moses explains to the people in very dramatic language, that they have the choice between life and death, blessing and curse, good and evil is extremely important.

This means: I would not have understood my own fundamental experience without this text from the Old Testament.

I love all the Abrahamic religions. All of them have central parts, which are essential for me.

So my attitude can be very different, depending on the concrete, particular text.

Especially the Old Testament describes for me the paradox between very human (and sometimes narcissistic) positions and the growing awareness of the intentions of the almighty God, the creator of everything. This is for me a very fascinating thing.

A prophet like Jeremiah for example was in a terrible situation, the people hated and punished him, because they didn´t like his message. There is always the (human) temptation, to call for God, that He simply punishes the enemies.

But then there is also the prophetic knowledge, that the others are worldly-minded, prisoners of their human opinions and instincts, they do not really know, what they are doing.

The book of Jeremiah reflects all of this and it is still possible to reach a very good understanding with the old Jewish traditions.

A bad preacher however might pick and choose the more worldly passages and simply declare:

"This is the eternal will of God! It´s written in the Holy Book! Go out and destroy your enemies once and for all!"

The New Testament settles many issues and gives a direction (towards heaven).

A few notes about Abraham:

The Book of Joshua reports that Abrahams father Terah worshiped other gods. (Josh. 24:2.)

Unfortunately I do not know very much about the society, where Abraham was growing up, but the tradition about his father tells me, that the monotheistic tradition was not very strong in his time and society.

In the Old Testament Abraham appears after the episode with the tower of Babel, where God did something very unusual: He created confusion and diversity.

Usually religion is about the creation of unity.

I believe, that God - after the episode with the tower of Babel - created something like a fresh start with Abraham.

I made this experience, that a human being can find God without any concrete or conscious intentions. I believe, that Abraham found God in a similar way.

But of cause that´s just an assumption.
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