The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF

Posted By: Ichiro

The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/09/07 22:13

The Wonderful End of the World is now an entrant in the 10th Annual IGF competition. We, along with 172 other entries are hoping to win one of their major awards for great fun and prizes.

There's at least one other 3DGS-related entry (Novint's Feelin' It Sports), too. So, let's hear it for A6 (and, in the future, A7)!

(Posting under Biz because we're using the IGF to help market the game.)
Posted By: Poison

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/10/07 05:44

Yeh nice to hear that you are back !

Awesome Game you made.
Hope you win the price and nice to hear that you want it to make with A7.


Poison Byte
Posted By: Error014

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/10/07 15:03

Good to see that the game is not only still in development, but seems to have made great progress as well! I'll continue to follow this one closely, even in the rough alpha-status was it great fun to play. Now looking at the screenshot, it seems like you've listened to the complaints Already looking forward to play it!

Although I still want that "change the creature you build on the fly and use its unique powers"-thing. Probably mainly because I want to see a spider made up of all these objects.

I also wish you guys the best of luck for this contest! Some of the other entries are looking quite good as well, so it won't be too easy.
It's also interesting to speculate as to how exactly IGF will help with the marketing - (how much) will the traffic rise, etc.
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/10/07 15:48

Just had a look at the story and video, it is so much more friendly to the eyes and to the heart now!
The colours and things are much nicer, and the story, telling that you collect the things to save them, is a nice idea!

Good Luck!
Posted By: immersionfx

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/11/07 14:45

That's great news Ichiro!
It's nice to know that 3dgs will be represented at this year's IGF.
You're one of the most productive guys around here and I'm hoping for the best for you and your cute game!
Posted By: Nems

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/11/07 21:50

Good luck man and hope you get a placing.
Posted By: Nardulus

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/12/07 01:50

Just saw your trailer at Very cool....

Best wishes on the competition and hopefully this game will bring you some serious ching....

Great Work!!!!

Posted By: ello

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/12/07 06:31

yes, good luck there.. the game has visually turned out quite nice
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/12/07 12:45

Good luck!! You must have been busy because of that, but are you making any new indiegame review movies?

Have a nice one,
Posted By: Ichiro

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/17/07 05:02

Although I still want that "change the creature you build on the fly and use its unique powers"-thing.

We tried this! It's very cool to see a spider form from all the junk you collect. I think we have to have this for the sequel. :)

are you making any new indiegame review movies?

It's paused for now; I'm not sure where to take it. I'll have to put some further thought into it.

Thank you all for your support!
Posted By: fastlane69

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/17/07 16:22

When will the finalists be announced?
Posted By: Ichiro

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/17/07 16:49

I think it's December.
Posted By: Ran Man

Re: The Wonderful End of the World at the IGF - 10/19/07 02:46

Yes it's December and I'm going to win it.

I'm just joking bro.

Posted By: Ichiro

The Wonderful End of the World in PC Gamer UK - 10/24/07 15:15

From PC Gamer UK. Hooray!
Posted By: Poison

Re: The Wonderful End of the World in PC Gamer UK - 10/24/07 15:41

Posted By: ambe

Re: The Wonderful End of the World in PC Gamer UK - 10/24/07 18:03

Nice work, Ichiro. We're proud of you.
Posted By: Straight_Heart

Re: The Wonderful End of the World in PC Gamer UK - 11/01/07 03:06

other than the aesthetic differences and forming the objects into a character, how is this game different than KD? you plan to sell this?
Posted By: Ichiro

Re: The Wonderful End of the World in PC Gamer UK - 11/01/07 14:28

That's a great question; thanks for asking it. KD/WLK created a genre on the PS2, and we're trying to bring that to the PC, where there's currently very little on offer (Cloud, Isostar, and Tasty Planet come to mind). Those levels which look most familiar are the ones where we've "played it safe," but we're also experimenting with different mechanics and visuals (images below). Our goal in creating this product line is to expand the genre, something I don't think the KD series developer has pursued. For a sequel to our initial game, one of the areas I'd like to explore is the players' ability to structure a new society based on what they capture (e.g., players create a new world based on what they take with them, so what does it mean to take along no policemen, or no books, or no meat?). We're also interested in investigating whether things like collaborative building (destroying?) would interest players.

I see a parallel between this and first-person shooters. Doom (and its predecessors) introduced people to a new style of gameplay, and subsequent games expanded and refined that genre. I hope that the Wonderful End of the World series will help expand this one.

Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: The Wonderful End of the World in PC Gamer UK - 11/01/07 14:58

Thanks for clearing this!

"For a sequel to our initial game, one of the areas I'd like to explore is the players' ability to structure a new society based on what they capture (e.g., players create a new world based on what they take with them, so what does it mean to take along no policemen, or no books, or no meat?)."

This sounds like your hilarious humor AND like a great idea!
Wish you, and us, the best results of your investigations!
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