Examples of a certain style.

Posted By: Anthus

Examples of a certain style. - 05/27/09 03:14

Hello, I'm fairly new around here, and I was wondering if I could get some feed back on a few things. I'm looking to do something simple for my first dabblings into the world of game developing, and I was wondering if there were any examples I could look at. I'm gonna essentially be making a simple hack 'n' slash style game along the same vein as classics such as A Link to the Past, Terranigma, Illusion of Gaia, and maybe even like the Seiken Densetsu (Secret of Mana) games. People familiar with these titles will probably be familiar with the art style. I'll be going for a more cartoony look, and focus less on realism. I'm probably gonna make it 3D but presented as and over-head adventure kinda like the newer Final Fantasy titles on DS.

Okay.. so, let's get to the point. I was wondering if any games of this style have been finished, or are also in progress. I was wondering if there are any screenshots, or videos. I just wanna see how something like this looks. Of course, I have an idea in my head, but seeing stuff in practice makes for better motivation and inspiration.

Thank you to anyone who replies constructively.
Posted By: KiwiBoy

Re: Examples of a certain style. - 05/27/09 05:40

Dont know those titles at all but Aknex User Resource has a 'demos' page with lots of styles so it may be worth checking out, also the 'Downloads' page has some too.

Mostly though, the type of game is set by the camera view so you need to look at just getting a camera system working.
Posted By: Anthus

Re: Examples of a certain style. - 05/27/09 13:55

You've never heard of any of those games? Well, I can post screens.

Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past


Illusion of Gaia

Seiken Densetsu (3)

Final Fantasy 3 DS Remake

Maybe this can give a better idea of the style I'm going for.

&& I'd recommend those games to anyone. Zelda 3, and Terranigma are amongst my favorite titles of all time.
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