Team work :

Posted By: ratchet

Team work : - 01/20/13 13:54

Just wanted to pint some project i seen, made with a team , and a strong decided, but cool team leadr :
It started just sme months a go :
Agust video
And it has been very far in few months, mobile game should be coming i think newt august ? (one year dev ?)
last video

It's not perfect some things are cluncky , strange like some character animations , ennemies animations (or too static) ...
But the ideas are cool, it just needs more polish, other levels etc ...


What do you think about team for game creation instead of lonewolf game making ?

Yes team involves lot more people, so anyone can leave (or come) ... and that's to the main leader to manage and do the better with leaving/incoming people to pursue the game making !

LoneWolf game making in the other side, you can't blame anyone for anything laugh
You make the game alone, so if someone leaves it will be you only, if something is not good it's up to you to do the best you can or find any other solution to achieve what you want.

Another important aspect of team collaboration, i think is strong, serioussness of people involved, and their age perhaps, their motivation, their skills.

If you take only hobbist or not motivated people it will be hard to progress.
And you will have ot ask for their free time they can allow to the project each week : 2 hours, 3 , 4 ? ... more ?

Team advantage is that each people can remian in their area :
3D art, programming, skecthing, music and sound !
So specific task for sepcificpeople skills ...

Be aware like the project i talked about : Pirates of the new Horizons , and their project stop ... team and great game won't assure you to sell something.

That's why i choose mainly, to participe in open project with serious members, that is different to recrut industry veterans in your team that you will have to pay !
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