Vatan Technology

Posted By: BigB

Vatan Technology - 01/06/07 15:17

These are a few shots from the Vatan Engine.

The Vatan engine also features an ingame Editor, which allows designers to manipulate everything in the scenery, from grass, to fog, sun position, water reflection, buildings, paint textures in the terrain, configure the AI , import exported meshes, etc.
This can be seen in action, in the following videos :

movie 1
movie 2

or smaller versions in youtube :

video tech 1
video tech 2
video tech 3

The engine will be available for licensing in the near future.
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/06/07 18:36

Wow. I can see shadows at terrain and at the vegetation. I like that.

Thanks for the info.
Posted By: FBL

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/06/07 18:44

You registered here just for promoting a competitor engine?

Well... but screens look not too bad.
Posted By: msl_manni

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/07/07 05:13

Wow for Vatan.

But we would like details about the engine, like min system specs needed.

Other than FPS, what type of games can be realised in Vatan.

Give details about the 3d meshes and scripting methods available for it.
Posted By: BigB

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/07/07 17:27

Then engine can drop detail when not available or when selected by the user , instead of dynamic shadows he runs on with offline shadows, no bumpamapping, and this goes on and on.
Any kind of game could be made, as long as it's a game that needs a 3d camera, fps, rgp, diablo types, racing, etc.
static meshes are exported directly(from Max or Milkshape) to out format and loaded into the editor., or can be converted from .3ds to our format., animated meshes we use the cal3d animation library.
The scripting language used, it's LUA.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/07/07 22:46

How is the actual game Vatan itself comming along?

Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/08/07 09:28

Dont know but the feature list soudns pretty weak. No dynamic shadows , no bump mapping , I imagine no normal mapping as well , so why would anyone even consider this engine ? Unless its like $10 or something , why would anyone waste their time.
Posted By: BigB

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/08/07 10:24

The Vatan game is coming along.
No dynamic shadows, no bump mapping ??? Did you even bother to see the videos before commenting ?
Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/08/07 11:54

Oh , I misread your post , LOL , I thought u meant it didnt have those features , not that it could use them for lod.
Posted By: Paul_L_Ming

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/08/07 12:51

Looks decent...but is it Windows only? Or is it mutli-platform? (Mac and Linux)
Posted By: BigB

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/08/07 20:47

For the moment, windows only
Posted By: nipx

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/08/07 20:53

Does it include multiplayer code too?

Posted By: XNASorcerer

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/08/07 21:35

Where can I see more info about this engine?
Posted By: BigB

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/09/07 10:54

No, not multiplayer code at the moment of release.
There's not much info about it yet, as we go online with it information will be available.
Posted By: Kasey_Dee

Re: Vatan Technology - 12/29/07 19:46

How does this compare with A7 Professional?

I am trying to decide which would be better to get art pipeline from 3D Studio Max to the engine. A colleague told me it is difficult to get artwork into A7 and have everything look good.

And also which engine would be better for a Morrowind meets Knights of the Old Republic and Deus Ex type game? A7 or Vatan?
Posted By: Nems

Re: Vatan Technology - 12/29/07 20:32

Looking forwards to seeing more so please get that site up asap
Posted By: broozar

Re: Vatan Technology - 12/30/07 14:14

a license is $150
Posted By: Kasey_Dee

Re: Vatan Technology - 12/30/07 15:20

Which would be better and more powerful for large leveled worlds with a good frame rate and also for seamless level loading? A7 Professional or Vatan?
Posted By: AlbertoT

Re: Vatan Technology - 12/30/07 15:49

I have already seen this demo and this engine
It was a year ago or so
Am I wrong ?
Not a critic , just curiosity
Posted By: Frederick_Lim

Re: Vatan Technology - 12/31/07 17:22

I guess Vatan is similar to Torque engine, you cannot make any kind of game via LUA, but you are require to modify the engine. Maybe I am wrong.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Vatan Technology - 12/31/07 17:30

@F_L: "i guess..." "...maybe i'm wrong" what a great post based on hard facts.

does someone know how to handle the Cal3d model library thing? the website says it's the only way to get models into vatan.

what bugs me most is the fact that there is a game called vatan programmed as techdemo for the leadwerks engine. duh...
Posted By: AlbertoT

Re: Vatan Technology - 12/31/07 17:34


t there is a game called vatan programmed as techdemo for the leadwerks engine. duh...

Ahh so I was right
I had already seen that demo somewhere
Posted By: Nems

Re: Vatan Technology - 12/31/07 18:00

Thanks Broozar, seems they still have quite a way to go yet.
Posted By: Metal_Man

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/02/08 00:22

it looks like GoldSource
Posted By: broozar

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/02/08 10:31

no, it doesn't. try their (leadwerks) fps demo. esp. the shadow(testure-) projectors are pretty cool, light resoulution is much better, and it can handle realistic physics.
Posted By: Kasey_Dee

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/02/08 12:06

Vatan has AI that can hear sound and has AI pathing. Realtime shadows and physics in and out of water. RPG and FPS elements. Shaders.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/02/08 16:35

yes, but as long as i don't know what Cal3D feels like, i won't be buying it.
Posted By: Kasey_Dee

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/03/08 01:25


yes, but as long as i don't know what Cal3D feels like, i won't be buying it.

Yeah I hear ya. Mine is fbx. I will not use anything that only uses fbx format.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/03/08 01:30

is cal3d fbx-bound? does anyone use this engine, cal3d or any associate porgram and can give comments based on personal experience? please.
Posted By: Kasey_Dee

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/03/08 01:56

cal3d has Milkshape and 3DS Max exporters.

3DS Max

Milkshape see step 2


cal3d homepage
cal3d faq


lexx If you don't like Cal3d, in Vatan engine you can remove it becouse the source code is open to change and import any other format or something you want. You can even create your own file format(but whatever you do, create a file format or remove cal3d, you need a programmer for that).
Something that is not possible in some engines.

I am still trying to decide on whether to use Vatan or A7 Professional for a rpg in space.

For A7 Professional I am wondering how the lighting is going to affect all models level. If you use brush or level geometry the build times are long to tweaking scenes is a nightmare. I am hoping that maybe this will help. Another concern is having to change the scripting every 3 years or when they upgrade to A8 so if you are in the middle of a project you would have to redo everything.

I like the A7 community here and with the max exporter it looks like it would be simple to get artwork into A7. The AUMs are really cool and there are a lot of resources available for A7 and tutorials.
Posted By: broozar

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/03/08 19:05

thanks, this is very helpful.
Posted By: lionclaws

Re: Vatan Technology - 01/04/08 15:34

WOW!, VATAN ENGINE:Hmmm!.....Interesting Engine though....especially Exporters for Milkshape, Blender, Maya and Max.These features are a must on all Indie Engines...also the price is good.Based on the information will not be a bad idea to check the Engine out @ $150...not that much difference with Torque Engine plus "VATAN" is more flexible in terms of exporting scene( I will have to hands-on with the Engine first to be sure "Licensing").
Another thing,cal3d has Milkshape and 3DS Max exporters...I think I am gonna try the Engine out and hope it's not a total waste of $$$ and time...just like many other Engines out there;but the name of the game in all these "Licensing Engine"is "you loose some and win some"!. VATAN seem promissing to me.
Thanks guys for the info.
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