Torque XNA

Posted By: TheExpert

Torque XNA - 08/18/07 23:29

I'm looking at Torque XNA solution , they have combined it with the game builder , som videos on Youtube are awesome
Troque XNA

or that one is funny
No code , to change all the design of a shoot em up

You can bring up 2D games very quickly , with originality , imagination
you can do great things.

If you can mix shaders with 2D sprites(squarre polygons) you can achieve lot of great things.

I 'm seeking for some 2D very fun solution like that one
i wnat to make some reamakes of old school platform games i had on my Amstrad
Posted By: EX Citer

Re: Torque XNA - 08/19/07 16:46

Did I ever seen a game from you? I want to see your shoot em up or your 2D game.
Posted By: Wicht

Re: Torque XNA - 08/19/07 17:26

@EX Citer: Did you ever used your brain?

TheExpert is right. He looks for possibilities to get a good Engine with a good Workflow. This makes sense.
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Torque XNA - 08/20/07 00:14

Wicht :
Be cool with Ex Citer , is a veteran of 3DGS from years , so keep cool.
even if it's not a real insult , aahhahaaa

Ex Citer:
You've done some games, i played your platform with the sort of Lara Croft
(with some normal map it seemed) and Gorillas
i think you know how much work it asks to do good textures, models, levels etc ...

I've done some little shoots or prototypes in the past
Now i'm an engine collector now (even if i only own 4) ,
passionated by game making and all tools ,
Caus i'm so so bad in 3D art : models, textures that i prefer to delete my trys i do on my PC

I hope to see in future something as complete as Torque Game engine,but lot more easy to use (3DGS ?)

No i want to have lot of fun making games, and try produce something that look ok.
I'll try special style in the future a little like OKAMI on PS2, simple textures, great animations and gameplay.

For now , i will try a shoot , i prefer to do good 2D than bad 3D , i'll make a model tomorow , if it turns really bad i'll turn from 3D to 2D
to a sprites based on high poly models.
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Torque XNA - 08/20/07 00:20

A comment you can find in this page and that makes lot of sense :


I put the interesting the guy said here :
He's right , lot of people like me would only want solutions with great workflow.

Well if you are like alot of us(well those old enough) you have a job, and that job takes 70% of you r time, then if you like even fewer of us, that writes programs all day long for a living, then the last thing you want to do is write a engine, I am so sick of people messaging me and saying, hey I am writing my own mmorpg engine, wanna help? Heck no! Why would I waste my time? So by the time i finish it, the graphics will be out of date? Or someone else will come along and make one exactly like it faster? Making a good game does not require you having to write the engine also, but it does require some coding. I think makers are the greatest. makes it easy for those of us that program so much we get sick of it. I write at least 2000 lines a code a day at work. The last thing I wanna do is deal with a dang engine for a game. Just my opinion though. I give props to anyone writing their own engine. *poke *poke

The guy is right , In fact each of us depending on it's game style would need
the appropriate editor with all tools in it, ready to go.

I find Torque game Builder for XNA , this sort of very powerfull , very easy tool , ready to produce any type of 2D game you want without coding (only behaviour)
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Torque XNA - 08/20/07 00:29

Some cool Torque XNA (with game builder in) :

torque XNA shoot

Torque XNA platform kit

I don't want to buy it for the moment.
If i need to make a 2D game , i'll take 3DGS , by using squarre polygons for sprites, a simple collision system, easy to do.

Well Conitec could explore the 2D side of engines and create a new product
similar to Torque Game Builder ,with perhaps some advantages ?
There is money to do
Posted By: Inestical

Re: Torque XNA - 08/20/07 06:43

The Expert you should know this.. Edit your posts ^^'

Looks neat. Gonna check it out.
Posted By: bstudio

Re: Torque XNA - 08/20/07 06:58

It shows some of the capability's of XNA, though I recommend you see this video too: This shows more of XNA's capability's and is also coded with torque X, they say it took them three weeks to port this over from native C++ to C# with XNA (TorqueX that is) now that gives a whole new meaning to a rapid development tool
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Torque XNA - 08/20/07 17:28

Yeah and look ta this one :
XNA racing

And XNA lot lot easy than DirectX , it's simple C# and simple functions to call.
Sometimes some guys instead of waiting engine features could jump on XNA and writes their own needs.

For a racing game , lot of things are not needed and another ones yes.
And you can see , it's incredibly fast , smooth like AAA games on 360
XNA allow direct access to DX with lot of ease.

A last one :
The original shoot on Torque game builder is not really fast , ported to
Torque XNA(combined with gamebuilder for it) , we can see the game running lot more faster.
Yeah XNA Managed code rules.
shoot comparison

Conitec should also follow XNA 2D way i think !

or simply make a XNA solution that would use WED (shader tools ?,
realtime editor ? ) for world nad terrain editing and some other stuff.
But not the scenario users will code missing parts i hate hearing that

Well begin some space ship now , even if it looks really awfull , i'll name my game the Horror 3D space ships
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: Torque XNA - 08/20/07 18:41

This XNA racing game is of superb quality. Amazing shaders, shadows, detailed scenery.

Besides that C# is a great language, much better than C++, no strange shortcuts for pointers and adresses but powerful garbage collection and object structures.

I found out that there are dozens of XNA engines in the making. The most powerful with good tools could be "Blade3d".

This will become an interesting engine future.
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Torque XNA - 08/20/07 20:39

Yeah F_Frank

In fact C# is as easy as Basic language , but more powerfull with some OO.

Look at some C# code of a simple XNA demo , and you'll see how easy it is
The problem , it's an engine even if easy, no world editor, and all others panel !

I know Blade3D , there is also one other promising :
Visual 3D

Now is these engines lot of work or only some sort of compilation of collected code and demos ?
But yes , they seem to have world editor ... after that do they have
LOD , shaders appliable to only the more nearest LODs ,
dynamic light taked account for shaders ? grass management ?

In fact you need to test some demos or do a simple scene with them ,
any simple 3D object find on the web with normal/specular maps to test the engine.

I'm following 2D shoot em up (perhaps with 3D objects ???) for the moment
But i think Xna is going teh good way
Total Power for Direct DX access and easy to program.
For a racing game without Special optimisation , you can do it ,the more difficult would be integrate a 3D physic engine and apply to your vehicles

A last one , with sweet normal mapping, glow lights and other things
Xna 3D shoot
Posted By: Marcus729

Re: Torque XNA - 08/21/07 03:10

While this is off topic I just can't help but respond to the quote.

I have been programming professionally for around 30 years.

I have never written nor seen anyone else write anyway near 2000 lines of code in a day.

I am sure this is just a wild number thrown in to make a point but I couldn't let this ride with out a comment.

Sorry for the side bar.

Posted By: bstudio

Re: Torque XNA - 08/21/07 06:46

C# will make the development stage so much easier, with it's great speed and ease of development thanks to it's OO structure it will become the language of the future. Together with XNA I hope the gaming industry will realize this too.
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