Maple3D :: new tool :: Convexity for 3DGS

Posted By: mnemoniq

Maple3D :: new tool :: Convexity for 3DGS - 12/09/07 07:15


new tool from maple3D ::
Posted By: Nems

Re: Maple3D :: new tool :: Convexity for 3DGS - 12/09/07 08:15

Wow, this is awesome, a bit on the pricey side though, good one guys
Posted By: Samb

Re: Maple3D :: new tool :: Convexity for 3DGS - 12/09/07 23:32

I wish it would be a standalone program :/
Posted By: rvL_eXile

Re: Maple3D :: new tool :: Convexity for 3DGS - 12/10/07 13:39

Seems like a Good Programm, but the Price is HIGH ! 3000€ is too much for many Indies...
I think this is only good to use for Bigger Teams with a Budget!

cYa Sebastian
Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: Maple3D :: new tool :: Convexity for 3DGS - 12/10/07 14:06

The price is $1500 (not Euros) for a single license. It is $3000 for three licenses (i.e. you get three for the price of two).
Posted By: D3D

Re: Maple3D :: new tool :: Convexity for 3DGS - 12/10/07 14:56

Looks like a great tool for a studio with 3D Studio Max or freelance leveldesigner working with one of the mentioned engines. I have just one question: How bad is this convex level creation needed when most people build levels out of models these days?
Posted By: TheExpert

Re: Maple3D :: new tool :: Convexity for 3DGS - 12/11/07 00:11

Even for 1500$ i could afford Modo ,
and better with Blender could do same models for free : )

the program is good but not exceptionnal and for houses , assets , even
Blender , Modo or silo do the job and lot more

Such high price for such not incredible tool ??
I would buy Silo or ZBrush instead !!
Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: Maple3D :: new tool :: Convexity for 3DGS - 12/11/07 03:58


Again, you show your ignorance. You don't his target market and you have not been able to discern the true purpose of the program. Not everyone is using real-time 3D for games. And not everyone has high-end computers to run real-time 3D applications on. There are HUGE areas of the market clamoring for real-time 3D content that do not have modern computers. For example, I had to help develop a real-time 3D application for GM (General Motors). The vast majority of computers used by the people they were training used fairly low-end PCs. Many had integrated video cards that had small amounts of RAM and the types of cards were also very slow at rendering 3D. GameStudio (and other similar engines) did a great job of keeping decent frame rates on these PCs and BSP level design was a big part of that.

There are entire sectors of the business market that want real-time 3D visualization for such things as proposed building projects, construction areas, business training and education and much more. They want the applications and are willing to spend the money, but don't want to upgrade tens, hundreds and, in some cases, thousands of PCs in order to do it.

With this in mind, a program like Convexity is incredibly useful. You can create in MAX and export a detailed and complex BSP level to many different game engines. You are not tied to GameStudio, though GameStudio is supported. Convexity also has a lot of very nice features that make level design a snap. For example, you can create a wall (or a series of walls), place windows in the walls (simply by dragging a pre-defined window from the Convexity window onto a wall in the view port) and Convexity will cut the whole in the wall automatically and keep everything BSP correct. Oh, and before you start knocking the "pre-defined" part of my post, you can create custom content (i.e. your own windows, doors, etc) and then save them to be used in as "pre-defined" so your levels will be "custom made".

Convexity is really Game Level Builder on mega-steroids. It is not for everyone (not at $1500) but to a serious freelancer, small company or large, it could save tons of time, allow for higher quality BSP content development and both equal more money in the developer's hands.
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