An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preorder)

Posted By: costa

An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preorder) - 02/20/08 01:07

Now Director 11 supports DirectX 9 and Ageia PhysX Engine. It seems game industry now is part of Adobe’s scope
Director 11

Here, there is a link with a game developed using Director 11 (I have not tried it)
Game Demo
Posted By: JamesA

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preorder) - 02/20/08 01:53

Looks good but flash is good too, looks like their comparison page they are placing director for more full interactive works on cd/dvd and flash as web,
but the way I see it flash is becoming capable beyond web apps, anyones views?
ie now with flash you can implement papervision 3d or sandy etc...
and if you want to make more full standalone applications, er well there is always gamestudio!
Posted By: msl_manni

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preorder) - 02/20/08 05:45

Looks very promising. But have no experience with Director. Though I can do almost anything with flash. Please post Links for some good tutorials if available.
Posted By: Loopix

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 08:42

I consider this software as a heavily-overpriced-poor-of-features piece of crap! Once again Adobe prooved their greedy non-indie-friendly price policy
Posted By: ello

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 08:57

second that! die adobe!!!
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 09:08

This renders very slow and uses only one core of multi-core cpu.
Posted By: msl_manni

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 09:11

But it lets you create media-games for web too. And there are some good demos available for it too. I have liked it for the features it provides. Maybe not to modern, like dx shaders or such. Would like to try if have some tutorials handy. It would be fun for learning purpose.
Posted By: vlau

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 09:20

I've a lot of fun with 3D lingo when I working in a MultiMedia
Production company several years ago. 3D Lingo is good and very
easy to use but the 3D rendering is terrible, I don't think they
will improve too much about their 3D features. As I know that
the 3D engine was made by Intel not on their own.
Posted By: JamesA

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 12:27

'But it lets you create media-games for web too. And there are some good demos available for it too.'

You can do that all with flash and its cheaper, fair enough
it wont do quite as good 3d.
Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 13:53

Folks, Director was an awesome tool to easily create, without programming (or with Lingo scripting), just about ANY kind of interactive application from kiosks, to interactive stories to games and the like. The original Myst was created with Director as a main tool. Several other early games (such as The Journeyman Project) were created using Director. I have several promotional CDs that have fully interactive menus and very detailed systems of interactivity that were created using Director. While I haven't looked at the current iteration of Director, I would not discount it. While it is now an Adobe product, Adobe did by Macromedia and Director was originally a Macromedia product.

Direct was an awesome tool. I suspect that the new one will be just as awesome. However, Director is not a tool for EVERY project. If someone uses it for what it is not intended then they are certain to think Director is trash, just as if I were to try to remove a screw with a toilet plunger. The problem would not be the plunger, but the person using it .
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 14:05

At the german MultiMediaTreff in Düsseldorf a speaker was looking for help implementing the irrlicht engine into director, because the already implemented engine is weak! And, my impression of the 3d part of the demo: very slow!
Only the last link is in english, sorry!


Schlussendlich zeigte Christophe Leske Irrlicht 3D und die Irrlicht Xtras für Adobe Director. Die Irrlicht 3D-Engine ist eine hoch performante Echtzeit 3D-Engine, die von jedem Entwicklern genutzt werden kann. Es lassen sich 3D, wie auch 2D Anwendungen für Spiele oder wissenschaftliche Projekte realisieren. Die Engine ist vollkommen kostenlos – wurde aber nicht von ihm entwickelt. Sein Fokus war seine eigene Entwicklung, die Irrlicht Xtras, die man in Director Projekte einbinden kann. Der Sinn: ca. 60% aller Webanwender haben Shockwave installiert und könnten dann daher durch den (automatisierten) Download Irrlicht Applikationen in einem Shockwave Dokument abspielen können – es wäre damit seiner Meinung nach die am weitesten verbreitete 3D engine on earth – also genau dass, was viele Spieleentwickler wollen, wenn es um Web2.0 und 3D Anwendungen geht.
Posted By: msl_manni

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 14:33

I played these demos and they are really good in 3d aspect.

Phosphor - a first-person shooter

ClubMarian - a socialising net chat.

There are many other demos at clubmarian, all very interesting and addictive.
Posted By: costa

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 14:45

I agree, Director does not have the best rendering system but for me most important is how easy it is and how popular the web player is, at least in the past. I have used it since version 4 and I hope this new version will get back the attention of many users that were disappointed for the lack of updates.
Posted By: JamesA

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 15:44

What are the statistics as to how many people have the webplayer already installed? Would be interesting to know.
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 16:17

The guy that I mentioned above talked about 60% of all users in the web.
Posted By: PHeMoX

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 16:53


However, Director is not a tool for EVERY project. If someone uses it for what it is not intended then they are certain to think Director is trash, just as if I were to try to remove a screw with a toilet plunger. The problem would not be the plunger, but the person using it .

So true.

Posted By: msl_manni

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/20/08 16:57

It doesnt matters what percentage of users are there. But it does matters wether the technology is promising enough for us developers to embrace or not. And if there is good content then everybody will follow. And as developers we should always watch the potential markets and trends.
Posted By: Nardulus

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preorder) - 02/20/08 23:27

I tried the Director 11 Demo Mountian Bike Game...

It's not half bad, actually its pretty good.

An update of Director would be welcome by many developers. The games will play on a PC and MAC, big plus if you are doing educational games or Serious Games.

Anyways the old beast has some nice new tricks...

Posted By: JamesA

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preorder) - 02/21/08 12:37

'It doesnt matters what percentage of users are there'

It matters a great deal how many people have the shockwave plugin installed on
you get a high end site for a corporate client, they are not going to want
users to wait for plugin installation even is shockwave.
Outside gaming sites, not many people appreciatte plugins and cannot be bothered downloading them, many might even be wary as they have read a little bit about viruses in their newspaper on way to work.

Thats why currently for simpler 3d I prefer the flash route as more people have the flash plugin on pcs and macs, its higher than 60 percent.
I would love shockwave to be pre installed on pcs and macs.
Posted By: msl_manni

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preorder) - 02/21/08 14:31

I dont think that it matters that much to have concerns for corporate sector and as such. They are not even going to install any outside thing, be it 3dgs, TGE or any product. And Flash is not yet 3d. Your idea of having the director preinstalled is very good but that will be the work of parent company.

BTW I just went through car game - can do interactive and altered the car level in max7 and played the newly altered level. I am impressed by the performance of the director and ease of handling things. I am really going to do more experiments with it . Though I have not found any good tutorials for creating 3d games in director yet . I think that ver 11 is going to really blow things away as it is supporting Ageia PhysX now.
Posted By: JamesA

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preorder) - 02/21/08 16:03

Flash is 3d now with open source plugins, so I would personally use that for simpler 3d work due flash being on most computers.

What is the director interface like for 3d now? I tried it years ago as a demo when it first came out I found it fiddly, Ill try the new demo when I have time.
Posted By: Dan Silverman

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/21/08 16:22


I dont think that it matters that much to have concerns for corporate sector and as such.

Not so. I used to work for a multimedia development firm. We had clients such as Coke and other big name companies. They would come in and request web site development and would often want things developed in Flash (thus, needing Shockwave) and often for real-time 3D content display on the web. This was often to display some product in a 3D format that allowed the end-user to rotate and zoom in/out on the product. Each of these formats, at the time, required a plugin to be downloaded and installed on the end-users PC. So the corporate sector very much matters in this. In fact, Director will most likely be used more for the corporate sector than just about anything else (as has always been the case).
Posted By: msl_manni

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/22/08 04:15


Support for more than 40 video, audio, and image file formats
Native 3D rendering with DirectX 9 support
Advanced physics with the included AGEIA™ PhysX™ engine
Support for Adobe Flash CS3 Professional software and video created with Flash
Unicode support, including multimode publishing
Enhanced text rendering engine
Enhanced user interface
Enhanced Script Browser and full JavaScript support
Bitmap filters
Xtra plug-ins

These features are supported by Director 11. A dx9 engine is a real boost for web technology. And if web pages are designed around the shockwave3d then ultimately everybody has to embrace it. It is certainly going to change the web scenario in coming months. And yes, it all depends upon us, Developers, who are going to create content for the web.
Posted By: vlau

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/22/08 07:43

Would like to try the new physic extra and the
new DX9 3D engine when the demo is available.
Posted By: JamesA

Re: An old beast is coming back: Director 11(preor - 02/23/08 01:33

Well incase anyone in uk is interested and i checked on amazon, seems in UK price is around £800 which is ok I guess when you consider the fees you could charge for multi platform and online work.

It would be nice if there is a 30 days demo, Ill definitely give it a go.
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