optimized skinning of meshes in C4

Posted By: Machinery_Frank

optimized skinning of meshes in C4 - 06/22/09 07:00

In Version 1.59 of C4 is some new optimized multi-threaded skinning of animated meshes. Here is a showcase thread about a scene rendering 100 animated models with a lot of graphical features enabled.

Impressive power:


But much more impressive will be the upcoming release. It has the biggest amount of new features I ever saw in any C4 release including Voxel terrain LOD, new collision / physics, morph targets and lots of little rendering improvements.

Voxel terrain is something that id Software will have in the next id-Tech engine. It is already reality in the C4 engine.
Posted By: ratchet

Re: optimized skinning of meshes in C4 - 06/22/09 07:53

Yep C4 engine has lot power indeed smile

For animated characters reminds me some of the fisrt games on 360 : Kameo where instanciation was demonstrated with hundred of ennemies !
But for C4 demo , have all these characters each it's own collision detction running and AI ? Not sure !

C4 have lot of top notch features indeed, but programming in C++ is not an easy way at all for 3D artists.
If it had hight level functions for blending animations and all other stuff : i would buy it directly smile
Posted By: Machinery_Frank

Re: optimized skinning of meshes in C4 - 06/22/09 08:57

Originally Posted By: ratchet
C4 have lot of top notch features indeed, but programming in C++ is not an easy way at all for 3D artists.
If it had hight level functions for blending animations and all other stuff : i would buy it directly smile

Some users made a visual animation blending editor. I saw it in a video, very impressive. You could wire and weigh different animations just like you need them.

And, yes, you are right. You cannot make a game as a pure artist. I think this will not work in any engine, unless you, as an artist, start to learn programming.

But C4 is optimized to bring artists and programmers together in a project. A programmer can code functions and can expose them in the visual script editor. So a level designer can use it for stuff like moving objects, scripted sequences, visual effects, whatever.

It is just a professional tool for teams.

But you can have fun as a level designer or artist with it. You can download the free demo and you can use every tool included, you can make levels, create scripts and you can make a complete little game based on the included demo.
Posted By: ratchet

Re: optimized skinning of meshes in C4 - 06/22/09 11:05

Yeah , but perhaps you don't find in script all C++ things ?
I can program , i know some C# , come C , and some C++ and others but i want to go fast and just code script game logic !

I hope to see a new demo to download and try for C4 engine smile
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