Google sketchup :

Posted By: ratchet

Google sketchup : - 01/01/13 21:30

Usefull to go very fast and quickly made some houses, boxes, even some level ground layout etc ... and version 8 have Colloda export.

1 min modeling :

Blender 2.6 and above import :

Med (obj format) import :

Even after grouping objects, calculate normal outside, there is a problem under MED.
Perhaps because the model is not closed totally, and i forget to merge duplicated vertices also !

5 min sketchup quick dungeon level stage :

Well, i encourage lot of people to use it for modeling obects or hard surface stuff for projects , it's so intuitive and eay to use compared to big programs (like Sculptris compared to Zbrush) !

Sketchup Downlaod link (Official site)

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