Programmer wanted for FREE Action RPG Demo

Posted By: Sharx

Programmer wanted for FREE Action RPG Demo - 01/06/07 00:04

okay, some of you may know me and might have seen the post about this game. It's wasn't abandoned, we took a small break (2 months) for personal reasons and now we are back on the project. We're in the process of rewriting the story so the models in the original post will not be used in this game, they don't fit the style. Because of that we don't have any screen shots to show you except for half of a monster that is still in progress (see porfolio) and two pieces of concept art. Anyway...

I'm a 3D Artist and I have tried programming but it's not my thing. Right now we are focused on getting a demo together so all the programmer has to be capable of doing is: fighting, nothing too complex. The hero should attack, the enemy should react on contact. Something like a n64 Zelda game
and targetting so that whatever is thrown hits the target and the hero isn't forced to face the target unless they are within fighting range. The movement, animation, jumping, and attack animations are already done thanks to the KH Movement Tutorial

So far we have 2 3D Artists, a level designer, and a music composer(whose pretty good ), our team should expand once we release a demo.

If your interested in programming for a free Action RPG game, post here, PM me, or IM me on AIM as Sharx4Ever, or MSN as Thank you
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