funny causal games to sell? ($)

Posted By: Anonymous

funny causal games to sell? ($) - 01/29/07 15:30


We are looking for finished projects of small and funny causal games.

Who is looking for it?
We from IT2media/funvertising ( (DE only)) are looking for some small and funny games to buy.

What are we looking for?
We are looking for your little causal game with a funny idea and a nice gameplay. The game should be ready to play and already nearly finished. You will also be able to finish it with/for us.
There's no limit with the genre except it's without violence.
We are interrested to buy the copyright including the sources.
You will be credited as the designer of the game.

What happens to your game?
We will make a review to the game and give it some new objects for advertisement. Possibly we make some little changes if necessary (with your support).
We will brand (advertisement) and sell the game (with limited copyright) to other customers.

How much money you will get?
This depends on the projects idea, the status of developement, the quality of the models/graphics, ... and many other factors. But we will talk about $500-$5000
You have to be of age or need the permission of your parents!

If you are interrested please contact me...
Send me a mail with some informations about your project, maybe some screens or even better a demo. Give me details about the status, the possible finishing date, ...
Send your mail to ulrich.seiffert[at]

Thanx, mercuryus
Posted By: Damocles

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 01/29/07 16:58

Hört sich nach nem interessanten Geschäftskonzept an

Habt ihr denn schon Interesenten die solche Spiele mit ihrer Werbung anbieten wollen?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 01/29/07 17:28

Hi Damocles! (I'll continue in english)

funvertising was founded (it's a branch) one year ago by IT2media GmbH & Co. KG.
IT2media GmbH & Co. KG is an international system vendor for publishers (print).
We started to create causal games for advertisement for small business.
We enlarged our portfolio to mobile and online games.
Last week we where on the exhibition "komma" (see left banner ) with interresting feedback.

Now we want to expand our small portfolio of ready-to-use causal games with games from the 3DGS-Community (and others).

So if you are interrested please contact me...

Thanx, mercuryus
Posted By: Zapan@work

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 01/29/07 18:55

Sorry, aber die Seite macht einen sehr sehr unseriösen Eindruck... Die "Impressum" Seite ist zudem auch "nicht vorhanden".
Posted By: maybenew

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 01/29/07 19:16

Ich stimme zu, die Webpräsenz sollte dringend überarbeitet werden!
Layout und Struktur wirken sehr amateurhaft und es fehlen wesentliche Inhalte (vor allem das Impressum kann euch ernsthafte Probleme bereiten)!
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 01/29/07 22:12

Sorry - der Fehler mit der Impressum-Seite u.a. werden schnellstmöglich behoben.
Danke für die Info!

Der Eindruck einer "unseriösen und amateurhaften" Webpräsenz ist sicher subjektiv zu bewerten und sie hält manchem Vergleich stand.

Posted By: Why_Do_I_Die

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 01/29/07 23:55

Sent you a PM , should I send you a mail as well , or is the PM sufficient ?
Posted By: Damocles

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 01/29/07 23:57

Ja ein Impressum ist sehr wichtig.

Im übrigen sollte auf der hauptseite (zB Oben)
gleich die Info stehen, das die Firma Webespiele anbietet mit Firmenwerbung.
(ohne das man auf die Button clicken muss)

also im Banner: "funvertising bietet ihnen eine interaktive Werbefläche
in dem modernen Medium Computerspiel"

Ich find es jedenfalls ne gute Idee
kleine Casualgames mit Firmenwerbung zu verbinden.

Allerding muß Zielgruppe und Spielidee zusammenpassen.

(ein Bohrmaschienenhersteller wird zB eher
Spiele haben wollen, die für erwachsene Männer gedacht sind)
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 01/30/07 08:48

Danke für die Tipps bzgl. der Webseiten!
Ich bin (leider [oder Gott sein dank?]) für den Internetauftritt nicht verantwortlich. Habe aber die Kritik weitergeleitet.
Gestern war das kick-off für den businessplan 2007 (daher auch dieser thread).
Ein Punkt war auch das Redesign unserer Webseiten aufgrund der Ergebnisse der Messe. Ich lass mich überraschen, was hier entsteht...

Thanx, mercuryus
Posted By: hansri

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 01/31/07 22:06

cool, du bis endlich mal einer der sich für die sachen hier interressiert.
hast du schon was bekommen? ich schick mal ein pm hab auch ein kleines game gemacht. brauchst du auch netzspiele und wann muss es fertig sein?

Posted By: Anonymous

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 02/01/07 07:47

Es wurden uns schon eine Reihe von guten Titeln zugesandt, wennauch nicht alle Spiele von uns verwendet werden können (Inhalt/Gewalt/Qualität). Wir suchen ständig nach neuen guten kleinen Spielen mit netter Idee.
Wenn Du ein Spiel hast und es präsentationsfähig ist, schick einen Downloadlink oder eine Demo an mich (Mail-Adresse ist im Anfangspost).
Netzspiele (Multiplayerspiele?) machen hier keine Ausnahme, wenn sie zu unserem Portfolio passen.

Thanx, mercuryus
Posted By: harleyb12

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 03/11/07 22:08

so no guns? what do you mean no violence? is a gun shooting flowers hitting someone making them fall violence? there falling arnt they? im jk. but really no vilonce? or do you mean there can be swords or guns or whatever just no blood? i have a lot of interest in this offer but seiriosly im not ganna make the adventures of pink frilly girls and there flowers of feury.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 03/12/07 09:31

Hi harleyb12!

We produce and sell games for advertising content (ingame advertising).
In the end we sell all our customers wants to have but we never had a request for games containing violence up to now.
Shooting flowers/.. in a shooting gallery is ok - shooting the Easter bunny on a field would be something we realize just on request.

Currently we create/buy several titles to build up a stock for presentation.
This titles will not show any violence.

If you think you have/produce a title that could be used for ingame advertising and it's a small causal game don't hesitate to send me some screens/video/doc/demo. The worst thing that could happen is we reject you game (that never means your game is bad, but it fits not to our purpose).

Thanx, mercuryus

Contact: ulrich.seiffert [at] funvertising [dot] com
Posted By: erbismi

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 03/15/07 11:31

any examples of games you currently use? just to get an idea of what your asking for, and to what standard.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: google's top position - 03/15/07 21:29


Always looking for causal games I've googled a little and found this thread on googles top ranking - funny thing...

google search for "causal games"
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 03/15/07 21:38

Hi erbismi!

We are evaluating a couple of different games.
Small racing games, puzzling (jigsaw) games, tetris clones, sorting or other ideas. Games to play for minutes, easy to understand but funny to play.
Good graphics and sound would be great.

You can take alook at to get an idea of our services. (sorry currently only german language - we are on it to make english sites)

If you have a game you think it could be useful for us, send me informations and maybe we have a deal...

Posted By: ventilator

Re: google's top position - 03/16/07 03:16



Always looking for causal games I've googled a little and found this thread on googles top ranking - funny thing...

google search for "causal games"

what are causal games? you probably mean casual games.
Posted By: ulf

Re: google's top position - 03/16/07 06:58

this is so funny at first i thought what the hell ??? a thread for casual games at the top pos?? then i saw the typo... well we should all use this thread from now on to market our casual games just in case someone also makes a little typo and doesnt realize
Posted By: Damocles

Re: google's top position - 03/16/07 08:17

Lets sey 2% of the people misspell it,
you have quite a lot of people visiting your site / thread.
Posted By: erbismi

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 03/16/07 08:44

how about comedy violence, with no blood, like tom and jerry style. eg. big hammers, mouse traps, anvils etc
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: funny causal games to sell? ($) - 03/16/07 09:04

is ok - we currently producing a game named "Gnomebattle" where one gnome is hitting on other... (in comic style)

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