Concept artist needed

Posted By: Cipher

Concept artist needed - 03/06/07 02:13

I need a concept artist to develop a fairly large number of sketches regarding spacecraft ( i.e. " motherships " , stations etc. ) and natural space phenomena.

The detail required is fairly high ( i.e. seperate sketches for turrets, fine metalwork etc. ) and is very comparable to that required for the " next-gen " of space games. Creativity, imagination is valued.

Please send me a link to your portfolio.

Posted By: chaotic_dragon

Re: Concept artist needed - 03/06/07 06:10

hey i do not have a portfolio at the moment but i can do sketch work and also work with photoshop i can make you metal, wood, plastic, ect textures and anything else you may need with photoshop and any spacecraft sketches you need and weapons i am fine with helping you with that if you would like i can send you some of my metal textures and hopefully when i get a scanner i can send you some sketches of some of my artwork to you.

thanks, chris

Posted By: guru

Re: Concept artist needed - 04/22/07 22:08

I am interested in doing some artwork for you. I have a small portfolio for you to see some of my work, unfortuneately I do not have any spacecraft pictures for viewing, however I find the task not that dificult and should be able to give you what you need. I am a current student at The Art Institute and I am currently finishing up my third year and will be obtaining a bachelor degree in Game Art and Design next year. I am looking forward to your reply, I have already started sketching. My email address is;

Here is the link to my portfolio here on the same site;

Hope to here from you soon.

John Clark - guruartist
Posted By: guru

Re: Concept artist needed - 04/24/07 17:21

I am getting ahold of you in reply to your spacecraft artist needed post. here is a link to the only ship I have drawn, I did it last night, If this will work for what you are doing I am very interested in your artist job, I could knock a couple of these out in no time,

here is a link to some of my pictures;

And here is a link to a ship I drew last night; please keep in mind that what you are view as far as the ship it is still work in progress.

please get back with me.

You can contact me at;


John - Guru Artist
Posted By: guru

Re: Concept artist needed - 04/29/07 03:23

Hello there this is John - Guru artist, I had lost the email I believe you sent me of a highly detailed Medieval Character job you needed drawn up. I believe the characters name was; Namis. I have done some thing up but need to know if you were the one who emailed me,
If you are the guy, great
I was wondering if this is a paying gig?
Let me know and ill send the file.
John - GuruArtist
Posted By: Sparta

Re: Concept artist needed - 05/18/07 16:09

Hi my name is Douglas Grillo and my bussines partner is Marcelo Avila, we are computer graphics artists in Venezuela, you can see some of our work here:

Our specialitys are:
2D animation, 3D animation, Video Compositing, Character and Background design, Illustrations and game development.
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