looking for unpaid website designer

Posted By: chaotic_dragon

looking for unpaid website designer - 03/19/07 08:57

i am looking for a website designer who can use html fairly well or even if you would like to learn new things this is your chance..

sorry the work is unpaid at this point untill i can get some money but to do that i need this website up and running.

please send me a message to cdtjones69@hotmail.com if your interested.

thanks, chris
Posted By: Locutus_of_Borg

Re: looking for unpaid website designer - 03/19/07 13:06

could you tell us a bit more about it?
What is the website for? The Team or the game?
If it is about the game, what is the game about? Genre?
If it is about the team, should it be professional or more game-like?
should it be just html or would you prefer a CMS?

Posted By: chaotic_dragon

Re: looking for unpaid website designer - 03/20/07 03:12

hey thanks for replyin..

i am trying to form a group of guys (team) to join me at beyond games..
beyond games will make games sell games give away games resources and help other 3dgs users along the way to succeding with their projects.

also hoping to make some money off the games and resources that do sell and money will evenly be split up between team members.

html cms whatever you are comfortable with is fine by me.

thanks, chris
Posted By: Xarthor

Re: looking for unpaid website designer - 03/20/07 19:42

So you want somebody to make you a website for free, but you intend to make money through that website?
Posted By: chaotic_dragon

Re: looking for unpaid website designer - 03/20/07 20:29

well yeah kinda its kinda hard to explain
Posted By: Inestical

Re: looking for unpaid website designer - 03/21/07 12:47

which means, that the one who made the site will not gain nothing out of it, but instead you gain.

it's not on balance, so I wouldn't take the job.
Posted By: D3D

Re: looking for unpaid website designer - 03/21/07 13:06


Why not use one of the thousands free templates and a WYSIWYG html editor to create your website? That or you could grab a CMS which makes it even easier and professional looking without much work, other than adding content that is.
Posted By: khanoftruth

Re: looking for unpaid website designer - 03/21/07 17:28

I would reccomend that. But I think he wants a special resource system. I know that their is some free software that will manage your files for you and will display them on your site. If you still need help, I will be able to help out.
Posted By: chaotic_dragon

Re: looking for unpaid website designer - 03/21/07 20:58

the designer would gain money from makig it as soon as i can get some money.

ive tried templates i cannot find any good ones.

you are right about the resource system i also have alot of stuff i cannot tell the forums untill the site is made because i dont wanna let anyone down by saying this and not completing it but all members of the team will be notified right away.
i would be happy for your help and would be much appreciated.

thanks, chris
Posted By: deadeyegames

Re: looking for unpaid website designer - 03/24/07 23:23

I am not looking for money, but I am looking for high quality model work done. I am looking for a snake pleskin or snake from metal gear fame model created and rigged for either 3ds / blender / maya. I am not a very good modeler, but I am a professional website developer.
Posted By: chaotic_dragon

Re: looking for unpaid website designer - 03/25/07 22:11

i have sent you a message deadeye.

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