Mech Builder (see showcase 2) - Payed via paypal

Posted By: thegamedesigner

Mech Builder (see showcase 2) - Payed via paypal - 09/07/07 17:30

Hello, my game "Mech Builder" is approaching being finished, however I am still working on its polish. I am better at the game play side of things, so post here if you think you can improve the polish, the shine. I want it to look more "pro". I dont think I have that look.

So, what can you do for me, and how? Are you good with particles? Shaders? Mesh textures?

Things I know I need, and can't do myself:
- Mesh texture: this shows up in the screen shots, I dont like it tiling like that, and it could use some break in the green, some rock or something.
- Zombie Model: PM for the model I am using now, the new model can not have more (or many more) faces, ect then the current one. Its not such a bad model, so much as its skin is terrible.
- Zombie Skin: This needs to be done so it looks good from above, as seen in the game (you can get the demo in showcase 2)
- Boss model: The boss in the game is a terrible free model, I need a better one.
- Boss skin: Same as zombie skin.

The animations are very basic for the models, death, attack (slam) and walk are all I need for the zombie, and the boss needs death and stand.

I do need art, sound effects and music, but I am asking on other forums, ones for those sort of thing, but if you want to talk, pm me.

All this I am very willing to pay for, pm with your price and maybe a sample, and we can talk.

I really would really love if some of the people on this forum who know how to make really good looking games (realspawn, damocles, night viper, ect) would post advice? That would be very cool.

Comments? Questions? Offers? Suggestions?

Posted By: alienheretic

Re: Mech Builder (see showcase 2) - Payed via paypal - 09/12/07 18:28
i am available for hire
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: Mech Builder (see showcase 2) - Payed via payp - 09/12/07 21:58

I as well am available for hire:
Posted By: alfredm

Re: Mech Builder (see showcase 2) - Payed via payp - 11/29/07 12:12

I am a experience low poly modeler and
I can help us about making every models
my samples:
[for more explanation please contact me with
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