Posted By: Blade280891

New FPS - 01/18/08 18:56

i have started work on a fps based around stargate sg-1 tv series, i am looking for people to help with the project, the project is not paid, but is released any profit will be shared. I will accept people of all levels of experience.
Posted By: aztec

Re: New FPS - 01/18/08 19:02

as we allways say please get a little bit more into detail if you want to interesst people maybe also show screens
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: New FPS - 01/18/08 19:29

it is still before the screens stage as i have just started today, but i need some help with models and level design/texture to begin with. The game will be based on you and your team go through a stargate to other worlds and fight the enemy.
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: New FPS - 01/18/08 20:01

i am not an expert level designer but here is something i would like to use, it would be set on another planet, go to the games in construction part
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: New FPS - 01/18/08 20:44


i have started work on a fps based around stargate sg-1 tv series, i am looking for people to help with the project, the project is not paid, but is released any profit will be shared. I will accept people of all levels of experience.

you can`t release it for profit as you will get your butt nailed to a wall, the guys who own the sg franchise will shut you donw before then more than likely, they have issued c&d orders to a lot of modders already
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: New FPS - 01/18/08 20:49

it will be similar to the tv series not based on and the word stargate is not copyrighted so i can use it
Posted By: jigalypuff

Re: New FPS - 01/18/08 20:52

sorry but intellectual copyright applys on something like this, and the fact that you will use stargate (which i suspect is copyrighted) and the exact same premise as the shows, well i think you get my drift, but hey go for it and more power to you. but think about all the time you`ll waste doing a knock off when you get a c&d
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: New FPS - 01/18/08 20:55

well the actual word stargate is in lots of sci-fi games because it is a combination of two words "star" and "gate", and do u wish to help with the project because i could use it.
Posted By: Metal_Man

Re: New FPS - 01/24/08 20:54

is this going to be in A6 or A7?
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: New FPS - 02/01/08 00:35

either i have both
Posted By: Paul_L_Ming

Re: New FPS - 02/01/08 01:17



well the actual word stargate is in lots of sci-fi games because it is a combination of two words "star" and "gate", and do u wish to help with the project because i could use it.

Yes, it is...but it's also different in what it defines. For example, IIRC, Buck Rogers in the 25th Century (the one with Gil Gerrard and Erin Grey; it was on TV in the 80's) had "Stargate"; it was never really explained, but basically, it was a device thing in space that had four points; these points would light up like shinning stars and open a 'gate' between them for instant travel between point A and point B.

The trick is that in your game, you are basically saying "I'm using the exact same thing that the Stargate TV/Movie/RPG franchise is using"'re gonna get sued. Now, if you have your Stargate as something like...

"Star-Gate: This is a one-time device that allows a single person with his gear to somehow teleport from one star system to another, but only to another planet that has a certain type of radiation signature. The user inputs the signature into his Star-Gate and hits a button. In a few seconds, the user is whisked away to the planet that has that signature. The arrival location is usually a specific location that is added to the a specific apartment would be in an apartment building."

Something like that might get you off the hook; but a big round thing called a stargate that uses constellation's to 'dial into' another stargate, and wormhole then opens between the two stargates...well, I hope you have a good lawyer. It basically boils down to similarity. Make your stargate different enough so as to "not confuse an average person" into thinking yours is the same thing as one from the owners of the copyright (and/or trademark), and you're likely ok...but if a person who's seen the movie and a few shows looks at your game and thinks "Hey! Cool! I remember this movie! They finally made a game out it? Sweet!"...well, you're in big doo-doo.
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