A "... months" project

Posted By: Ingmar

A "... months" project - 02/09/08 15:32

Hello gamedesigners,

A few weeks ago I started brainstorming about a "... months" project to make a small game and to test my management skills. But instead of posting a request for all sorts of people who would like to help me, I thought it would be wise to look for one good concept artist/ game designer.

The idea was:
- to make a small, simple, but yet fun-to-play videogame using Gamestudio.
- to finish the project in about 6 months.
- to learn many new things and enjoy the process of making a game.

So, if you want to:
- be my "Head" of concept art/game design,
- put time and effort in a fun project,
- help me with recruiting other people for the project further on,
- meet cool, new people (like me ),

And you:
- know how to work with Gamestudio,
- have some experience with making concept art/creating a story,
- have knowledge of 2D editing programs like Photoshop,
- don't mind to write small 'blogs' or 'diaries' with what you made/have accomplished,
- can speeak/write English or Dutch,

Then I would really like to get a PM from you so we can discuss about what's next!


EDIT: The game I want to create is a small Adventure/RPG. In a sort of do-a-quest-get-something-and-use-that-for-another-quest way..
Posted By: Ingmar

Re: A "... months" project - 02/12/08 12:56

Maybe the 6-months duration scares people, but the amount of months can of course be discussed! I'm still looking for a concept artist!
Posted By: Ingmar

Re: A "... months" project - 02/15/08 17:07

This can be closed!
Posted By: Vadim647

Re: A "... months" project - 02/15/08 19:30

So what exactly you want to make?
+ I know good how to make anything by 3dGS\LiteC
+ I have some exprience, and when there is idea, i can make game content quickyly;
+ Picture: physics project ~4 hours of work. No lags, smooth run.

+ I can make many things with PhotoShop, see LiteC contributions\TriMir, all game content i created by LiteC and PhotoShop.
+ I speak\write in English rather well.
Posted By: Ingmar

Re: A "... months" project - 02/16/08 09:34

Sorry, but I already joined the 'Radakan' project.. Thank you for replying though!
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