looking for people to help with big rpg online game

Posted By: darkjavas

looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 07/10/08 14:45

Hello there,

I am looking for the following to help.
Level disigners,

Pm or just say on here.
More information is given when joined
Posted By: rvL_eXile

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 07/10/08 14:53

Let us know , how the game would looks like. Tell us about the Gameplay and Story etc. With no description / Pictures / Whatever its hard to find people which helps you...

Is this a payed job?

cYa Sebastian
Posted By: croman

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 07/10/08 14:57

no offence, but...you dont know how to make a sky cube and now you'd like to create an online rpg? maybe i'm wrong...tell me i'm wrong...
Posted By: darkjavas

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 07/10/08 15:47

@Cerberi- Thats why i want level disigners

@Sebastian - This is not a payed job not yet anyway, there is no story line at the moment but I might have one. Gameplay is going to be pretty much like Final fantasy online and Pantasy star universe. There will also be stuff in the game where you can go to hang with friends at like the bars and clubs, you can fight monsters or go to other worlds and there is quite alot you can do.
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 07/10/08 21:36

If that is what you want, then it will be alot of work, and people will want to be paid.
Posted By: croman

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 07/10/08 22:18

i agree with that. no offence but you only have a wish. that's all there is to be told
Posted By: darkjavas

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 07/11/08 07:20

Yeah, well I will sort something out if poeple want to get paid i will sort something out.
Posted By: croman

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 07/11/08 08:13

it would be goof if you can start the project, scripting part. make some basics, like establishing connection, server, client events, string sending and perhaps player creation, moving and animation. you dont need to have created levels or models, use cbabe or any other model. once the people sees that you're having a good progress on your project they might be more willing to join you...anyways, good luck and no hard feelings smile
Posted By: darkjavas

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 07/11/08 10:02

Thanks dude and I will do that smile
Posted By: Inestical

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 07/16/08 21:26

One last hint.

Don't never ask people to join you without screens and working prototype. This works especially with games that have high TUSC-rating. Indie developing is hard, so don't think things work out easily.
Posted By: not_me

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/02/08 21:05

id love to help. though i would like to see what your doing..screens. id like to come on board as a level designer.
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/02/08 21:08

wow, not_me your doing alot at the moment smile
Posted By: not_me

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/03/08 02:08

lol. just trying to stay busy smile
lol actually im probably only going to go with 2 jobs...ill just accept the first two people to respond to me.
Posted By: darkjavas

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/03/08 09:48

well i have sent you a message
Posted By: KB_Alpha

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/04/08 22:10

I'm not good at any of this stuff but i would like to help you with textures or the level designs.

Is this a medieval type of game or modern day?
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/04/08 22:15

DJ not heard much lately, hows this game going , and when will we see some updates on the project(SVN ones) smile
Posted By: darkjavas

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/05/08 14:40

should have updates very soon.

@KB_Alpha- its a bit of everything hard to exaplin on here
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/05/08 15:18

haha, so what are your plans for server management, and what do you plan on doing for those that are on different levels at different times since level_load affects all users at once? not to mention collision detection, have you decided what to do with that? is it client based or server based, and if its client based how are you going to keep it from being hacked?
Posted By: croman

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/06/08 11:34

good point lostclimate. they just don't have enough experience or resources to create big online rpg, NHF to darkjavas
Posted By: Nowherebrain

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/06/08 12:11

Yes, most of us have a day job and possibly a family as well, this is why my game is taking forever.
Posted By: darkjavas

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/06/08 12:18

This is on halt anyway as im busy with my work this might not even happen but I am trying to get something.
Posted By: KB_Alpha

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/09/08 23:57

IF you need any models feel free to ask i'll see if i can find it if i don't already have it.
Posted By: darkjavas

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/10/08 20:22

I am looking for models yes.
Posted By: Oxy

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/12/08 23:29

what a kiddy thread again
Posted By: bomber

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/13/08 07:10

yeah a dreamer darkjavas is, companies spend millions of dollars to make mmorpgs and some still fail, no poor indie could make something like that!
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/13/08 17:30

no, indies have, its just about 0.001% as often.
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/13/08 17:37

Wow, nice forums these days people putting everyone's ideas down.
Posted By: Joozey

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/13/08 18:10

Has it ever been different? ^^
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/13/08 18:21

prob not
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/13/08 19:02

"no, indies have, its just about 0.001% as often."

how is that putting anyone down???? he said no indies have and i said he was wrong its just much less likely.
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/13/08 20:05

I wasnt refering to that post. i was refering to others , e.g. oxy's post.
Posted By: mk_1

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/14/08 01:05

No idea is put down but a wish and we all have wishes.
It seems like dj has no knowledge about game design whatsoever so why should anyone join his team?
Posted By: badapple

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/14/08 04:18

i think its great that people look for teams IF they have some knowledge of game creation themselves , an idea already thought out, and something to show already done , but i find it hard to believe how many wet dreams are looking for teams . these never work out and all it takes is to look at other posts to figure this out , this post is definitly a wet dream
Posted By: Doof_Guy

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/14/08 19:57

sure its a dream, but every company started out with dreamers. Blizzard started out as college kids wanting to make there own games and now look at them. Give the guy a break, although he would probably not be able to do it, he will get lots of experience trying to make it.

@Java - if you ever need some models don't hesitate to ask.
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/14/08 20:18

Yer, the team will support you DJ.
Posted By: lostclimate

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/14/08 21:50

"sure its a dream, but every company started out with dreamers. Blizzard started out as college kids wanting to make there own games and now look at them. Give the guy a break, although he would probably not be able to do it, he will get lots of experience trying to make it."

blizzard didnt start out trying to make a big online rpg either... so maybe people should be more like blizzard
Posted By: bomber

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/15/08 02:51

Originally Posted By: cerberi_croman
no offence, but...you dont know how to make a sky cube and now you'd like to create an online rpg? maybe i'm wrong...tell me i'm wrong...

I joined a team to make a rpg, evryone there were noobs(I'm 13 and I'm probably the best there),espeacially the leader, so he kinda didn't know what to do and that projected failed. If ur gonna lead the team u must have some experience, and ur asking a lot(for the engine and ppl),3d gamestudio can't make big rpg online games(unless u have a plugin)and nobody's gonna work hard for free,and u just got the idea, u haven't even made a demo!
Posted By: FoxZero

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/16/08 17:47

Even for large well established companies, setting up an MMORPG is a huge business venture and MMOs have failed even ones published by the rich and mighty EA. I played Motor City Online from its first public beta til the final servers were shut down in a period of just a few short years. I was bummed about Auto Assault's failure. The servers cost a ton of money to maintain. Do you own such servers? Are you the head of a well established game company? If not then understand why nobody well take you seriously.

Even the most lightly seasoned indy developer knows that MMO is not a word to throw around as anything more than a cool idea. Do some research on your favorite MMO and you'll see just how difficult it is.

For something more reasonable how about an RPG that you can take online and play with a few of your buddies? That sounds much more reasonable and certainly possible for perhaps even a slightly experienced indy developer, as long as you have the passion and determination.
Posted By: nalan

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/17/08 03:53

Originally Posted By: bomber
Originally Posted By: cerberi_croman
no offence, but...you dont know how to make a sky cube and now you'd like to create an online rpg? maybe i'm wrong...tell me i'm wrong...

I joined a team to make a rpg, evryone there were noobs(I'm 13 and I'm probably the best there),espeacially the leader, so he kinda didn't know what to do and that projected failed. If ur gonna lead the team u must have some experience, and ur asking a lot(for the engine and ppl),3d gamestudio can't make big rpg online games(unless u have a plugin)and nobody's gonna work hard for free,and u just got the idea, u haven't even made a demo!

Maybe you'r right,Chaotic management,no enough experience,no Plan,no payment,it's very hard to make a palyable demo!
Anyway,good luck for your games..
Posted By: bomber

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/21/08 03:46

haven't been helping them for a long time heard they were planning to use ogre, what are they up to now?
Posted By: nalan

Re: looking for people to help with big rpg online game - 08/24/08 04:11

Originally Posted By: bomber
haven't been helping them for a long time heard they were planning to use ogre, what are they up to now?

Failure of results,Unfortunately they are unable to carry on the project...
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