Assembling Development Team for a First Person Game

Posted By: FoxZero

Assembling Development Team for a First Person Game - 07/15/08 01:38

EDIT: Here is a link to our official website with more info Trail of Blood Official Website

Hello all. I had a team assembled for this game ages ago but I disbanded it after a year due to poor communication.

I'm still working on the same game, Trail of Blood. It's a modern day tactical game with a unique shooting and melee system. I want to break away from the typical run of the mill shooter and do something far more realistic. So realism and using tactics are two major things I want to emphasize.

The plot itself is very intricate focuses on the brutality and confusion of warfare. It's not about heroes. The content we want is very mature, we've noticed modern games have become quite tame. We want to break away from that as well and push the violence to unheard of realism. So we want people that are ok with that and no one that's real young.

I've been with Acknex since A6 was very first released. Not a very long time, but I've seen what it can do and I'm very familiar with its functions.

I already have a 2D artist on board and he's very talented, he'll be helping me with level design and concept art in the beginning. I myself will be composing and recording all the music for the game, I'm a musician and I should exploits my own talents right? I'm also picking up level design for this game.

We currently want:

A lead programmer

Contact me at foxzero (at) foxzero . net
I have tons of documentation for this game that I can give you.

Oh, and there is a post in showcase for this game, but it's ancient. We also have a website, again it's out of date.
Posted By: FoxZero

Re: Assembling Development Team for a First Person Game - 07/16/08 23:40

Oh, I just updated our website. You can find a good description of the plot as well as concept art and early development screen shots.

Also, here is a music clip for the game I did.

Again if you want more documentation including the gameplay mechanics and plot bios and the like, send an email to foxzero (at)
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: Assembling Development Team for a First Person Game - 07/17/08 01:58

the story didn't really seem very solid, and very standard for a game, as in
people get ambushed, seperated, find monsters, big secret, some sort of choice, to plain and bland, i would try improving the story.

Posted By: xXxGuitar511

Re: Assembling Development Team for a First Person Game - 07/17/08 02:15

Fox man, nice to see your still around, and TOB is still of interest...

I'm leaving on August 8 for the Navy, so I can't be of much service after that, but until then I can help you out as much as possible (Programming & music). I've got a couple of little projects I'm working on now:

- A "fake" HDR system. Won't give away all the details here, but I'm working on a retina-adjustment portion now; adjusting between bright and dark areas.

- A little guitar recording I call "Apocalypse". I can't (and don't have time) to find a band anymore, but if your interested, I could send you the tabs (or recording) and your band could expand on it...

As for anyone else, Trail of Blood has been an idea for a couple years now that has been slowly developing. Fox is serious about organizing and completing this project, so know that it's not just another "newbie's wet dream"...
Posted By: FoxZero

Re: Assembling Development Team for a First Person Game - 07/17/08 04:51

@ Blade28081991: What direction would you suggest I go in? I love plots about people finding humanity, and the sadistic opposite way. The game is going to be extremely dark and focus on the emotions of all the characters. It is a strategic game, however the missions are based off what the characters want to do. There's no high command for either playable character. The origins of the Lupines are critical as well. It has depth, just not in a standard way. I'm not trying to reinvent the way stories are told. Plot can be an opinion too, I can post dozens of examples of articles I disagree with. The plot is where I'm at.

@Disciple, yeah man, I bet you know this already but I tried contacting you a month or two ago but I know how things are. Anyways that HDR system sounds f-in brutal! Yeah, if you wanted me to I could record that song for you with all my nice gear (have you seen my stack?) and I'll gives all rights and credits you. Even for a brief while I'd be honored to have your help.

Yeah, everybody, Disciple was with me in the beginning. I am dead serious about this project. I was back in 2006, and I didn't stop! I'm just exploiting my better talents. I am a writer at heart and I am a recording musician with a serious and solid band.
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Assembling Development Team for a First Person Game - 07/30/08 06:09

i like the story. werewolves beat strange aliens, especially since resistance, area 51, crysis, cloverfield, and countless other alien (or similar) beasts.

besides, if there aren't secrets to be discovered, who cares about the story?

good luck with this. i won't be able to be a permanent team member, but i'd be happy to help out when i can.

Posted By: FoxZero

Re: Assembling Development Team for a First Person Game - 08/12/08 05:33

Originally Posted By: JulzMighty
i like the story. werewolves beat strange aliens, especially since resistance, area 51, crysis, cloverfield, and countless other alien (or similar) beasts.

besides, if there aren't secrets to be discovered, who cares about the story?

good luck with this. i won't be able to be a permanent team member, but i'd be happy to help out when i can.


Yeah man, good point. Hey, I like aliens, but honestly why the hell would they wanna take over Earth? And why would they suck at it? They master freakin space travel yet they wanna travel to the most resource deprived planet in the universe to take it over and they f up with the most sophisticated weaponry in existence. Sorry man that part always eludes me, but hey Independence Day was a damned good movie lol. As long as Will Smith is in it, itsa good alien story, unfortunately I don't have Will Smith as a teammate.

Kalashnikov wielding wolves that sounds more interesting! lol

Anyways I'd appreciate any input. If you want I could send you the game docs if you wanna give any opinions or just see what the hell we're doing lol.
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