Need a skin painter

Posted By: Locoweed

Need a skin painter - 10/23/05 04:27

I am getting back to my origins. Back to my first dream game when I join the 3dgs community 3 years ago. I am going to go ahead and finish my original game, which was a 6 player multiplayer strategic space game. I will probable be creating on average about 2 unwrapped spaceship models per week and I need someone to paint the skins. I will have the skins setup easy for painting. Basically, unless a few people I have invited to help me have time to help, it will be just me and the skinner, which would be you, if you join me. No stress, no deadlines, just some fun skinning until we are done. I am not promising anything here, but my help and knowledge whenever you need it. Anyway, if the game ever is commpleted and sold, you would definately receive a fair amount of the sales. It's not a real lucrative deal or anything, but I need a partner to help me out. I may invite another modeller to help ot too, but right now I don't want a team of more than 4 people for personal reasons. I guess that reason is, that that is always the number of people that really are active with a team anyways.

I lost my original dream because no one had interest in the style of game, but I am going to get back to finishing it now.

So, if you are interested in painting the skins for about 300 unwrapped cool spaceships and units, let me know.

Like 3 years ago, I might get no replies, that's ok though, I will just plug along on it myself. It's always been my dream and I am going to go ahead and finish it now.

PM me, reply here, whatever, if you are interested,
Posted By: Kerkelenz

Re: Need a skin painter - 10/23/05 04:42

You can paint your Skin easylly for Spaceships with Photoshop, you just make the UVW wireframe with MED or better with and Unwrap rogram and then you put each group in to a different layer in photoshop and just put a picture on it, that is pretty easy, you can just make a quick search on google for those pics.

Posted By: Locoweed

Re: Need a skin painter - 10/23/05 04:48

Thanks Xtreme, (nice avatar, heh)

I realize this, I will have the models unwrapped, so does that mean you want to paint the skins, or is that just good advise?

I just need one person who would like to work with me here, painting the skins. Anything they ever needed from me, they have it, if I can make it happen. And on a good day, I can help out a bit. A modeller/skinner needing some programming help perhaps? I dunno. It's just an offer for anyone interested. It's not like a big promotion or help me please plea. If someone is interested let me know. Never helps to have some friends and fun.

It's not like I don't have connections to some others that would gladly help and do a great job, it's just an offer to anyone that is interested in helping with this genre of game.

Posted By: LordRathan

Re: Need a skin painter - 10/23/05 07:59

What kind of space-ship-real-time-strategy-game is it? Something like Nexus?

And, what quality of skins do you want?
Posted By: Kerkelenz

Re: Need a skin painter - 10/23/05 11:41

I can work with ya for free dude, and besides, may be u wanna join my team, those german dumba**es can suck my di**!!
Posted By: Kerkelenz

Re: Need a skin painter - 10/23/05 11:42

dude, im workin on a big project right now, and I can use the training so lets get it on!!! and besides, yor pic rox! xD
Posted By: Locoweed

Re: Need a skin painter - 10/25/05 01:52

Lol on pic.

Originally, 3 years ago when I started the project, the plan was real-time movement on a strategic level, yet almost being turn-based in a way. When mulitple units on the strategic level ended up in the same area, the actual battles would actually switch to real-time tactical screen. I may switch this yet, but I do want some real chess-like strategy involved with the actual real-time combat.

Here some old documentation that would describe some of what I was originally trying to accomplish long ago. Some Early Galactic Uprising Concepts. I wouldn't have it quite like decribed there anymore, but that might give you an idea of why I originally was creating the game. I doubt it will actually be turn-based anymore, but it will be atleast paced for the strategic part of the game. Tactical combat will be full-speed though.

This would give an idea of the units involved in the game. There is some planetary action and battles too, altough limited in the first release. Basic Unit data, Excel Not that all that garbage will make any sense, but you should be able to find tha planned units there.

I am getting all my documentation that was lost due to a computer malfunction back on my computer, thank goodness for paper hard copies. After I get all the documenation back, I get with everyone and they should have a much better understanding of the original concept. Everything about this game, every unit, well, everything, is just documented down to the last detail and was tested, altough, originally in board game format, unit strengths, speeds, etc for each race, should pretty well be set to make each race be equal, although they all have different strengths, weaknesses, etc.

Posted By: Joozey

Re: Need a skin painter - 10/25/05 11:50

I love (multiplayer) space strategy games, and the main idea sounds really cool.
To bad i'm not such a really good skinner, if I was, I certainly would have volunteered .

Just a question: I've read the Galactic concept, and I was wondering if there will be a research "section" in the game too,
next to combats, construct buildings, populate other planets etc., so you can develop technology and invent better weapons,
shields, buildings, spaceships etc.
I think the game would be totaly awesome to play then.

Hopefully you'll be able to realize your dream this time
Good luck.
Posted By: LordRathan

Re: Need a skin painter - 10/25/05 12:13

@XTREME: Just one warning word: If I should ever read those sentence from you again, then I'll inform a moderator or administrator. That isn't fun!

@Locoweed: I'll give it a try. Send me a ship for test-skinning. Or, maybe, just the unwrapped mesh on a pcx or bmap.
Let's see how good germans can paint skins.
Posted By: Locoweed

Re: Need a skin painter - 10/30/05 14:26

Sorry for delayed response, another hectic week.

@Jostie, For the first version I don't know if I am going to add research and technology levels. I was leaning towards not doing it on the first version, but adding that to the next version. It depends on how things progress, but eventually there will be research and technology levels.

It's going to take me a week to get everything together and then I will get an example test ship out for some practice skinning.

Posted By: LordRathan

Re: Need a skin painter - 10/30/05 18:17

OK, pm me when you are ready.
Posted By: Gafgar

Re: Need a skin painter - 11/02/05 01:24

ok.. i am wily to test this... i am working on project on my own but need some relax from that and just paint would be good... i painted a test image just to show how i CAN do this..
This image is done on one hour so don’t judge me to hard.. the design is not thought thru at all and i just started from nothing thinking of nothing.. but maybe it can show something..? ^^

Possible ship parts... one hour work just for testing..

I think i can handle painting 4 ships a week in this "quality" and if there will be only too of them then i can make better than this.. i can make different types of metal to and lighting and so on..

Posted By: creature

Re: Need a skin painter - 11/02/05 09:34

just a random little imput, you dont usually fake lighting on skins, you let a bump map and normal maps do that kind of wee detail, faking lighting can wreak havok when the light doesnt line up with the 'cooked texture'
Posted By: Gafgar

Re: Need a skin painter - 11/02/05 13:30

this is no heavy lighting and this would be a game with over 100 models in view at the same time.. then I don’t think you will think "ohh.. that ones lighting does not seems 100% ok.." often you don’t notes the lighting on that small details if you not playing a game maid in indoor areas like in doom3... try to apply this texture to a model (not that I think it matches that good on any model right now ;D ) and it will look like the scarves in the metal actually are small scarves... nothing more.. And the lighting on the "window" are maid just so that you don’t need a alpha map and don’t need 2 models with one transparent and no shadier to make it look like a window.. it is not perfect now.. But it can be used ... especially in a Strategy game... and if I get more time than one hour I can probably make something better than this…
I always fail lighting on my models when I don’t use normalmaping... it gives life to more details.. Often you can calculate from witch directions the light most often comes from and then even create small shadows... and if there for one reason is an light from beneath the model then it is often very "SHARP" (there is no reason to have an that special lighting if it is no reason to it and then you often wants the one who sees it to notes it) and then overruns all other light shadows painted on the skin.. and if there just is an explosion then the light comes and goes that quick that you don’t have the time to think of it.. But yah.. This skin is probably not perfect.. ^^ .. I will have to put it on to a model to see how it works... i never really maid a spaceship before.. and i think that i can get mush better on the way ...

A low polygon model like those often used to strategy games does not have that good lighting on its own because of the low polycount and then need some helps on some parts ..
Posted By: gri

Re: Need a skin painter - 11/03/05 09:19


I can work with ya for free dude, and besides, may be u wanna join my team, those german dumba**es can suck my di**!!

I dont get your mind. To what does your opinion referring ?
Are you gay???

Posted By: Kerkelenz

Re: Need a skin painter - 11/03/05 09:41

dude im just saying, that they suck in programming and hat suck my di** is meant symbolic
Posted By: Locoweed

Re: Need a skin painter - 11/07/05 02:13

It's going to take me a while to get everything together. Real life is busy at the moment. I am going to get the documentation all squared away first, that is what I am working on now. I decided I better get that done first with Handbooks for the members to be able to refer to. I am going to make the Handbook very detailed so be patient with me. I want everyone to know exactly what is going on. After I get that done, I will contact everyone and get the models rolling out.

EDIT: Hehe, I just found a very very old CD of my first attempts at this game from back in the dark ages. b3dgs (before 3dgs) even. Actually my first attempts at the game is what eventually lead my to 3dgs. This old code was based off of Andre' LaMothe's book "Tricks of the Windows GAme Programming Gurus." It took me a while to even figure out how I had the controls working. BAsically, each ship had a certain number of moves per turn. You would select the ship by left clicking on it, then A Icon of the ship would show up at bottom of screen, you would l-click on on this icon, then you could move the seleceted ship 1 adjacent hex at a time from the ship up to the number of moves the ship could make. When you were done moving the ship, you would r-click on the icon of it at the bottom of the screen to end it's movement for that turn (very important). Then you could end turn or select another ship, then l-click it's icon and do it all again for that ship. After you moved all your ships, you would l-click the TURN button and you could start moving all the ships again.

Edit: I just figured out something else, after the ship was selected on the map and you l-clicked the icon, you could then r-click on the ship on the map and it would should the weapons' fire-arcs, heh. Who knows what else was in there. I don't remember it all.

Man, that was a long time ago. The one thing I remember well about trying to make this game was how hard it was to make the hex system fit together right and the stategic map was a real nightmare too. Also, trying to get Dplay working wasn't fun either. I just happenned onto this old cd, .

Anyway, if you want to see why I started searching for engines, this would probably show you why. The mouse scrolling was really touchy for sure. It was also 2d. Yes, the good ole days. First Galactic Uprising Attempt

I think the first 3d engine I tried was 3dRAD, which wasn't what I was looking for, then I found 3DGS, which has been my mainstay since then. Other than some old Commodore64 games I wrote, this was my first attempt at game dev in the new millenium.

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