Looking for music and sound effects. $$

Posted By: FoxHound

Looking for music and sound effects. $$ - 01/21/06 01:33


As you can see the game is almost finished and as soon as this beta demo is finished I'll be looking for publishers. I'm looking for someone to make music for this game. I need "theme music" and a few level playing music. While the music in the game is simular to what I want, it's a bit to hard though.

I also need some sound effects. If the same person can do this, great, if not then that will be fine too.

I need a lazer blasting sound effect. A negative sound effect. An explosion sound effect. A positive sound effect.

Payment can come several ways.

My first and prefered is to trade scripts worth equal value to the music. I have no difficulty programming anything that you could want (stay out of multiplayer, while I could do it it would take way to long).

Next is royaltie. The game is almost finished after all.

Next I can pay cash. But my funds are a bit limited. Let me hear what you want for your work and I'll see what I can do.

Last is a combination of the three.

You can IM me or say hi through ICQ.
Posted By: JetpackMonkey

Re: Looking for music and sound effects. $$ - 01/21/06 01:55

just out of curiousity, what kind of music for the theme and levels do you have in mind? genre, tempo, mood etc?
Posted By: FoxHound

Re: Looking for music and sound effects. $$ - 01/21/06 02:02

a light techno/sci-fi deal. Something that gets you in the mood for the game but light enough that you don't really hear the music.
Posted By: Daedelus

Re: Looking for music and sound effects. $$ - 01/21/06 07:04

For custom tracks written for your game:
http://www.arteria-gaming.com/ they have some nice ones already made as well.
Pricing is very reasonable IMO.
Good luck with finding something. Your game looks great
Posted By: A.Russell

Re: Looking for music and sound effects. $$ - 01/21/06 18:00

I use a company in Osaka: http://www.nash.jp/dl/en/

They are very nice. They send me lots of demos and they even sent me a New Year card.
Posted By: ViolentVibrator

Re: Looking for music and sound effects. $$ - 01/22/06 05:44

Hi. I have many examples of work I've done, my company website is www.stridencysounds.com, it is down right now for updates.

email me at travis@stridencysounds.com if you are still looking for someone to produce original tracks / sound effects.


Posted By: FoxHound

Re: Looking for music and sound effects. $$ - 01/22/06 06:04

I have got a couple of deals going through now. I'll email you if any of them fall through or I need more on top of that.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: Looking for music and sound effects. $$ - 01/25/06 14:34


A huge number of sound effects you can find here:


mercuryus (www.gameus.de)
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