
Posted By: Jay_Watergate

Exclusivity? - 01/28/07 21:58

After reading through the Lite-C page on your website, I have a question. Is Lite-C a version-exclusive program? I am not specifically talking about engine version (A5,6,7), but also between Extra, Commercial... ect. If I understand correctly, Lite-C will be sold seperate apon final release, but do you need a certian engine/program version in order to use it?

PS: If it is in the tutorial, I am sorry, but 14MB is nearly 60min on dialup .

Jay Watergate
Posted By: jcl

Re: Exclusivity? - 01/29/07 20:12

No, it is stand alone, you don't need a certain Gamestudio edition for lite-C. From the features it's roughly equivalent to the standard edition.
Posted By: Thomas_Nitschke

Re: Exclusivity? - 01/30/07 10:41

Just to make sure I got that correctly - LiteC definitely includes Acknex, doesn't it?
Posted By: Gordon

Re: Exclusivity? - 01/30/07 11:17

from what I have read it is a new standalone product AND will be included as the scripting language for gamestudio. The standalone version will not have WED. It should be in the next release of gamestudio (correct me if I am wrong on this JCL).

So gamestudio owners will get it for free with a future update.
Posted By: Thomas_Nitschke

Re: Exclusivity? - 01/30/07 15:28

Yeah, but the standalone version will include Acknex, won't it? Not WED, okay, but Acknex. Does it use the extra version of Acknex then? Or which one?
Posted By: jcl

Re: Exclusivity? - 01/30/07 16:07

Yes, it includes the acknex engine, equivalent to the standard edition plus some additional features.
Posted By: MatAllum

Re: Exclusivity? - 02/03/07 13:15

Will the "normal" version of GameStudio still be available, without the Lite-C and with WED? If not I won't be updating unless the addition of Lite-C gives some sort of phenomenal new feature.
Posted By: Gordon

Re: Exclusivity? - 02/03/07 14:14

I have been reading the posts from JCL and from what I have read the next major version (A7) will have Lite-C. It will still have WED, MED and SED. Lite-C is also a standalone product with a version of MED that can be used to create models and levels (mdl as a level). This version would be ideal for casual games like those found on realarcade. A7 with Lite-c is a fantastic combination that can be used to create complex levels with complex logic to run them.

I am so looking forward to A7!
Posted By: AlbertoT

Re: Exclusivity? - 02/03/07 17:56


So gamestudio owners will get it for free with a future update.

Is it confirmed
Will the future Game Studio 6.60 include C-Lite ?
Posted By: MatAllum

Re: Exclusivity? - 02/04/07 00:47

If it's that good, I might just use it after all.
Posted By: Jay_Watergate

Re: Exclusivity? - 02/04/07 01:56

Perhaps I still am just not understanding the point... and if so, Im sorry. I understand that Lite-C is able to create other apps besides games, and that it is suposidly easier than C/C++, but what is its connection to Gamestudio? Will it become the official language of Gamestudio, replacing C-Script, or is it simply an alternative?

Also, what is my motivation to switch to Lite-C, if it is in fact simply an alternative? Does it compile faster, use less overhead, easier than C-Script...?

Jay Watergate
Posted By: AlbertoT

Re: Exclusivity? - 02/04/07 11:02


I understand that Lite-C is able to create other apps besides games

This can be definitly an additional benefit but I do hope it is not the main goal
Blitz3d made something similar with BlitxMax
Rather than updating their fantastic but outdated game engine they wastee years in the development of a sort of simple 00 programming language, BlitzMax
A bloody mistake

Game programmers need a good game engine and a good built in level editor

A script language is definitly of use but it is not the main issue
Everybody can learn C++ in a couple of monthes, at a basic level, you dont' need a hybrid solution
On the contrary you take years to master Direct x \ opengl , not to mention BSP , phisics or all that stuff

Lite_C is welcome, definitly we need "For" or "switch..case" statement but A7 would be the true step forward
That's my opinion of course
Posted By: JibbSmart

Re: Exclusivity? - 02/05/07 06:08


Lite_C is welcome, definitly we need "For" or "switch..case"

lite_c has these already

i think lite_c is fantastic!! it's a lot better than c-script, with unlimited function parameters, multi-D-arrays, etc. i love it

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