
Posted By: FlorianP

Entity-Direction - 02/22/07 12:41


the direction of an entity by modifying the tilt and roll values is turned on the local y/z axes of the Enitty. The pan value rotates on the global x axis.
ang_rotate turns on the own axes.
In the manual is documented pan/tilt/roll turns on the global axes - So itīs impossible to set the x-rotaion to a concrete value
Posted By: jcl

Re: Entity-Direction - 02/22/07 18:39

Congratulations - you're the first Gamestudio user who finally discovered that all entity angles are wrong!

Seriously: In three-dimensional space angles have 3 values instead of one, meaning that you rotate the object three times about one of its axes. Rotations are not commutative, so you need a system to define the order of the 3 rotations, and which axes to use. This is the famous "Euler angles" system, i.e. pan, tilt, and roll. All spatial rotations, in math as well as in game engines, normally use those 3 Euler angles.

It's not this hard to understand but a little hidden in the manual (under "Syntax / Variables"). I've put it also in the entity description now: http://manual.conitec.net/aentity-pan.htm
Posted By: PadMalcom

Re: Entity-Direction - 01/28/08 18:11

Muss grad ein bisschen lachen
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