txt_load and the delimiter

Posted By: quasarchangel

txt_load and the delimiter - 05/26/07 12:59

Is there any way to get the txt_load function to ignore a ',' as a delimiter? I would like to use proper punctuation in a text file, but whenever I read it back into a text object or string it stops the sentence at every ',' and puts the rest of the sentence into the next string. Anyone know how to change the delimter maybe or something?
Posted By: HeelX

Re: txt_load and the delimiter - 05/26/07 13:21

did you tried to overwrite the delimiter string?

str_cpy(delimit_str,"#"); for example
Posted By: quasarchangel

Re: txt_load and the delimiter - 05/26/07 13:30

Nope doesn't work. I tried 'delimit_str', 'delimit', 'delimiter_str' and 'delimiter'. Anyone know what the string is called? Do I maybe have to declare it? I am using 6.2, does it work with a newer version of the engine?
Posted By: JackTheRipper

Re: txt_load and the delimiter - 05/27/07 17:52


Update your version , than is should working.

Regards Jack.
Posted By: Lion_Ts

Re: txt_load and the delimiter - 05/27/07 21:06

command like: str_cpy(delimit_str,"|") is working in the A6.314 and up (I'm using it); so may be this is 6.2 issue only...
Posted By: quasarchangel

Re: txt_load and the delimiter - 05/27/07 21:36

Thanks, I'll do that.
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