turned based

Posted By: alienheretic

turned based - 06/26/07 18:57

i saw a few post for turned based rpgs but cant seem to find a working download or example anywhere does any one have an idea how to handle turns bassed on iniative of players and enemies or know where i can download the few examples that were posted some time ago?
Posted By: Nems

Re: turned based - 06/26/07 19:13

This is how Wade_Adams and Grimbar helped me with my Borderline Conflict
demo level.

entity* player1;
entity* player2;
entity* current_player;
var in_the_air = 1;

Function main()

current_player = player1;//just to have an auto start player

function switch()

in_the_air = 1;
if (current_player==player1) // end turn so switch to other player

current_player = player2;//change to 1 to have only one player
current_player = player1;

on_tab switch;// or set it so that the switch is triggered by an
explosion, shot or time period.
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