Quick Question: Tracing and stuff

Posted By: Bright

Quick Question: Tracing and stuff - 08/06/07 20:52

Hey guys,
I'm a bit confused about something and I was just wondering how I'd make this code scan in front of the object instead of downwards:
// detect walls infront of the user
function proj_scanfront(scandist)
// scan and store data into a local
var scanstore;
c_trace(my.x, vector(my.x, my.y, my.z + scandist), ignore_me + ignore_passable + scan_texture);

// reposition at the target
vec_set(scanstore, target);
vec_set(my.x, scanstore.x);

Its suppost to be for a player shooting a weapon.
Thanks for your interest and I hope to hear from you soon

Posted By: vlau

Re: Quick Question: Tracing and stuff - 08/07/07 05:13


function proj_scanfront(scandist)

c_trace(my.x, temp, ignore_me + ignore_passable + scan_texture);

// reposition at the target
vec_set(scanstore, target);
vec_set(my.x, scanstore.x);

Posted By: Bright

Re: Quick Question: Tracing and stuff - 08/08/07 03:41

Sweet as thanks man
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