Strange, strange crash

Posted By: Excessus

Strange, strange crash - 08/11/07 15:21

Hello everyone,

I have a piece of code that I need some help with. I'm actually suspecting this is a Lite-C bug, but I'm posting here first to be sure.

The code crashes at a certain point. If I debug the code, it seems the code magically jumps to a totaly unrelated function. No function call, nothing. It just jumps to the middle of some other function.

When I remove the do..while loop in this function, the code works fine.

Try for yourself, please. Just copy this in a new file and run. The debugger will be activated right away. Then it will do 20 str_cpy's in a loop, and suddenly jump to the other function.

The code may be a bit large, but you don't have to read or understand it. Just confirm that it does not follow the normal path of execution.

#include <acknex.h>


FONT* arialFont = "Arial#16";

int numLinesUsed = 0;

TEXT* console =
layer = 1;
pos_x = 10;
pos_y = 10;
font = arialFont;
strings = 20;//NUM_LINES_IN_CONSOLE; // Syntax error: Number syntax...??

- Name: initConsole
- Desc: initializes the console. Right now, it just makes it visible.
- Params: -
void initConsole()
console->flags |= VISIBLE;
if( == 0) = 1;

- Name: consoleScrollMessage
- Desc: prints a new message in the console. If the console is full, older messages will
be scrolled up.
- Params: STRING* message - the message to be printed
void consoleScrollMessage(STRING* message)
// Check if the console is full:
if(numLinesUsed >= NUM_LINES_IN_CONSOLE)
// It is full, move older messages up 1 string:
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i + 1 < NUM_LINES_IN_CONSOLE; i++)
// Copy next string to current string:
str_cpy((console.pstring)[i], (console.pstring)[i + 1]);
// The console wasn't full so increment numLinesUsed:

// Finally, print the message (prepended with "> "):
str_cpy((console.pstring)[numLinesUsed - 1], "> ");
str_cat((console.pstring)[numLinesUsed - 1], message);

void consoleInkey(STRING* str)
str_cpy((console.pstring)[numLinesUsed - 1], " ");

do {
inkey((console.pstring)[numLinesUsed - 1]);
while(result != 13);
str_cpy(str, (console.pstring)[numLinesUsed - 1]);
#define CONSOLE_INKEY(str) consoleInkey(str); wait_for(consoleInkey)

- Name: consoleClear
- Desc: clears all lines in the console.
- Params: -
void consoleClear()
int i;
for(i = 0; i < NUM_LINES_IN_CONSOLE; i++)
str_cpy((console.pstring)[i], "");

void main()
// Print numbers 0 - 20 in the console:

var i = 0;
STRING* strtmp = str_create(" ");
for(i = 0; i < 20; i++)
consoleScrollMessage(str_for_num(strtmp, i));

// Debugging starts here:
consoleScrollMessage(str_for_num(strtmp, i));

Posted By: Spirit

Re: Strange, strange crash - 08/12/07 08:36

This is interesting, I also had a crash with a do while loop and I now believe that this is a bug in the compiler. Do while lets a previous loop crash. This is the proof:

int result = 0;

void test1()
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
result = 1;

void test2()

do {
result = 13;
} while (result != 13);

void main()

This simple program crashes all the time but works when I replace do..while by while {..}. I believe the previous for loop is somehow trashed by the do while loop. I will report this as a bug.
Posted By: Excessus

Re: Strange, strange crash - 08/12/07 10:51

Thanks for looking into this. Let's hope it will be resolved soon..
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