Panel digits not redrawing (OMG I'm a noob again!)

Posted By: dudeBot

Panel digits not redrawing (OMG I'm a noob again!) - 08/13/07 15:53

So, I making the move to liteC, and I cant
seem to accomplish what should be a simple task.

As I'm sure most of you do, I use panels with digits for debugging,
but the panel display appears to be drawing the back buffer to
the current screen buffer. I thought setting the REFRESH flag
in the panel would take care of that, but it doesn't.

Here the script in case I've missed something.

FONT* gFont= "ackfont.pcx";

int testVar = 0;

PANEL* outputPanel =
layer = 1;



In a while(1){ wait(1); } loop
I am incrementing testVar by 1.

I just love startin all over
Posted By: Tobias

Re: Panel digits not redrawing (OMG I'm a noob aga - 08/13/07 16:19

I haven't understood what you write about the back buffer and also have never heard about a REFRESH flag, but using panels is described in detail in the tutorial in the second and third lesson.
Posted By: dudeBot

Re: Panel digits not redrawing (OMG I'm a noob aga - 08/13/07 16:31

Thanks for the reply.

I have and use the manual and the lite-c workshop but didn't
find anything that addressed this issue.

I did however figure it out, so I won't go into detail
about double buffering, and maybe the "refresh" flag is something
that I made up, but I have used it as a setting in the flags = ...
for panels w/o errors so I dunno.


To get ramped up, I was just doing some test scripting, but I
was doing it without loading a level. So just to see what would
happen, I loaded an empty .wmb, and now the front buffer clears
out before drawing the back buffer, like it should. Hurray

Posted By: dudeBot

Re: Panel digits not redrawing (OMG I'm a noob aga - 08/13/07 17:23

OK, so I retract my "I did however figure it out" statement
as well as my yellow and green happy faces.

It did work in windowed mode, but if I set the script for fullscreen,
the value doesn't even get updated at all. I'm starting to miss C-Scipt
Posted By: dudeBot

Re: Panel digits not redrawing (OMG I'm a noob aga - 08/13/07 17:46

Here's some new info that may help shed some light on this problem.
It really just makes me more confused , but maybe it will help
someone with more liteC experience to diagnose the issue.

Like I said I'm just tinkering around with the script to get a
handle on it, so I just added script to create a new view, switch to it,
and then rotate the view around the center of a block in my level.
Out of curiosity, I changed the variable to be displayed in my panel
to diplay the pan of the view I created. It worked in both fullscreen
and windowed mode. So that's cool, but it still leaves me wondering
the other variable wasn't displayed as being incremented in fullscreen
mode, but was in windowed.

Thanks in advance for any help with this.
Posted By: Ottawa

Re: Panel digits not redrawing (OMG I'm a noob aga - 08/13/07 22:57


Have a look at my post : Integers

to solve my problem
I'm working with var now and not with int.

Posted By: dudeBot

Re: Panel digits not redrawing (OMG I'm a noob aga - 08/14/07 15:20


Your right, changing the data type from int to var now displays
the digits being updated in both windowed and full screen mode.

What's still freakin me out a little bit , is why the
the window mode would effect the display. I know that the variable
set as an int is incrementing, because I used its value as a condition
in a for loop, but it just aint displaying as being incremented in the
panel when I'm in fullscreen.

Anyway, thanks again for pointing me to your post.
Posted By: Ottawa

Re: Panel digits not redrawing (OMG I'm a noob aga - 08/15/07 18:40

Hi dudeBot!

I'm using VAR until I finish my migration and then
I'm going to start making changes to the integers
and see the reults.

Ottawa ... happy to help
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