Problem with inventory

Posted By: MDI

Problem with inventory - 12/08/07 18:01

Im trying to make inventory where can put different items - that is only so.
But if im taking two similiar items like two apples that first apple only jums to next slot and not two apples in inventory!

Then i have question have can fix this? How can make to show one panel in more places in one time? If that is possble - if isnt please give examples how is to do it in better way!
Posted By: EpsiloN

Re: Problem with inventory - 12/08/07 18:50

The basic concept :
Diffrent panel definitions for every inventory slot. On item placement , store item number in an array , and according to the array (item number) change the bmap of that particular panel (inventory slot).
There are many ways to script an inventory , so I dont think someone can help you , until he checks your script for mistakes...
Posted By: MDI

Problem with inventory - 12/08/07 22:04

Mistakes isnt! Here only now i remember one very effective way!
Possible that will work!
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