Classic problem: character floats

Posted By: Chameleon_Man

Classic problem: character floats - 12/09/07 07:45

Hi. My character is floating above the ground when I don't want him to be. Here's my code...

move_mode = ignore_you + activate_trigger + glide;

I notice that when I run into walls and other characters, theres a gap, almost like theres a large invisible box around my character. Any advice? Thanks!
Posted By: Nems

Re: Classic problem: character floats - 12/09/07 13:14

It seems you only have x and y vectors in there and no z vector which is what gravity relies on.(not familiar with the method)
Then again, you have a double vector statement rather than one.

Never liked that sort of gravity control as it takes too much to balance forces I find.

Try vector(x_momentum, 0,z_momentum)

Posted By: JazzDude

Re: Classic problem: character floats - 12/09/07 17:56

You may have a large invisible box around him. Hit F11 twice to check the size of the bounding box.
Posted By: Chameleon_Man

Re: Classic problem: character floats - 12/09/07 18:13

No,thanks though, but that's not the problem, the way ent_move works is ent_move(relative,universal). Gravity works as a universal force, while the players movement works as a relative force (walk forwards or backwards).

Jazz. The box feature must be new, it's so cool. Anyways, the box is placed under my character, and it's in the shape of a cube. Is there anyway for my to adjust the dimensions and position of the box? Thanks!

Or are there any other suggest for gravity?
Posted By: JazzDude

Re: Classic problem: character floats - 12/09/07 18:55

Place c_setminmax(me); in the character's action.
Posted By: Chameleon_Man

Re: Classic problem: character floats - 12/09/07 20:11

Edit: Works great now, THANKS!
Posted By: Nems

Re: Classic problem: character floats - 12/10/07 01:41

Ok, thanks for the pointer and good one JazzDude
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