My main.wdl, but no Fullscreen?

Posted By: Crackdown90

My main.wdl, but no Fullscreen? - 02/10/08 14:26

this is my main.wdl! Why has my game no Fullscreen, i also setted the video mode to 9! Whats wrong?

// mittelalter.wdl
var video_mode = 9; // 1280 x 1024
var video_depth = 32; // 16 bit mode

var player_distance; // moves the player
var enemy_distance; // moves the enemy

define sword_base = skill12; // using skill12, 13, 14 to store the sword_base coords
define sword_tip = skill15; // using skill15, 16, 17 to store the sword_tip coords
define healthpoints = skill18; // just another name for skill18


font swc_font = <font.pcx>, , 24, 23; // sword combat font


bmap spark_map = <spark.pcx>; // for spark particles
bmap blood_map = <blood.pcx>; // for blood particles


sound beep_sound = <beep.wav>;
sound sword_snd = <sword.wav>;


function particle_sparks();
function particle_blood();
function fade_particle();


string mittelalter_wmb = <mittelalter.wmb>;
string health_str = "Player Health: ";


entity* enemy; // useful only if you want to display its health


panel health_panel // displays the numbers
pos_x = 0;
pos_y = 0;
digits = 120, 575, 4, swc_font, 1, player.healthpoints;
flags = refresh, visible;

text health_text // displays the text
pos_x = 0;
pos_y = 550;
font = swc_font;
string = health_str;
flags = visible;


function main()
level_load (mittelalter_wmb);
wait (2); // wait for the level to be loaded
clip_size = 0; // show all the triangles for all the models
on_d = null; // disable the debug panel (key "D") because it is used for movement
fps_max = 50; // lock the frame rate to 40 fps

action player_fight // attached to the player
player = me; // I'm the player
player.healthpoints = 100; // and I have 100 health points
while (player.healthpoints > 0) // as long as I'm alive
camera.x = player.x - 200 * cos(player.pan); // 200 = distance between the player and the camera
camera.y = player.y - 200 * sin(player.pan); // same value here
camera.z = player.z + 200; // above the player
camera.pan = player.pan; // looks in the same direction with the player
camera.tilt = -30; // look down at the player

my.pan += 4 * (key_a - key_d) * time - 20 * mouse_force.x * time; // rotates with the keys A and D or with the mouse
player_distance.x = 10 * (key_w - key_s) * time; // moves forward / backward with W / S
player_distance.y = 0;
player_distance.z = 0;

if ((key_w == 1) || (key_s == 1)) // the player is walking
ent_cycle("walk", my.skill20); // play walk frames animation
my.skill20 += 4 * time; // "walk" animation speed
if (my.skill20 > 100) {my.skill20 = 0;} // loop animation
else // the player is standing
ent_cycle("stand", my.skill21); // play stand frames animation
my.skill21 += 2 * time; // "stand" animation speed
if (my.skill21 > 100) {my.skill21 = 0;} // loop animation

ent_move(player_distance, nullvector);

if (mouse_left == 1) // if we press the left mouse button
my.skill22 = 0; // reset "attack" frames
while (my.skill22 < 100)
ent_vertex(my.sword_tip, 315); // sword tip vertex coords - get the value in Med
ent_vertex(my.sword_base, 293); // sword base vertex coords - get the value in Med
trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable; // ignore me (the player) and all the entities that are passable
trace (my.sword_base, my.sword_tip); // trace between these sword positions
if (result != 0) // the player has hit something
effect (particle_sparks, 10, target, normal);
if (you != null) {you.healthpoints -= 6 * time;} // if it hasn't hit a wall, decrease health
ent_playsound (my, sword_snd, 50); // sword sound
ent_cycle("attack", my.skill22); // play attack frames animation
my.skill22 += 8 * time; // "attack" animation speed
wait (1);
while (mouse_left == 1) {wait (1);} // can't use autofire on a sword :)
wait (1);
while (my.skill23 < 90) // the player is dead
ent_cycle("death", my.skill23); // play death frames animation
my.skill23 += 3 * time; // "death" animation speed
wait (1);
my.passable = on; // the corpse can't be hit by the enemy sword from now on

action enemy_fight // attached to the enemy
enemy = me; // I'm the enemy
enemy.healthpoints = 100; // and I have 100 healthpoints
while (my.healthpoints > 0) // as long as I'm alive
if (vec_dist (my.x, player.x) < 200 && player.healthpoints > 0) // the player approaches the enemy
vec_set(temp, player.x);
vec_sub(temp, my.x);
vec_to_angle(my.pan, temp);
my.tilt = 0; // I'm a maniac :)
enemy_distance.x = 5 * time;
enemy_distance.y = 0;
enemy_distance.z = 0;
ent_move(enemy_distance, nullvector);
ent_cycle("walk", my.skill19); // play walk frames animation
my.skill19 += 5 * time; // "walk" animation speed
if (my.skill19 > 100) {my.skill19 = 0;} // loop animation
if (vec_dist (my.x, player.x) < 50) // if the player comes closer than 50 quants attack him
my.skill20 = 0; // reset "attack" frames
while (my.skill20 < 100)
ent_vertex(my.sword_tip, 291); // sword tip vertex coords - get the value in Med
ent_vertex(my.sword_base, 306); // sword base vertex coords - get the value in Med
trace_mode = ignore_me + ignore_passable;
trace (my.sword_base, my.sword_tip); // trace between these sword positions
if (result != 0) // hit something, could be the player or another enemy
effect (particle_blood, 2, target, normal);
if (you != null) {you.healthpoints -= 4 * time;}
ent_playsound (my, sword_snd, 50); // sword sound
ent_cycle("attack", my.skill20); // play attack frames animation
my.skill20 += 5 * time; // "attack" animation speed
wait (1);
waitt (6); // slows down the enemy and reduces the number of traces per second
else // the player is farther than 200 quants away
ent_cycle("stand", my.skill21); // play stand frames animation
my.skill21 += 2 * time; // "stand" animation speed
if (my.skill21 > 100) {my.skill21 = 0;} // loop animation
wait (1);
while (my.skill22 < 80) // the enemy is dead
ent_cycle("death", my.skill22); // play death frames animation
my.skill22 += 1 * time; // "death" animation speed
wait (1);
my.passable = on; // the corpse can't be hit by the sword from now on

function particle_sparks()
temp.x = random(2) - 1;
temp.y = random(2) - 1;
temp.z = random(1) - 1.5;
vec_add (my.vel_x, temp);
my.alpha = 30 + random(50);
my.bmap = spark_map;
my.size = 10;
my.flare = on;
my.bright = on;
my.move = on;
my.lifespan = 20;
my.function = fade_particle;

function particle_blood()
temp.x = random(2) - 1;
temp.y = random(2) - 1;
temp.z = random(1) - 1.5;
vec_add (my.vel_x, temp);
my.alpha = 70 + random(30);
my.bmap = blood_map;
my.size = 6;
my.flare = on;
my.bright = on;
my.move = on;
my.lifespan = 20;
my.function = fade_particle;

function fade_particle()
my.alpha -= 5 * time;
if (my.alpha < 0) {my.lifespan = 0;}

Posted By: Vadim647

Re: My main.wdl, but no Fullscreen? - 02/10/08 15:50

Insert this happy lines in begin of Main() [A6+]

video_window(nullvector,nullvector,1,"Mittelalter?");//that is your games name?

It will be fullscreen even if it don't wants to.
P.S: Good beginning for a game
Posted By: Crackdown90

Re: My main.wdl, but no Fullscreen? - 02/10/08 16:21

thanks it runs
Posted By: fat32

Re: My main.wdl, but no Fullscreen? - 02/11/08 08:52

u can use this but other way is true

var video_screen = 1; // C-Script: start settings for Fullscreen
Posted By: Nems

Re: My main.wdl, but no Fullscreen? - 02/11/08 20:01

Inside of the run options at the bottom of the it is a set of command lines, remove -win to run full screen, replace to get windows mode back up.
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