NOFLAG1 problem

Posted By: Nagashi

NOFLAG1 problem - 03/11/08 17:01

I'm trying to set FLAG1 to on, for my skycube entity, so I can disable it in my Minimap(space themed)... I can do this manually in WED and get it to work but I don't usually create a BSP boxes for my sky (on a count of them having to be scaled so big to avoid clipping) but I can't seem to accomplish this with just code... if I can get it to work in WED it stands to reason it will work in code? Any advice would be welcome

Posted By: Tobias

Re: NOFLAG1 problem - 03/16/08 05:37


is that what you mean?
Posted By: Nagashi

Re: NOFLAG1 problem - 03/21/08 00:33

Yes, I suppose I should have included some code… I should know better. This is exactly what I mean, this is my code.

//First I create a sky cube.
ENTITY* skycube =
type = "cariad_cube+6.tga";
flags2 = SKY | CUBE | VISIBLE;

//Then I create a second view.
VIEW* camera1_map =
layer = 1;
pos_x = 0;
pos_y = 0;
size_x = 320;
size_y = 240;
arc = 35;
aspect = 1;
ambient = 10;
fog = 10;
genius = NULL;
flags = VISIBLE | NOFLAG1;

//And last I create a simple function
function turn_me_off()

As you can see the code is far from complex. Why will this command not work on sky entities? Or is there no rhyme or reason?
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