In a perfect world how would you do this?...

Posted By: sydan

In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 04/22/08 20:09

Im not seriously suggesting it but what sort of code would you need to make this.

A game where your every action is recorded so that you can go back and replay from any moment as if you had a time machine. Everything in the game would have to be remembered (if only for a limited time period) you could also carry objects with you to realky make things interesting. So how would you do it?

How would you make a real time travel game?
Posted By: Arcaine

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 04/22/08 20:24

I dont know how...but i think this will be a very hard piece for u to realise^^
Posted By: Inestical

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 04/23/08 05:58

using sys_record and sys_replay?
Posted By: flits

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 04/23/08 09:57

saving every handle wat you are doing in a file and then you can load the frame white a reading code

you would need to store much like movement angles animation deletions creation
and some what more
Posted By: Joey

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 04/25/08 09:30

yep. it's already inbuilt, allthough not very known. sys_record and sys_replay, as inestical said.
Posted By: sydan

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 04/26/08 10:59

So this allows you to replay a game from a particular point?
Posted By: Joey

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 04/26/08 17:29

theoretically, yes.
Posted By: Vadim647

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 04/26/08 17:36

Theoretically. At practice, you will need to make a fast forward scroll in replay, or manual setting to time point, or maybe even splitting replays into small parts - just for making avaible returning back for fixed time.

Maybe it will be better to create array per every entity that will record variables 4 times per second and shift last recorded vars back. Maybe it's not easy, because I have seen not many games with this feature.
Posted By: sydan

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 05/11/08 15:54

sys_record and sys_replay are not in the help files. Where can i find them?
Posted By: Vadim647

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 05/11/08 16:14

It is in manual. If you cannot find it, paste this to NotePad and save as html file. (code from manual)
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>sys_record, sys_replay</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <link href="css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> </head> <body link="#000000" vlink="#333333" alink="#666666"> <h2>sys_record(STRING* name,<span class="unpara">var</span> mode)</h2> <h2><span class="TutorialText"> </span> sys_replay(STRING* name) </h2> Records or replays the user input in a file in the <a href="asavedir.htm">savedir</a> folder. This can be used for recording or replaying a demo. <h3>Parameters:</h3> <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td valign="top"><span class="param">name</span></td> <td>name of the file to be recorded or replayed, or NULL to stop recording or replaying.</td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top"><span class="param">mode</span></td> <td><p><b>0</b> - record only keys and mouse buttons (file size ca. 1 kb/sec).<br> <b>1</b> - record keys and mouse movements and buttons (ca. 3 kb/sec).<br> <b>3 </b>- record keys, mouse, and joystick movements and buttons (ca. 10 kb/sec). </p> </td> </tr> </table> <h3>Returns:</h3> &gt; <span class="param">0</span> - operation successful,&nbsp;&lt;= <span class="param">0</span> - operation failed. <h3>Speed:</h3> Medium <h3>Remarks:</h3> <ul> <li> When using <b>sys_record()</b> and <b>sys_replay()</b> during gameplay for recording a demo, execute a <b>game_save()</b> / <b>game_load()</b> instruction before for starting the demo from the same position within the level.</li> <li><span class="tast">[Ctrl-Alt-Esc]</span> stops recording and replaying (development version only). Setting <a href="record_mode">record_mode</a> to 0 also stops recording and replaying.</li> <li> The command line options <b>-rec</b> and <b>-rpl</b> automatically record or replay all keyboard and mouse input from the beginning to the file <b>tape.rec</b> (development version only). Joystick movements and buttons are not recorded. This can be used to reproduce a certain movement sequence for debugging purposes.</li> <li>During replay, the application will still react on hitting keyboard or mouse buttons, but not on mouse or joystick movements.</li> <li>The <a href="atime.htm">time_step</a> and <a href="atime.htm">time_frame</a> variables are recorded and replayed also for precisely reproducing movements. </li> </ul> <h3>Example:</h3> <pre><em>// Record a demo from the current position</em><i> </i>game_save("record",0,SV_ALL-SV_INFO); wait(1); sys_record(&quot;record.rec&quot;,1); ... game_load("record",0); wait(1); sys_replay(&quot;record.rec&quot;);</pre> <h3>See also:</h3> <A href="asave.htm"> <span class="links">game_save</span></A>, <a href="asavedir.htm"></a><A href="aload.htm"><span class="links">game_load</span></A>, <a href="asavedir.htm">savedir</a>,<span class="TutorialText"> </span> <a href="record_mode.htm">record_mode</a> </body> </html>

Posted By: testDummy

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 05/11/08 17:17

(enable?)left forum pane
upper left corner


listed under Game / Video functions
one page for both

emphasis on input?:
Quoting manual:
3 - record keys, mouse, and joystick movements and buttons (ca. 10 kb/sec).

In a 'perfect world' (relative term, but somewhat collectively agreed upon for NOT & term?),
'I/we', Conitec, 3DGS, these forums, etc. would not exist. \:D
(The 'world' is 'perfect' when none (can) claim that it is not?)
Posted By: HeelX

Re: In a perfect world how would you do this?... - 05/11/08 22:00

sys_record and sys_replay are not capable IMHO to get what Sydan is asking for. The problem is, that these functions only record (or replays) the user input. It doesn't record the movement and behavior of other people, objects, physics calculations and so on. When travelling backwards in time, all this stuff has to be "reverted", too, in order to make the process of time stringent. E.g. in a soccer game if a opponent fouled you and you werent able to shot that goal you could travel back in time and runaround him to shot the goal.
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