Is it possible to hide MED groups at runtime?

Posted By: Tracker

Is it possible to hide MED groups at runtime? - 08/17/08 15:10

I have made a human model which consists of 5 groups in MED
(body, sunglasses, headset, pistol, holster).

I know, I could delete e.g. the group 'sunglasses', save the result in a new model and change the models with entmorph at runtime.

But I would like to know, whether it is possible to hide groups at runtime.
In this case, I could use one single model and could hide or unhide the accessories if required.
Is it possible to hide groups in Lite-C at runtime and if not, is this feature planned in near feature?

Posted By: crumply

Re: Is it possible to hide MED groups at runtime? - 08/19/08 23:46

Hmmm, I am a total newbie but could you not put bones at places where you would attach/detach model and then do vec_for_bone()?

Re: Is it possible to hide MED groups at runtime? - 08/20/08 00:03

cant you just replace the skin of the sunglasses group, but change it to a skin that has 0 alpha, so it is transparent?

You can replace skins at runtime. Search the manual.
Posted By: Tracker

Re: Is it possible to hide MED groups at runtime? - 08/20/08 21:52

Thank you for your hints! smile

It's a pity, but I can't use bones functions.
I made this model with Milkshape and imported it in MED.
Unfortunately the mesh at some bones animations is deformed.
Therefore I converted the bones animations in vertex animations.
The vertex animations work fine for me.
Perhaps I could use vertex functions like vec_for_vertex to mark the points of the group and hide the mesh, but it's complecated.
It would be much easier the hide a group over its group number, but it seems that Lite-C has no function to allow this.

It's a nice idea the use transparent skins and make them invisible.
I'll try it out. smile
Posted By: crumply

Re: Is it possible to hide MED groups at runtime? - 08/20/08 22:30

You should request it as a new feature in the requests forum! They might say yes!

That's a nice model btw, do you know a tutorial where I could learn to make one like that?

Posted By: Tracker

Re: Is it possible to hide MED groups at runtime? - 08/21/08 17:08

I'm glad if you like my model. smile
Before I bought GameStudio, I learned to build human models in Milkshape and Ultimate Unwrap with the Counterstike Girl Tutorial.
The CS Girl Tutorial contains about 140 pages and 650 screenshots.
I don't know, if the download links still work, but you can watch the online version here:
CS Girl Tutorial
The big problem with Milkshape is, to export a model with animations correctly to MED.
The only useable way is to use the "Milkshape 3D ASCII Export".
Today, I think, it would be better, to create the whole model in MED.

But this is the wrong thread to discuss this.

My problem is, how to hide MED groups in Lite-C.
There are different commands in MED to hide selected groups (e.g. hide selected, hide unselected, flip, show all).

I would be glad, if anyone of the GameStudio developers would read this and could give me a hint, how to hide MED groups at runtime with Lite-C. smile
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