ent_create function from text file

Posted By: crumply

ent_create function from text file - 08/21/08 23:47


I'm reading from a text file and I want to define a created entity's action by reading a string but it won't let me I get an engine error (E1513). It's the third parameter in ent_create that fails when I put a string in place of NULL. If NULL is there it runs fine but my entity then has no behaviour.

		//Place level objects (inc trees)
			while(eoo < 1){
				file_str_read (fhandle,tempstr);
					eoo = 1;
				} else{
					temppos.x = file_var_read(fhandle);
					temppos.y = file_var_read(fhandle);
					temppos.z = file_var_read(fhandle);

Here's my text file:
palm.mdl	0	0	250	tree
palm.mdl	100	300	250	tree

Posted By: Fenriswolf

Re: ent_create function from text file - 08/22/08 06:58


engine_getscript should do the job.
Posted By: flits

Re: ent_create function from text file - 08/22/08 11:17

it works here

check this 2 things
-is the model realy in the folder and not in a subfolder
- STRING* tempstr = ""; dont forget = ""
Posted By: crumply

Re: ent_create function from text file - 08/22/08 12:48

Well it loads the models and places them without any error, it just doesn't assign them actions frown


How would you go about creating an entity and assigning it a behaviour if you had the entity model, coords and desired behaviour type in a text file?
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