Is this possible?

Posted By: croman

Is this possible? - 10/27/08 13:50


Is it possible to create with 3dgs(ofc) a window without borders and that it has a shape of some panel? something like a bsplayer. that it's not a quad but let's say circle. so is it possible to create round/circle window? smile i hope you understand what i ask
Posted By: Blade280891

Re: Is this possible? - 10/27/08 23:56

I think i understand , do you mean like in windows media player where you can have a small player on screen?

If so , then i don't think it is possible, but i would wait for someone to confirm this.
Posted By: Lukas

Re: Is this possible? - 10/28/08 20:34

You can make a retangle without borders: video_window(0,0,1,0);
but I don't know wether there is a way to make a circle, but I guess it isn't possible.
Posted By: jpxtreme

Re: Is this possible? - 11/02/08 14:25

if you mean a window sprite? then yes it is possible to create circle windows by filling black color to the windows outside area so when you run your level the black area becomes transparent.
Posted By: MMike

Re: Is this possible? - 11/04/08 12:57

what? if you have a black background, that will be transparent??

He talks about those windows SKINS, that are not a regular quad windows, but have a not regular shape, and you can see your desktop behind..

Posted By: MMike

windows border Re: Is this possible? - 01/09/09 22:17

so...i is this possible or not .. im interested too
Posted By: Oxy

Re: windows border Re: Is this possible? - 01/09/09 22:24

Its an interesting question.

basically it should be possible, if the renderer can
render a circular shape, and windows allows the other parts to be transparent.

But: are these shapes of the players "real" trasparent parts,
or do they do some kind of trick, by inserting a "screenshot" of
the desktop background?
Posted By: Quad

Re: windows border Re: Is this possible? - 01/09/09 23:06

no it's not screenshot, because you can select files thorough that trasparent parts.
Posted By: MMike

Re: windows border Re: Is this possible? - 01/09/09 23:19

ok i think gs is not ready for that, but using lite-c can surely manage that right? or somekind of plugin? when the color of the window camera is 0,0,0 that is transparent, etc...

we need some people exploiting .. hhe
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