acknex.exe Application Error - memory could not be read

Posted By: Zelek

acknex.exe Application Error - memory could not be read - 10/30/08 01:51

When I exit my app, I sometimes get the following error a few seconds after the window has closed:
acknex.exe - Application Error

The instruction at "0x10117d9a" referenced memory at "0x746e7a14". The memory could not be "read".

Click on OK to terminate the program
What type of issues typically cause this sort of error? I am using a plugin, and all I can guess is that it's trying to execute a command after the application has technically closed.

Any sort of general info that might help me debug it would be appreciated.
Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: acknex.exe Application Error - memory could not be read - 10/30/08 02:13

When you exit an application that does not automatically mean it is ended in right that second. It only means it has hidden its windows. What you can try is disabling the plugin. Is the error gone? Then you can be pretty sure it is that dll. If the error is still present try disabling larger parts of your code. This way you can surround the error and might get a hint where that bug hides. If the error occurs randomly, probability that you are randomly overwriting something in the memory is pretty high. Could be bad set pointer e.g. Prepare for a tough battle... ;-)

Good luck!
Posted By: EvilSOB

Re: acknex.exe Application Error - memory could not be read - 10/30/08 02:21

A few ideas.

1> The plugin could be causing the issue, it may need to be shut down a certain way.
I know one of the physics plugins needs to be "stopped" in the script before you exit.

2> If you are using MALLOC in your script at all, there may be blocks of memory
still allocated, sometimes causes this issue.

3> If you are using MALLOC in your script at all, you may have "free"ed a block that was already free, this happens to me alot.

4> Disable any API programming if there is any, Ive sometimes had this crash come from apparently functional code.

5> Work intensive, but check though ALL you functions and make sure that if you have used a structure creator [ eg str_create() ]
that you dont lose its pointer at the end of the function without removing it [(str_remove()] first, unless you need to.
Ive gotten the crash you report when Ive been sloppy lke that.

6> Buy a wig... You'll need it after you pull ALL your hair out. wink

Best of luck
Posted By: Ottawa

Re: acknex.exe Application Error - memory could not be read - 10/30/08 22:43


I get this error message when I open SED.

I select OK and proceed.

Posted By: Zelek

Re: acknex.exe Application Error - memory could not be read - 10/31/08 17:09

Thanks much for the info guys, it was greatly appreciated. It turns out that I had a syntax error in a command I was feeding to the plugin which was causing it not execute correctly, but not throw an exception until the application tried to close. Phew, that could have been a lot worse. smile
Posted By: Uhrwerk

Re: acknex.exe Application Error - memory could not be read - 10/31/08 17:54

Glad you solved it that easy. :-)
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