Morph Target Technics?

Posted By: NeoJT

Morph Target Technics? - 02/10/09 10:46

Can i use Morph Target technics with A7 Pro and How it works ?

I tried with ent_getvertex(), ent_setvertex() and ok it's work fine with one vertex.
But if i want to morph up to 50 vertex together?
and i 'm wondering "I must found the wheel ? " or there is other way and how it works ?

Please Help me...
Thx... and (sorry for my english)...
Posted By: Pappenheimer

Re: Morph Target Technics? - 02/10/09 11:28

Don't know, if I understand what you mean.
In blender I've heard the term "morph target" as an addition to bones animation - maybe, I understood that wrong, though.

The model format of 3DGS mdl offers two sort of animations: vertex and bones on a frames basis.
A frame with a certain vertex animation could be such a morph target via ent_blend.

But, only when you don't use bones animations in this model as well, because then the engine ignores the vertex animation.
Posted By: NeoJT

Re: Morph Target Technics? - 02/10/09 12:35

Morph Target is a technic that allows the user to change the shape of a model.
Blender , Maya , Poser and other programs support that technic.

That technic creates 2 models. First model with the first value position of any vertex and Second model with the end value position of the same vertex. for example: a thin man and a fat man.

I want to create a program that a user can change that value with a hslider. Not only select the thin or fat man... but create a model like his own ...

I tried with ent_getvertex and ent_setvertex and it worked fine for only one vertex... but the body has many vertex. I must save all first and end vertex positions from a model to a file .txt. Then i must read that value one by one, i must seperate what num vertex is and where they belongs to(for example vertex num #239, #275, #213 belongs to stomach - #14, #26, #32 belongs to left eye) and i must set the first and end value to vertex one by one... Next, the user can change that value with a hslider... (with that way "i just found the wheel").

My question is: is there another way to change the shape of a model (created with morph target technic) in real time and how can i use it in gamestudio...?

THX ... and i am sorry for my english... (i know... is bad)...
Posted By: HeelX

Re: Morph Target Technics? - 02/10/09 18:20

Currently A7 supports vertex animation or bones for animation.

I was able to achieve combined animation with lipsyncing and facial expressions with bones and weighted vertices for a customer and I think the same technique is applicable to body morphs.

You would make one frame for a general neutral pose and then for each adjustable bodypart another frame with the bones being adjusted. Each character would then save a percentage (like breast size = 90%, stomach size = 60% and hip size = 90%.. for e.g. a woman wink ) for each body part. Each frame the current animation pose would then be ensembled by the animation state, a possible animation blending (from one state to another (e.g. idle -> walk) and last but not least the body part scaling.

Additional stuff like facial expressions and head tracking or else would be just the cream of the crop.

This is doable with A7, but require much handwriting, since these "features" are not delivered out of the box. I could provide you my facial expressions demo if you are interested. I cannot post any material here because I never found money to finance a modeller to create sufficient models and characters to make a public demo and therefore I use my old client's material to show off.

Posted By: NeoJT

Re: Morph Target Technics? - 02/11/09 07:32

Hi Christian...
Thx for info...
if you want send me your demo at .

I would like to learn about facial expressions. I don't care about materials.
i want to learn "morph target" technics and programming with A7.

thx for your help...

Posted By: HeelX

Re: Morph Target Technics? - 02/11/09 16:39

So you don't know how to do them in your modeling suite? If you can't provide models with different morphs my plugin is useless for you.
Posted By: kevinhan

Re: Morph Target Technics? - 05/28/09 06:25

Hi Christian !

I am Making edutainment but it's not real 3d game but very similar.
Our model use normaly 30K to 100K polygons (I know too big in gsme) but we use 1 or 2 model use per lebel.
And we don't need fast reactions.

In case bone animation is perfect with multi weighted vertex
But now we find the big problems !
in case morph(vertex animation) when it integrate to body or head movement, A7 need so many data space !

I beleive you must be smartly solve this problems!
Please send to me the samples and lead to me solve this problem.

My email is

Thanks very much
Kevin Han
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