following paths

Posted By: cartoon_baboon

following paths - 03/21/09 21:43

I've been trying to get objects to follow paths I make in WED.

I've been using this code, including Slin's adjustment:
Check the post here

With one path and one entity there is no problem. However I need different entities (duck1 and duck2) to follow different paths. I tried getting it to work in a rather primitive fashion by defining two entities and then duplicating the action and move function and replacing "duck" with the new instance name. This doesn't work, the entities then seem determined to follow the same path. Any ideas on how I can get different entities to follow different paths?

Btw. I don't necessarily need the entities to search for the closest path, setting a path with set_path or something would also be good.

Thanks a lot in advance!


Posted By: Nomad

Re: following paths - 04/05/09 07:45

Name the paths uniquely for each duck? I did the same a long time ago and it worked well but I wonder what would happen if the ducks were ment to flock together?
If this is the case, you could approach it from the angle that one duck takes a path, the rest follow that one duck with variations in thier flight patterns for realism.
Dont know the real way smile
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