Would someone please help make this jumping script? :)

Posted By: Max_Prower

Would someone please help make this jumping script? :) - 03/26/09 20:49

Hello, everyone! ^^ I've been having a little bit of trouble with this movement script. I managed to get a gravity function working using c_trace and some custom variables:

function gravitation()
	c_trace(mypos,tracepoint, IGNORE_ME);
	airtrace = vec_dist (mypos, target);
		if (airtrace > 50)
		grav.z = -15;

But how can I make a jumping script with c_trace? I've been trying to get my head wrapped around it; but to no avail. I would really appreciate some help. ^^ If possible, if you post me a code could you please teach me how it works as well? :3
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