conversion c-script to lite-c

Posted By: not_me

conversion c-script to lite-c - 04/07/09 22:59

would i need to convert this? and if so can anyone convert it?

MATERIAL* mtl_terrainmulti3 =
	effect = "

//enable: Skin4 Mask on Green
//help: Skin 4 contains a texture masked by the Skin1 green channel.
//help: Dynamic lights are disabled when a shadow map is enabled.

//enable: Shadow Map on Blue
//help: Terrain contains a shadow map on the Skin1 blue channel.
//help: Dynamic lights are disabled when a shadow map is enabled.
//#define SHADOWMAP

//enable: DirectX Lighting
//help: Use the DirectX Lighting Formula for dynamic Lights.
//help: Otherwise use the Conitec Formula that produces smoother light.
//#define DXLIGHTING

	float4x4 matWorld;
	float4x4 matWorldInv;
	float4x4 matWorldView;
	float4x4 matWorldViewProj;

	float4 vecSunDir;
	float4 vecSunDiffuse = float4(200.f/255.f, 200.f/255.f, 200.f/255.f, 1.f);
	float4 vecFog;
	float4 vecLight;

	Texture entSkin1; // Red/green for blending, blue for shadow
	Texture entSkin2; // Basic tiled terrain texture
	Texture entSkin3; // Red masked tiled texture
	Texture entSkin4; // Green masked tiled texture

	float4 vecSkill41;

	float4 vecLightPos[8];	 // preset this with light positions (xyz) and ranges (w)
	float4 vecLightColor[8]; // preset this with light colors
	float3 vecFalloff = float3(0.f, 0.f, 1.5f);

	sampler sMaskTex = sampler_state
		Texture = <entSkin1>;
		MipFilter = LINEAR;
		MinFilter = LINEAR;
		MagFilter = LINEAR;
		AddressU = Wrap;
		Addressv = Wrap;

	sampler sBaseTex = sampler_state
		Texture = <entSkin2>;
		MipFilter = LINEAR;
		MinFilter = LINEAR;
		MagFilter = LINEAR;
		AddressU = Wrap;
		Addressv = Wrap;

	sampler sRedTex = sampler_state
		Texture = <entSkin3>;
		MipFilter = LINEAR;
		MinFilter = LINEAR;
		MagFilter = LINEAR;
		AddressU = Wrap;
		Addressv = Wrap;

	sampler sGreenTex = sampler_state
		Texture = <entSkin4>;
		MipFilter = LINEAR;
		MinFilter = LINEAR;
		MagFilter = LINEAR;
		AddressU = Wrap;
		Addressv = Wrap;

// return the sun light on the surface
	float4 DoSunLight(float3 N)
// modulate the sunlight by the surface angle
		return vecSunDiffuse * dot(N,-vecSunDir);

// return the dynamic light on the surface
	float4 DoPointLight(float3 P, float3 N, int i)
// calculate the light ray pointing from the light to the surface
		float3 D = (float3)vecLightPos[i]-P;
// calculate the angle between surface and light ray
		float NdotL = dot(N,normalize(D));
// modulate the light by the surface angle
		float4 Color = vecLightColor[i] * NdotL;

// calculate the light attenuation factor, DX uses a really strange formula here
		float fac = 0.f;
		if (NdotL >= 0.f && vecLightPos[i].w > 0.f)
// get the distance factor
			float LD = length(D)/vecLightPos[i].w;
			if (LD < 1.3f)
				fac = 1.f/(vecFalloff.x + vecFalloff.y*LD + vecFalloff.z*LD*LD);
#else  // linear Lighting
			if (LD < 1.f)
				fac = 1.f - LD;
		return Color * fac;

	float DoFog(float3 Pos)
// convert the vector position to view space to get it's depth (.z)
		float3 P = mul(Pos,matWorldView);
// apply the linear fog formula
   		return saturate((vecFog.y-P.z) * vecFog.z);

	struct TMULTI_VS_OUT // Output to the pixelshader fragment
		float4 Pos : POSITION;
		float4 Color: COLOR0;
		float  Fog: FOG;
		float2 MaskCoord : TEXCOORD0;
		float2 BaseCoord : TEXCOORD1;
		float2 RedCoord : TEXCOORD2;
		float2 GreenCoord : TEXCOORD3;

		float4 inPos : POSITION,
		float3 inNormal : NORMAL,
		float2 inTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0)

// transform the vector position to screen coordinates
		Out.Pos = mul(inPos,matWorldViewProj);

// rotate and normalize the normal
		float3 N = normalize(mul(inNormal,matWorldInv));
		//float3 N = normalize(inNormal);
		float3 P = mul(inPos,matWorld);
// Add ambient and sun light
		Out.Color = vecSkill41.w + DoSunLight(N);
// Add 6 dynamic lights (maximum for vs 1.1)
		for (int i=0; i<6; i++)
			Out.Color += DoPointLight(P,N,i);
// Add fog
		Out.Fog = DoFog(inPos);

// scale the texture coordinates for the masked textures
		Out.MaskCoord = inTexCoord0.xy;
		Out.BaseCoord = inTexCoord0.xy * vecSkill41.x;
		Out.RedCoord = inTexCoord0.xy * vecSkill41.y;
		Out.GreenCoord = inTexCoord0.xy * vecSkill41.z;
		return Out;

	float4 TMulti_PS(TMULTI_VS_OUT In): COLOR
// retrieve the pixels for the textures and the masks
		float4 MaskColor = tex2D(sMaskTex,In.MaskCoord);
		float4 BaseColor = tex2D(sBaseTex,In.BaseCoord);
		float4 RedColor = tex2D(sRedTex,In.RedCoord);

// blend the red and green textures over the base texture
		float4 GreenColor = tex2D(sGreenTex,In.GreenCoord);
		float4 BaseRed = lerp(BaseColor,RedColor,MaskColor.r);
		float4 FinalColor = lerp(BaseRed,GreenColor,MaskColor.g);
		float4 FinalColor = lerp(BaseColor,RedColor,MaskColor.r);

// Add the vertex light or shadow map, plus the entity ambient
		FinalColor *= MaskColor.b + vecSkill41.w;
		FinalColor *= In.Color;
		FinalColor.a = 1.0f;	// prevent transparency
		return FinalColor;

	technique tmulti3
		pass one
			sampler[0] = (sMaskTex);
			sampler[1] = (sBaseTex);
			sampler[2] = (sRedTex);
			sampler[3] = (sGreenTex);

			VertexShader = compile vs_1_1 TMulti_VS();
			PixelShader = compile ps_1_1 TMulti_PS();

// C-Script stuff /////////////////////////////////////////////////////

#define ScaleSkin2,SKILL2;
#define ScaleSkin3,SKILL3;
#define ScaleSkin4,SKILL4;

// uses: ScaleSkin2 ScaleSkin3 ScaleSkin4
action terrain_multi3
	if (d3d_shaderversion < 1111) {
		if (ent_skins(my) >= 5)	{ = 5; }	// use skin 5 for non-shader hardware
		return; }

	my.material = mtl_terrainmulti3;

	if (my.ScaleSkin2) {
		my.skill41 = my.ScaleSkin2; }
	else {
//entry: Skin2 default scale
//help: Number of tiles in x/y direction for Skin 2 (Base Texture).
//help: Set this to 1 for an untiled texture.
		my.skill41 = 15; }

	if (my.ScaleSkin3) {
		my.skill42 = my.ScaleSkin3; }
	else {
// entry: Skin3 default scale
// help: Number of tiles in x/y direction for Skin 3 (red masked texture).
		my.skill42 = 15; }

	if (my.ScaleSkin4) {
		my.skill43 = my.ScaleSkin4; }
	else {
// entry: Skin4 default scale
// help: Number of tiles in x/y direction for Skin 4 (green masked texture).
		my.skill43 = 15; }

	my.skill41 = float(my.skill41);
	my.skill42 = float(my.skill42);
	my.skill43 = float(my.skill43);
	my.skill44 = float(my.ambient/100);

Posted By: Spirit

Re: conversion c-script to lite-c - 04/12/09 09:57

Why? The terrain shaders that come with Gamestudio are for lite-C anyway and must not be converted.
Posted By: not_me

Re: conversion c-script to lite-c - 04/16/09 21:47

okay...was just wondering. because when i apply this some weird stuff happens...(error messages of DEATH)
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